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Alcohol any relationship to D.D.
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07/15/2007 07:55
07/15/2007 07:55

Alcohol any relationship to D.D.

Australia Calling . Is there any body out there who has not consumed liquor and has D.D. Just Interestered.

07/15/2007 12:29
07/15/2007 12:29
Re: Alcohol any relationship to D.D.

I had it in high school, before any real vodka experience.
It might come from an alcoholic parent somewhere in the tree

07/16/2007 17:08
Mike S

not registered

07/16/2007 17:08
Mike S

not registered

Re: Alcohol any relationship to D.D.

No liquor here. DD just the same

07/16/2007 18:39
07/16/2007 18:39
Re: Alcohol any relationship to D.D.

I know a guy that does his fair share of drinking and has had a lump with a cord and about 5 degrees of contraction for many many years with no change. Lucky him.

07/17/2007 18:32
07/17/2007 18:32
Re: Alcohol any relationship to D.D.

I found a study this morning (while looking for something else on Google) that found no link between drinkers and non-drinkers with regard to Dupuytren's - I'd go back and find the abstract for you, but I'm too sleepy right now. (If you put in Dupuytren's and alcohol, you should find it fairly fast)

07/17/2007 19:35
07/17/2007 19:35

Re: Alcohol any relationship to D.D.


I know a guy that does his fair share of drinking and has had a lump with a cord and about 5 degrees of contraction for many many years with no change. Lucky him.

Excellent news, another pint please barman

Apologies, a weak attempt at humour, serious subject I know

Edited at 07/17/07 22:37

07/17/2007 20:03
07/17/2007 20:03
Re: Alcohol any relationship to D.D.

After my second surgery I was referred to a physical therapist who told me a few interesting things about Dupuytren's. She said the worst cases she were often chronic alcholics (she inferred alcoholism from their general appearance, behavior and possibly history). It may be that these people simply let the disease progress further before seeking surgery; however she said some were suprisingly young. I suspect alcoholism may make DC worse but I doubt it's a primary cause.

07/21/2007 22:54
07/21/2007 22:54
Re: Alcohol any relationship to D.D.

I am skeptical of this supposed link and if there is some kind of statistical link I have doubts that it has to do with the effect of the alcohol on cellular functioning.

When I first got the disease (at 23 years), I didn't drink much. Since then, there have been extended periods when I didn't drink much and the disease progressed rapidly and later there was an extended period when I drank a lot and the disease didn't progress: I had bands in 2 fingers that stayed the same for over 15 years.

If there is a link, it could be due to other factors:
- do alcoholics have more nutritional deficiencies?
- do alcoholics fall down more often and injure their hands?
- do people with dupuytren's drink to drown their sorrows? at least 1 has been known to.

07/24/2007 10:10
07/24/2007 10:10
Re: Alcohol any relationship to D.D.

I haven't had alcohol for 6 or 7 years yet still developed DD. I wasn't an exceptionally heavy drinker, certainly nowhere near alcoholic, not that I am suggesting any of you may have such issues by the way!

I put mine down to Glucosamine.


08/02/2007 09:19
08/02/2007 09:19

Re: Alcohol any relationship to D.D.

Thank you everybody for your input.The hospital always asked did I consume alcohol and how much? There is a big difference between consuming alcohol and being an alcoholic. Your input has helped and I have been shocked whilst investigating this topic that children as young a 8 yrs were diagonsed with D.D. We are being told here in AUST, that 2 glasses of red wine a day is good for health . So "PROSIT=CHEERS =GOOD LUCK "

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