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lycopene benefits?
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09/12/2005 23:09

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09/12/2005 23:09

not registered

lycopene benefits?

hello fellow dup sufferers: I have posted a few times previously under different topics. I have had NA performed twice before, once in Switzerland and once in Calif. most recently, both with satisfying results. This post addresses a possible benefit lycopene might provide to alleviate symptoms and progression of this fibrotic process. (search: lycopene) However, I came about this thinking about lycopene in an entirely different manner. Each year a pick a different vegetable to grow in large numbers. This year was tomatoes. 50 plants of different varieties. Way more than we can handle, but have been eating tomatoes for a month now in large quantities. Both my hands have "calmed" down significantly. I realize this is strictly empirical and might be just coincidence, ie. an unrelated state of remission. But maybe not, so thought I'd share my experience. Will keep updates if anyone is interested. Best to all, Jey

09/13/2005 23:36
Wolfgang Wach

not registered

09/13/2005 23:36
Wolfgang Wach

not registered


Jey, keep posting! Tomatoes as a means for relief sounds interesting. You describe that your Dupuytren "calmed" down, does that mean that
a) the growth of the nodules slowed down
b) pain got less
c) you could strech fingers better
d) nodules disappeared?
How would you describe your stage of the disease? You had NA, so I guess your nodules/cords are fairly big?

You contribute the improvement to eating a lot of tomatoes, do you think it makes a difference eating them raw or cooked (e.g. with pasta ...)? Could the effect possibly also come from harvesting the tomatoes, i.e. handling a lot of tomatoe plants?

Just a few questions, being curious ...


09/14/2005 23:29

not registered

09/14/2005 23:29

not registered


Wolfgang, I've enjoyed many of your posts, so thought I'd respond. Basically what I've noticed is just being less aware of the ever ongoing reminders we get daily from our hands that we have this disorder. Yes, less pain from banging a nodule or chord or a stiff handshake, less tingling episodes, less noticable inflammation, more a feeling of dormantcy, ie. inactive nodules and chords, less swelling at nodules and chords etc. It's only been six weeks since my last NA, which adds another factor to the mix. Dr. Denkler in Calif did the NA this time much more aggressively than Dr. Rappoport did in Switzerland two years ago. Dr. Denkler did NA on all of my cords involving varying degrees of contracture as well as surprizingly all of the nodules , even those not involved in contracture. This surprized me at first because I hadn't heard of NA on nodules before, and my hands hurt a little more and a little longer after the NA, but I think it was not only effective relieveing contracture but also partially resolved the two nodules he worked on. So is it the NA or are the tomatoes (lycopene) helping, I really don't know but will continue to monitor. I've had Dup now 20 plus years so have experienced lots of varying symptoms. LOL Jey

09/14/2005 23:58

not registered

09/14/2005 23:58

not registered


Has anyone ever tried acupunture for DC? Just curious.
Also, Jey, where in Calif is Dr. Denkler?
Thanks, Carol

09/14/2005 23:50
Randy H.

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09/14/2005 23:50
Randy H.

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Large Quantities?


I too was surprised at how extensive my NA treatment was. A large nodule in the center of my palm was essentially cut in half and other palm chords were broken, or at least weakened. Not every attempt to disrupt Dups tissue was successful, but every attempt to bomb and strafe the enemy was made.

I'm going to guess that American CHS will be more aggressive than the French non-surgeons. This may be slightly more invasive, but this aggressive approach may, in fact, disrupt the disease and slow it down more than the original less aggressive French approach.

With this above possibility in mind, you might not be able to isolate the effect of the tomatoes unless you start and stop them a few times. I wouldn't blame you if you'd rather *not* right now while things are going well. On the other hand, what does "large quantities" mean? How may average size tomatoes per day? I might give it a go.

09/14/2005 23:44

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09/14/2005 23:44

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Dr. Denkler


Dr. Denkler is located in Larkspur, CA. That's about 10 miles north of San Francisco over the Golden Gate Bridge. Randy and I live down the road a piece in the world's largest small town, a burg called Los Angeles. There's no doctor in these here parts that seems interested in NA. I had the procedure from Dr. Eaton but next time it will probably be Denkler's turn.

09/15/2005 23:24
Wolfgang Wach

not registered

09/15/2005 23:24
Wolfgang Wach

not registered

re: lycopene

Hi Jey, thank you for providing more details! Though your NA might have played a dominating role, the idea of tomatoes relieving the pain is still tempting. Wouldn't it be a nice explanation if a Mediterranean diet would slow Dupuytren while the essentially tomatoeless Scandinavians still suffer from it? But maybe or maybe not. As Randy said, this will have to be tested thoroughly by going on and off a tomatoe diet and observing Dupuytren at the same time. For yourself it probably doesn't make a difference what had helped and I am glad you are doing better!


09/15/2005 23:45
Wolfgang Wach

not registered

09/15/2005 23:45
Wolfgang Wach

not registered

Dr. Rappoport

Hello Jey, you mentioned that you had NA by Dr. Rappoport in Switzerland. Were you satisfied with the therapy in Switzerland and what did it cost? Do you have the full name and/or address or Dr. Rappoport available? It might be an interesting alternative for German patients because NA is not (yet?) very well known in Germany and I know of only one doctor offering something like that (I am not even sure he practices the same kind of NA that is done in France).

Thank you!


09/15/2005 23:50

not registered

09/15/2005 23:50

not registered

Dr. Rappoport locations

Centre Hospitalo-Universitaire Vaudois (CHUV)
Tel : 0041(0)213141481 – fax : 0041(0)213141471
Email : Georges.Rappoport@hospvd.ch
Site web : http://www.hospvd.ch/chuv/rmr

Centre thermal
1400 Yverdon-les-bains
Tel : 0041(0)244230202 – fax : 0041(0)244230222
Email : g.rappoport@hmsnet.ch
Site web : http://www.cty.ch

09/15/2005 23:45

not registered

09/15/2005 23:45

not registered

Dr. Rapport

Hi Wolfgang: I saw Dr. Rapport Nov.
2003, and was satisfied with my first of two NA procedures, the second done by Dr. Denkler in Aug. 2005. Dr. Rapport does his NAs in Yverdon-les-bains at the address in previous post. I think it cost me about $300 US at the time, worked on two fingers of same hand. My wife and I took over a week to get out of Switzerland because we liked it so much. We also spent two days in Germany and enjoyed it. My tomato crop is at peak harvest now and will be weaning soon, so I won't be able to continue eating 30-40 cherry tomatoes plus tomato salads each evening; to expensive!! So looks like a built in control coming based on financial constraints. Very curious myself. Will let you know, Jey

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Scandinavians   Yverdon-les-bains   nodules   Hospitalo-Universitaire   Wolfgang   lycopene   finger-problem   aggressive   Denkler   surprizingly   contracture   quantities   significantly   tomatoes   interesting   Mediterranean   Rappoport   difference   contributing   Switzerland