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Needle Aponevrotomy experiences
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10/31/1999 23:09
julie sherman

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10/31/1999 23:09
julie sherman

not registered

Needle Aponevrotomy experiences

My father is a professional musician and has Dupuytren's Disease. He has had surgery performed on both hands but the condition has not improved. Someone mentioned Needle Aponevrotomy to him and suggested he visit a surgeon in France. Can anyone else tell me more about this procedure and whether it has proven successful.

11/07/1999 23:10
Robin Hames

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11/07/1999 23:10
Robin Hames

not registered

Needle Aponevrotomy experiences

Hi Julie,

I suffer from Dupuytren's in both my hands, and underwent an operation on my left hand about two years ago. I found the condition rapidly came back, and by the beginning of this year my hand was worse than ever. I heard about the needle aponevrotomy through the web, and decided to give it ago. The procedure is carried out at a hospital in Paris, and costs about 200FF. However when I contacted them to make an appointment in June this year, I found there was a three month waiting list. The treatment is carried out by a Dr Badois at the hospital. He also has a private clinic where he can carry out the treatment. The cost of a private session was 900FF. I decided to go ahead with a private session, and was able to arrange the treatment by email with Dr Badois (I don't have his email address to hand, but you should be able to get is from the web site below).

The treatment took about 30 minutes to perform, and is carried out under local anaesthetic. It basically involves using a needle to cut the cords under the skin. The major advantage of this treatment is that the disruption to the patients life is minimal, and the side effects are much less than with an operation.

To compare, when I had the operation, I had two weeks off work (people involved in heavy manual work require longer - my father had at least six weeks off for every operation he had), and it left a lot of scar tissue on the hand and finger. Also the results were not particularly good. I never regained full movement, and the Dupuytren's came back very quickly.

When I had the needle aponevrotomy, I had an appointment on a Friday afternoon, so I took one day off work. I travelled to Paris from London in the morning, saw some of the sites, then made my way to Dr Badios' clinic. The clinic was very easy to find, but did involve a suburban train trip from the centre of Paris, followed by a bus trip for a couple of miles. After the treatment, a light dressing was placed on the hand. I found it was quite sore, and I was not able to use it straight away. I then returned to London that evening. I was able to remove the dressing on the sunday, and was back at work on the Monday.

The treatment was carried out in July this year. Now four months later, I am finding the Dupuytren's is returning, but no faster than it did after the operation. I am therefore very glad I had this treatment as for me it provide the same relief as an operation, but with out the disruption or scaring.

One of the problems with my hand was that because I had had an operation previously, the scar tissue left from this made the needle aponevrotomy much more difficult than it would be on a clean hand. Because of this Dr Badois felt that he would not be able to restore the hand as much as he would like. However, he examined my right hand and felt that when the the Dupuytren's gets too bad, he would be able to completely restore the movement. I have to say that even with the limits placed on him by the scar tissue in my left hand, Dr Badois still did a very good job, and I was very pleased with the results. I will certainly have this treatment on my right hand when it gets too bad, unless there is any new treatment available.

The web site below gives more detailed information on the treatment, and the contact details for Dr Badois and the hospital. Dr Badois can speak very good English, and I had no problems making the arrangements for the treatment, even though I do not speak a word of French.


I hope this is of help to you and your father. If you can travel to Paris easily, I would certainly recommend trying the treatment.

Best Regards


12/18/1999 23:04

not registered

12/18/1999 23:04

not registered


Thank you for your email. Below are the details of Dr. Badois:
Email address: dr.f.badois@wanadoo.fr

web site: http://assoc.wanadoo.fr/f.badois-dupuytren

Hospital: Viggo Petersen Center-Lariboisiere Hospital, 6, rue Guy Patin, 75010, Paris, France Tel: 01 49 95 63 06.

He also has a private office: 13 Avenue du General De Gaulle, 95230,
Tel: 01 30 40 53 88.
The easiest way to contact him by email and this way you can easily make an
appointment. It is well worth it I promise.

If I can be of any further help please email me again.

Good Luck

12/20/1999 23:28
Roni Olsen

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12/20/1999 23:28
Roni Olsen

not registered

needle aponevrotomy

Can you recommend any doctors in the US who are experienced with Needle Aponevrotomy.
Thank you,
Roni Olsen

06/13/2000 23:54
D Beason

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06/13/2000 23:54
D Beason

not registered

Non-Surgical Cure ?

Hope you can help!

I’m new to the Dupuytren's Forum, but not to Dupuytren's that showed up about 10 years ago. Had surgery on my left hand 2 years ago but Dupuytren's is now back in the L hand worse than ever. So I know from experience surgery is only a stopgap.

I know about the French Needle so I am very interested in info about non-surgical cures. Question:

1) Are there any legit non-surgical cures? Who and where?
2) Is the SUNY Stony Brook cure near going public? Any info on the status?
3) Are there any doctors (or anyone else) doing injections? Who and where?

Please help with any info you have. I don’t want any more surgery!


10/09/2001 23:36

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10/09/2001 23:36

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Contact Hospital

Penny Perry
2 Fairlie House
21 Pantile Walk
E-mail: penkite@kenkraft.freeserve.co.uk

Dear Sirs,
I have E-mailed and sent a letter to your Doctor Lermisiaux but have had no reply so I do not know whether he has received my request.
Would it be possible for somebody to e-mail me just to let me know if my information has been received. I realise that you must be very busy but I would appreciate an acknowledgement to make sure that my mail has arrived at your hospital.
Thank you, Penny Perry

‘Dear Doctor Jean-Luc Lermusiaux,
Recently in The Daily Mail I read an article by one of your former patients, Charles Passant.He had recieved Non Surgical Treatment for Dupuytren's Disease at your Paris clinic and I am writing to you in hope that you can do the same for me.
MY CASE HISTORY I was diagnosed with Dupuytren's disease approximately 5 years ago and after a long wait I had surgery on my right hand in December of last year (2000). Last year my left hand also developed the disease.
Right Hand: I had approximately 22 stitches and the surgeon was unable to straighten the fourth finger, the contraction had progressed too far. By March of this year there were signs that the disease was returning (itching & swelling) It is now September and lumps have grown in my right palm and below the second joint of my fourth finger. My hand is starting to tighten up.
Left Hand: My left hand is also showing signs of Dupuytren's disease but only in the palm below the third & fourth fingers. No sign of anything in the fingers yet.
I have visited your website and have seen the before/after pictures and I am amazed by the success of this procedure Could you please let me know if you can help me with my problem and what arrangements I would need to make Do I need an initial consultation with you before the actual operation?The article stated that the operation lasted only 20mins and only a local anesthetic is used so there is no need for a stay in hospital.
I look foward to your reply with great optimism and would like to take this opportunity to congratulate you on your work pioneering the non surgical treatment of Dupuytren's disease.
Thankyou, Yours in anticipation,
Penny Perry’

10/09/2001 23:16
Jim H

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10/09/2001 23:16
Jim H

not registered

needle aponevrotomy

Penny, you are posting your message to the wrong forum - go to www.dupuytren.org and click on 'forum'...

01/11/2002 23:53

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01/11/2002 23:53

not registered

needle aponevrotomy

Does anyone know of a doctor in the US that has knowledge of this procedure?

04/26/2002 23:58
Pat Galligan

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04/26/2002 23:58
Pat Galligan

not registered

Needle Aponevrotomy

Please forward the name and address of a good Doctor qualified in the USA to perform a Needle Aponevrotomy.

07/21/2002 23:42

not registered

07/21/2002 23:42

not registered

need MD in US who performs aponeurotomy

Please send me names (with addresses and telephone numbers) of physicians in the US who have successfully and repeatedly performed Dr. Badois' aponeurotomy operation.

Does anyone have personal follow-up experience beyond 1 year? I would like to know if this operation is beneficial for just the short-term or longer.

Thank you.

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