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Dupytrens in arms?
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07/26/2001 23:11

not registered

07/26/2001 23:11

not registered

Dupytrens in arms?

I am 42M with DC in both hands and a nodule on right foot.

Within the past 6 months I have began to feel occasional numbness in my arms. More recently my left arm is becoming numb from elbow to fingers regularly.

Has anyone else had similar problems with arms connected to DC? (I don’t know that the two are actually connected but I feel that they are in my case.)

Thank you
Bret Chilcott
Neodesha, KS

07/28/2001 23:09
James Gardner

not registered

07/28/2001 23:09
James Gardner

not registered

Numbness in arms

I have also noted occasional numbness in my arms. My feet are also getting numb now and this is concerning me as much as my hands. I've also noted what I thought was tennis elbow( I don't play tennis)if I carry anything heavy that stretches my fingers that are Dup affected. Sure wish the injections were available now. James

08/03/2001 23:33
08/03/2001 23:33
Dupuytren~sq~s and dull ache

I recently became a "Dupy" and am 32. My family comes from Northern Europe so this is inherited. I have read some of the postings here and thought I'd add mine. I don't drink and have thyroid problems. My great grandmother had hers removed. Not sure if all this is related but thought I'd add it. It is possible other family members were "Dupy's" too, it was thought they had arthritis. I have no other medical problems and this is the first surgery for me.

The pit/nodule appeared in May and by July it was the size of a dime on my left hand. I am scheduled for surgery in late August. I work with my hands a lot, I am mainly right handed but also ambidextrous. I have noticed if I use my left hand too much (like I always do), it will swell up and a dull ache will run up my arm to my shoulder. Sometimes the ache is more than dull. I haven't seen my fingers curl yet but I do see the possible cord being formed.

Doctor's say this disease is painless, I disagree with that. The discomfort of the ache can be annoying and that is just as bad as a shooting pain.

09/27/2001 23:56
09/27/2001 23:56
Update to previous posting

Hello, I had my surgery to remove the bump in my hand. All went well. Biopsy said it was a "Palmar Fibertosis" not Dupuytrene's as originally thought. If another bump appears 10 or so years from now, then Dupy might be considered. I fall into the category for Dupy but I pray no more bumps appear. Take care to all. Cathy

09/29/2002 23:24
joni morrow

not registered

09/29/2002 23:24
joni morrow

not registered

Pain in the arm

Yes, I have pain in my left arm. Have had two surgeries on left and right hands...however, my left arm is very sensitive and aches. I will wake up at night and it will be hurting. Doctor said it wan't Dupe...I disagreed.

09/29/2002 23:24
joni morrow

not registered

09/29/2002 23:24
joni morrow

not registered

Pain in the arm

Yes, I have pain in my left arm. Have had two surgeries on left and right hands...however, my left arm is very sensitive and aches. I will wake up at night and it will be hurting. Doctor said it wan't Dupe...I disagreed.

09/29/2002 23:20
09/29/2002 23:20
pain in the arm

I never thought of mentioning it here, but I often have some 'feeling' in my forearms that resembles a light tendinitis.

10/01/2002 23:48
10/01/2002 23:48

Finally had to intervene!

I discussed this issue early today with a very knowledgeable Certified Occupational hand therapist. She acknowledges the fact that arms are tied to the hands. (PUN)

As the cords tighten, they exert unnatural pressure upon arm muscles and tendons, ergo the pain.

11/19/2006 23:25
Henry Kayulu

not registered

11/19/2006 23:25
Henry Kayulu

not registered


To: Anyone with some answers and guidance

My name is Henry and I am desperate boyfriend of one of the most amazing individual that I have ever encoutered.

To many and even family members, she is perceived as a ordinary individual. In my eyes, she is the best thing that has ever happened to me, since being granted the freedom and citizen become a citizen of the United States.

We have spent 2.5 wonderful years and we are now looking forward to our third year anniversary this coming July.

2 years ago, I began to learn about the illness and challenges that this wonderful person is faced with day in and out.

First is Duputren and second I believe is called pylori. This particular illness is forcing her to have periodic lactuating weight loss. This is definitely a discussion

The focus is this letter is reach out and seek some type of help. This is bigger than me. No matter how much I love her, her illeness remain to take control of her life and Iam looking for help, answers from anyone.

I am lost in the sea of depression and this is my message in a bottle.

11/19/2006 23:43
Henry Kayulu

not registered

11/19/2006 23:43
Henry Kayulu

not registered


To: Anyone with some answers and guidance,

My name is Henry and I am the desperate boyfriend of one of the most amazing individuals that I have ever encountered.

To many and even family members, she is perceived as an ordinary individual. In my eyes, she is the best thing that has ever happened to me, since being granted the freedom and my American citizenship.

We have spent 2.5 wonderful years together and we are now looking forward to our third year anniversary this coming July.

During the course of our relationship, she has gone through countless doctor appointments, myriad invasive testings but we still have no answers.

2 years ago, I began to learn about the illness and challenges that this wonderful person is faced with day in and out.

First is Dupytren's contracture and second I believe is called pylori. This particular illness is forcing her to have periodic fluctuating weight loss. This is completely a different discussion.

The focus of this letter is to reach out and seek some type of help. This challenge is bigger than me. No matter how much I love her, her illness remains to take control of her life and I am looking for help, answers from anyone.

I am lost in the sea of depression and this is my message in a bottle.

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appointments   relationship   Occupational   individual   encountered   knowledgeable   individuals   acknowledges   discussion   particular   ambidextrous   wonderful   looking   challenges   citizenship   answers   illness   depression   Dupuytren~sq~s   anniversary