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Dr. Denkler
03/12/2006 23:49

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03/12/2006 23:49

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Dr. Denkler

I have just returned from a visit to Dr. Denkler in Larkspur California. When I arrived, my right ring finger was contracted 40 degrees (+). One hour later, my right hand had all fingers flat on the table! No pain during the procedure, and I have had none since. IMHO - this procedure was the absolute best solution for our problem. Considering surgery should be only a very last resort!

There were two other Doctors in attendance as observers during my procedure. Both from Oregon and both associated with VA. Both had done the surgical procedures, and both were very very impressed with the simplicity and the results of the NA procedure. By this time next week there will also be a Doc from Kaiser-Permanente in California who will have spent time observing Dr. Denkler.

My sincere thanks to BioSpecifics for hosting this forum, and to the many folks who have provided guidance, suggestions, and commentary on these pages over the years. These things have saved me from major surgery, 6-8 weeks of rehab, much pain, and a huge expenditure of funds.

Thanks !!!!!!!
Clarence Woodcock

03/12/2006 23:44
Randy H.

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03/12/2006 23:44
Randy H.

not registered

A Moment of Celebration

Clarence, thanks for that *very* significant post. It has become quite clear that Dr. Denkler is apparently willing to do what Dr. Eaton's layers will not allow: Teach other doctors. Being French Trained himself, I feel we should all be satisfied with the level of insight his trainees will come away with. This creates a new category of expertise other that (FT) French Trained. Finally we will have those instructed by North Americans who have been trained in France. How many letters does it take to signify that? (TBCHSWFT) :-)

You can't fault Eaton for listening to his lawyers. However, Denkler's more aggressive approach apparently extends beyond his surgical table. While Eaton is recording *loads* of meticulous clinical data, Denkler is busy expanding the "list" of properly trained surgeons. An East and West coast two pronged attack. :)

As the NA movement begins to spread exponentially, at some point the issue of French Training is going to be less and less of a pedigree. This will take on a life of it's own and our job will be done. We all know that in the end this sight's amazing influence and contribution will be forgotten. But, will American CHS give the French the full credit they deserve for 35 years of work? That will be interesting, and the *final* controversy surrounding NA.

Meanwhile, back to work. We're far from done.

03/12/2006 23:25
03/12/2006 23:25
post op info

make that more than 6 months of rehab after surgery !

I've had 3 NA procedures w Dr Eaton and would hope I can have more if needed in the future.
However as I've posted before, I had to have surgery on 3 fingers of the left hand.
Surgery was successful in that day after surgery all fingers were perfectly flat. Surgery was 11/22/05.
Now after 4 months of PT- the middle and ring fingers do not lay flat anymore and I can make a fist but cannot open my hand very much rendering it useless, really-
This is unfortunate and perhaps due to the fact that I am a diebetic

I sure pray that no surgery will be needed again on this hand as I dont think I could handle the pain and agony of it all.

Good luck to you all out there
GO FOR NA- it works.

Hopefully we wil have a CHS that will do NA here in Seattle too one of these days, tho I dont mind the trip to Jupiter :>)
Feel free to email me anytime if anyone wants more info.

03/13/2006 23:02

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03/13/2006 23:02

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I to have dups, I have it in both hands and In 3 fingers in both. Only noticed it a year ago but I can feel cords down into my palm and it seems as though I am getting a thickening at the base of my fingers. I still have no contracture and can lay my hands flat. I am hoping it will stay like this for a while . I was wondering, you said you had surgery on one hand. What would not make you a candidate for NA. Is it only if you let it progress to far?

Best wishes to all


03/13/2006 23:04
Randy H.

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03/13/2006 23:04
Randy H.

not registered

Scar Tissue

miriam, JD, excuse me for butting in here but the answer to both questions is *Scar Tissue*.

miriam, as the wound(s) from OS heal, internal scar tissue is formed that is harder and has far less elasticity than normal tissue. Depending on the location of the scar tissue, it can draw down the joint, even though it started straight. My pinkie PIP went form near Zero after OS to abut 20 degrees over time, regardless of everything I did to keep it straight. I was told this is normal.

JD: NA is best performed on virgin skin. Scar tissue form previous OS can prevent the later use of NA. Yet another reason to exhaust the effectiveness of NA before moving up the ladder to the far more invasive OS. It's always there as a backup if and when NA is eventually ruled out.

Though best done as soon as it is possible, NA can be effective almost any time. But like OS, the later you do it (especially in a PIP joint) the less chance of full correction. See Eaton's site for a wealth of info: http://www.handcenter.org/newfile16.htm

09/18/2006 23:45

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09/18/2006 23:45

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Degrees Contractions

Degrees Contraction form

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