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04/17/2005 23:21

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04/17/2005 23:21

not registered

Eaton~sq~s radio & Sinatra

Randy, let's ease off the gas pedal for a minute. Yes, Eaton's radio station is rather charming and unique. A local feel reminiscent of the days when there was actually local programming. I had forgotten about it until you brought it up.

I just read that Frank Sinatra experienced persistant pain following surgery for Dupuytren's when he was 55 years old. Since his father was Sicilian it must have come from his northern Italian mother's side. Can't you see it?... "Look doc, if dis'operation don't work Jilly's gonna make your fingers look like a Coney Island pretzel, get da picture?"

04/17/2005 23:06

not registered

04/17/2005 23:06

not registered

Time line of this Forum

I think all newbies who read through the forum must understand that the forum as a whole has gone through transition therefore must look at the dates of posts before using someones words againsts them - particularly if the words were several years ago.

This forum has transitioned over the years from:

1) discussion of collegenase and surgery *only* to...

2) The nature of Dupuytren's to...

3) The addition of a few posts about NA/France....to

4) A few more people getting NA and posting but surgery and Collegenase were still the main topics....to

5) A few more people getting NA then telling others to try it....this incited surgery proponents thus causing heated discussions on both sides ...which resulted in...

6) A constant barrage of arguments from both sides which at times decended into mudslinging from both positions. As more patients returned from France the numbers willing to argue about NA and direct newbies France grew and grew but surgery only people would not relent thus leveling off the fighting which had now spread to a second forum...the one from France... Then...

7) The discussions changed when the news of NA reached an openminded American surgeon who then went to France to observe/learn about this procedure. He brought it back and began treating patients with NA regularly... thus...

8)A large amount of people were treated with NA therefor many posts of thanks were made...silencing the surgery only proponenets...but as time went by...

9) It was found that some hands had quick relapse....this caused a pause on both sides...we thought we had the be-all-end-all answer with NA but...this sadly proved to not be the case...

10) Patients with quick relapse were asked to give their medical history/age...etc...which they did...these questions reveled that DC patients (particularly the young) were more prone to relapse....Discussions followed about NA vs Surgery...both sides came to the conclusion that NA and Surgery *BOTH* have a place in the treatment of DC, and that it was patient choice as to which to do first - depending on their family history, age...etc...

11) When newbies came and had not heard of NA despite the fact that there has been a US surgeon performing it for over one year....frustration/objection were voiced in that DC patients were not being given the option of NA but rather sent directly to surgery without their knowledge of it's existance.

12) NA supporters remained on this forum with a new resolve...they expanded their goal to surgeon education and recruitment rather then patient education only.

Using our words from old arguments is unfair..you were not here at the time of the discussions...use what you see today...not words from years ago....right now...today...you will find reasonable, helpful people from both sides.

Please understand, those of us who have been here for years have stayed here because we want patients to have choice...and that choice to be available in every city in North America...for this to happen people like ourselves must keep the converstation going...and we have.


04/17/2005 23:14
Gerry Widen

not registered

04/17/2005 23:14
Gerry Widen

not registered

Some observations

After following this forum for about a year and making a few posts myself I have come to a few conclusions.

NA definitely seems to work for people with stage 1 or 2 finger curls and somewhat with stage 3. So following general medical progression progressing from least invasive to more invasive, it seems to make sense before going to open surgery to at least investigate and see a hand doctor who performs NA for an evaluation first. Unfortunately at this time most hand surgeons have never heard of NA and mostly will recommend traditional surgery as a solution once the finger curl reaches later stages. That is why it seems to make sense to see a NA practitioner first. In most cases they also do OS so their opinion should be less biased as they can perform either one.

If traditional open surgery becomes the preferred choice from what I can gather from posters here the choice of the surgeon is most important decision you can make. It is apparent that OS is very technical and complicated. Some people have their hands almost destroyed or disfigured from surgeons that don't seem to know what they are doing leading to many months of painful and unsuccessful physical therapy. On the other hand (pun intended) many people report complete success after OS having fully restored hands in a few months. In many cases DC has not returned. So obviouisly no matter how strongly ones feels about NA this course of action can work.This is the reason IMO there is so much controversy about this course of action on the forum.

So the message is if you opt for OS do your homework. Ask how many OS the doctor has done. Ask for references of his patients. Call the occupational therapists in the area and ask their opinions who is the best surgeon in the area for DC. Don't be shy it is your hand(s). However it makes sense to me after you have been diagnosed with DC to at least check out the least invasive option first. NA. Then go from there.

04/17/2005 23:35
anyone USA

not registered

04/17/2005 23:35
anyone USA

not registered

just a thought

I checked out this site and DAM! it looks like one or two people talking to themselves. Maybe s lot of people check in and think the cuer is near or here with N A. Don't think I will be back my hand hurts but you people hurt worse.
good luck to the innocents!
my thought on this ill will someties site

04/17/2005 23:06
04/17/2005 23:06

Who are these "surgery only people" you refer? I spoke with my surgeon about NA before my surgery and always said that I would consider it for the next procedure on my other hand, when the time would come. I believe that was before you showed up on this board.
I also have said, that it would be a difficult decision since the fasciectomy on my hand was so successful.
Every time I mentioned that my surgery was very successful, I was taken to task for having a fasciectomy, even though, it would have been very difficult (85 degrees, PIP) for me to have had NA. When I mentioned that people could get a fasciotomy in the U.S. if they couldn't get to France, somehow that sparked a controversy with people who were adamant about NA as the only option.

After three years my hand is functional and looks the same as it was previous to Dupuytren's, so naturally the decision will be a difficult one. As each year goes by without problems, I'm guessing that for me, I would lean toward another fasciectomy on my other hand. If Dupuytren's would become a problem (starts contracting)in the near future I would weigh the options.

So I ask, who were all of these "surgery only" people you (and others) were arguing with?

04/17/2005 23:31

not registered

04/17/2005 23:31

not registered


Does the name Gary Neuschwanger ring a bell?

04/17/2005 23:31
Randy H.

not registered

04/17/2005 23:31
Randy H.

not registered


Tommy: Thanks for the much needed levity. Gas peddle off.
Anon: I nominate you Forum Historian.....Seconds?
Sean: You're right. "Surgery Only" folks are rather scarce around here. They do the research and become "Both/And", as we both have become.

04/17/2005 23:09

not registered

04/17/2005 23:09

not registered


Hi Sean,

Jeepers, everytime I try to build bridges you tear them down.

I'm not going to go through hundreds of old messages to prove you wrong - there *were* 'surgery-only' proponents, just as there are today amoungst the medical community - and, you *know* it. NA was, and still is, criticized because it is performed 'blind', nerve damage being the concern.

As for your hurt feelings - we all got our feelings hurt.
Move on.



04/17/2005 23:44
Senor Ultimo

not registered

04/17/2005 23:44
Senor Ultimo

not registered

Gary Neuschwanger

Pity his relatives, neighbors.

04/17/2005 23:48
Randy H.

not registered

04/17/2005 23:48
Randy H.

not registered


Senior......you just crack me up. /Gary Who? :-)

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