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Acupuncture & Holistic rememdies (Acupuncturist with DC mum)
08/23/2009 14:42
08/23/2009 14:42
Acupuncture & Holistic rememdies (Acupuncturist with DC mum)


I'm an Irish Acupuncturist, training to be a Naturopath and my 76 yr old mum has just been diagnosed with DC.

When I came home from studying acupuncture in Canada a few years ago, I noticed her baby finger very bent over and when I asked she said she had broken it when I was away and hadn't bothered getting it fixed. That's typical of her, she doesn't like a fuss made so I believed her and asked her to have it checked up with her doctor and tell me if she was getting any pain from it.

She admitted recently that it really was something else and now the other fingers were getting stiff. This week she got her appt. with a specialist and he booked her in for N.A in January. She wants to go for that but is open to using Alt. medicine in the meantime (as she let's me use acupuncture on her for the start of any cold's she gets and her frozen shoulder so she know's it works).

My plan is to do my research and then use everything in the holistic arsenal to help her. Hopefully I can use the DP as a sneaky way to introduce all these things to boost her overall health too.

I'll be giving her herbs, massage, homeopathy, and weekly acupuncture (I've never treated this problem in clinic). I've just started researching the other modalities and so far a masseuse in the clinic I work in said her gran had it and she had read massage worsens it but yet I seem to have come across (admittedly) good anecdotal reports from online. And a homeopath from work said that ''gelsenum' is a good tissue remedy specifically meant for D.C and that it can be used in all cases at 9 dilution once to twice a day.

So I have a lot to learn but I'll pass on what I find and my results in a few months time. I'll take before and after photo's too and post them here (if there's a application for that).

Another thing I've come across from my on line is this website - For me it's a pretty handy compilation of potential supplements, gives me somewhere to start alongside my books.

Not a plug by the way, I'll check it out some more but I guess people get good quality stuff cheaper elsewhere or locally without the postage. Plus they recommend a homeopathic remedy that seems to be a mix of remedies and from what I know of homeopathy I don't this is the preferable route to take?

Anyway, I'd really love to hear any more or your findings re holistic remedies for this problem. I'm really keen for her to avoid the NA route. (the doc said 1% chance of nerve damage, that's still one in a hundred right? )

Best wishes,


08/24/2009 09:55

not registered

08/24/2009 09:55

not registered

Re: Acupuncture & Holistic rememdies (Acupuncturist with DC mum)

Hi Anne,

the link that you are recommending is a commercial link and it is marketing more or less everything that is useless to treat Dupuytren's. Supplements like Vitamin E or DMSO have been tried repeatedly and are of very little or no help. If you want to help you mum you might read the pages on this web site (on the left menu) and pick one of those therapies.


08/24/2009 19:52
08/24/2009 19:52
Re: Acupuncture & Holistic rememdies (Acupuncturist with DC mum)

Hi Wolfgang,

Thanks for that feedback, I didn't mean it as an endorsement of the site, just that perhaps it was a starting point mentioned products I could investigate further. It's really helpful for me to hear that there hasn't been good results with these items, especially those you've highlighted.

After I posted I spent the rest of the evening reading through the site, from what I gather looking over my cut and pasted pieces though one person said 4 nights of DSMO helped, that was it.

2 people commented on heat helping, from an outside source (maybe moxa) and immersion in warm water before massage, and I was very interested in the connection people thought there may be to alcohol/ the Liver, (since from a T.C.M perspective 'Liver energy' would be seen to be relevant). My mum likes to have a drink in the evening, (fairly common in Ireland, she's not a problem drinker), and has quite a bit of internal dryness ('yin' deficency), in her system. I know this probably sounds very whoo-whoo aka rationally unsophisticated medieval nonsense, I'm just putting it out there for people who are interested in the T.C.M perspective or who are practising in the field.

I'm glad a good few people thought acupuncture was effective and thought it was such a pity that the one guy had 60 sessions and no results. (though really a good acupuncturist shouldn't retain anyone over 5 visits who isn't seeing a change from what they're doing). If anyone else is going that route, make sure to do your research on who you're going to, there's people out there who've just done a few weekends in acupuncture. (mostly western doctors of physio's and there's just no way they're going to be able to help much at that level).

Anyway, thanks for a great site, I've learned so much already.

Best wishes,


08/25/2009 10:17


08/25/2009 10:17


bee therapy

Hi Anne,

here is another holistic remedy: did you ever try bee therapy? Provided you are not allergic against bee stings the idea is simple: have a bee sting into the nodule. The bee venom is meant to reduce the nodule and slow down disease progression. I have no idea whether this works but a beekeeper in our German forum claims it does. Bee venom is said to have antioxidant features and to trigger creation of cortisol which might explain a positive effect, provided it exists at all.


08/03/2010 19:20

not registered

08/03/2010 19:20

not registered

Re: Acupuncture & Holistic rememdies (Acupuncturist with DC mum)

I am new here, but not new to peyronies. I have experimented with Bee Venom Self treatments since 2000. It took a full year to get rid of peyronies, but in the end all worth it. The below procedure is the easiest to apply with great results after 6 months. It will not benefit one to apply more bee venom doses for quicker results, for i tried that. The below method works the best, and is the least painful. If you need to reduce the pain, just use ice cube 2 minutes before injecting stinger. To catch bees, use glass jars with metal tops, punch a few holes. one bee per jar. To handle bees, open jar lid and sling bee into water bath and capture with tweezers. Practice on your top of one finger to get the stinger to pass through the skin layer. That is about all to get peyronies relief, short of a doctors knife.
What is peyronies (kw) disease? Is the percentage of men getting peyronies more than 3% of the population, as reported by medical industry? Are peyronies and arthritis (kw) diseases similar to heavy plaque calcification (kw) formations in the body? Are peyronies and arthritis true diseases or ´old age´ pain zones?
According to medical industry there is no known cure to peyronies, also known as ´bent penile.´ There are lots of websites on the subject penile repair, mostly linked to medical doctors pitching their preferred medical medicines or surgical recommendations. Several active bulletin boards on the internet are pitching their favorite doctors and services to the general public. All have given the Bee venom treatment plans a bad report.
There is much of evidence about hard plaque calcification, regarding Arthritis suffers and their long term relief programs via honey bee venom injections. There are thousands of these Bee Venom clinics worldwide.
Since the immune system is basically responsible for placing heavy plaque calcification throughout the body, including the plating of teeth. It is the same immune system that puts heavy plaque calcification deposits on the male penile appendage (kw).
Once the immune system identifies any area a damaged zone, like hands and feet or other skeleton joints of the body, heavy plaque calcification deposits are imminent to keep the body in a state of well being! In other words, when the body receives impacts, internal bruising of sorts, the same immune system begins immediate repairs via patching up within the damaged zone with heavy plaque calcification deposits which I call, ´c-patches.´
With more than 100,000 Honey Bee Venom Self Treatment Therapists (kw) in USA alone; worldwide the numbers must be huge. By searching on the internet many of these clinics called, Bee Venom Treatment (BVT) c enters, can be found!
Unfortunately like medical doctors discussed above, Honey Bee Venom Self Treatment Therapists do charge fees. The cheapest bee venom clinic is in China, charging $18 per session (Kang Tai Bee Clinic.
For arthritis suffers the number of required sessions to achieve some long-term pain relief is expensive. This is generally true for entire BVT industry; fees can be well over $100 each.
Even so, peyronies suffers must start somewhere, even learn how to copy the BVT application process as do insulin suffers.
If interested, go visit Honey Bee Venom Therapist in the local area and make an appointment to receive one bee sting at a time. The target area is top side of penis in the center, avoid any blood vessels. Do not sting anywhere else on the penis. The treatment is one injection in center on penis shaft –always topside-- for 5 seconds to 10 seconds. Do this once a week for 6 months. After 6 months increase dose to 2 beestings, but one bee sting into the two expansion chambers on each side of penis shaft. This can be applied 1 bee sting every 3 or 4 days per week, not at the same time. The bee stinger injection time can be increased from 5 seconds, 10 seconds and after a few months to 1 minute maximum. Please note, it takes 1,200 bee stings to be in critical condition.
Also, removing bee stingers is always by the sliding of one´s finger nail to flip it outward from the penis. Avoid pinching bee stinger with finger tips.
The treatment schedule is once a week. If done by a doctor or BVT specialist the bill could be rather expensive. With all said, it now becomes obvious one must become a Honey Bee Venom Self Treatment Therapist! If one takes time to learn this special skill it could become very useful to family members suffer from Arthritis of hands and feet.
What are the levels of peyronies in men? There are possibly 6 levels total, four are commonly claimed, and two less known. All are due to one´s immune system declaring the penis a damaged zone, followed by immediate c-patch deposition during deflation. And when the penis expansion chambers are activated one only needs to look downward to see the level of distortion.
1. Any major bend extended over the entire length of penile appendage or penis.
2. Any bend in area of peni

08/04/2010 05:19


08/04/2010 05:19


Re: Acupuncture & Holistic rememdies (Acupuncturist with DC mum)

beesting: thank you for your comments on bee venom but this might be the wrong forum. This forum is for Dupuytren's and Ledderhose disease, the Peyronie's forum is on http://www.peyroniesforum.net/.


02/01/2011 18:43
02/01/2011 18:43
Re: Acupuncture & Holistic rememdies (Acupuncturist with DC mum)

1% risk from NA is very small. What you clearly do not appreciate is how debilitating the loss of the full use of one's hands can be. I am shutting down my wedding photography business as I cannot hold a camera for hours at a time without cramping. Your own activities as an acupuncturist would be curtailed if you could not hold the needles.

X-ray treatment will halt the disease at the early stages and after that NA is the most cost effective and lowest risk treatment available at this time. Other treatments are as effective as sprinkling holy water on the person's hands and saying a prayer and have as much basis in science.

Holistic remedies have their place. Massage or physical therapy and stretching exercises can be very effective though painful if done properly. DMSO may have benefits as well with mitigating the symptoms but it is not going to halt the progression of the disease any more than other remedies which do not attack the underlying problem.

10/11/2011 09:44
10/11/2011 09:44
Re: Acupuncture & Holistic rememdies (Acupuncturist with DC mum)

Acupuncture may be defined as a type of medical treatment that helps the patient to fight against diseases through the mechanical stimulation of pre-established acupuncture points (meridian points) on the body.

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