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Any success with RT retreatment?
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05/07/2013 00:05
05/07/2013 00:05
Any success with RT retreatment?

Hi - Has anyone had success with RT retreatment stopping the progression of a nodule growth? I had RT here in America in December. I have a large nodule in my palm, and one on the bottom half of my pinky and ring finger, all pretty hard. I have some contracture on my ring finger. Although it didn't seem to be progressing, I went with RT, because I had severe tightness in the hand. It was hard to open it more than half way, without help (and pain). The RT definitely helped me with flexibility, as I was eventually able to fully open it. Unfortunately, soon after the RT, I noticed a small growth to the left of my palm nodule, which has continued to grow. During that time period, because of my increased flexibility, I was able to do a lot more typing at work, and maybe that increased activity, is responsible for the growth? I hope it wasn't the RT! In any event, I've read about some people having RT retreatment, but I somehow doubt my US doctor would do it, given the lack of data. Has anyone had success with retreament stopping the progression of developing nodule? Thanks very much. - Mark

05/07/2013 01:31
05/07/2013 01:31
Re: Any success with RT retreatment?

I asked my Dr. if retreatment were necessary in a year after my RT and she said it would be ok. However, this is somewhat controversial.

05/07/2013 17:22
05/07/2013 17:22
Re: Any success with RT retreatment?

mrl, in the scientific papers written by the German doctors, I have not seen any mention of retreatment using radiation, for the same hand or foot. There is mention of the possibility of a 'salvage' operation, meaning surgery, if necessary after the radiation.

I think it's just a matter of the side effects increasing in risk as you increase your lifetime dose, but I'm not sure.

05/07/2013 21:50
05/07/2013 21:50
Re: Any success with RT retreatment?

This matter is of of interest to me and has been discussed on several other threads and it seems there is no clear answer. As John said, the risk of a new cancer increases as the radiation dose increases. Another factor is age, the older you the less time there is for a new cancer to manifest itself. If the disease is progressing such that it is affecting your quality of life, it is worth a serious discussion with your doctor.

I did wonder if the risk is lower if treatment is just focussed on the new nodule only.

When I asked my radiologist about retreatment he declined to give a straight answer! Fortunately the aching in my previously treated hand has gone so this is no longer an issue for me.

I think quite a few people are interested so we would like to hear the outcome.

Good luck


Edited 05/08/13 00:51

05/07/2013 23:00
05/07/2013 23:00
Re: Any success with RT retreatment?

Regarding the risk of cancer from RT treatment, does anyone actually know what the risk is? I.e., how many cases have occurred? Have any of the doctors kept track, and more importantly, are the doctors willing to release their data?

05/08/2013 01:32
05/08/2013 01:32
Re: Any success with RT retreatment?

Everything that I have heard, including from my Dr., is that the risk is almost zero.

05/08/2013 20:51
05/08/2013 20:51
Re: Any success with RT retreatment?

My doctor said he was/is willing to retreat my hand with RT if nodules reappear in the treated area.
I know that I would retreat the area and take the chance rather than let contracture occur.


Edited 05/08/13 23:53

05/08/2013 22:19
05/08/2013 22:19

Re: Any success with RT retreatment?

On the disclaimer form that i signed, the doctor added 0.5 - 1.0 % of cancer risk from RT in 30 years. No case of cancer occured in his practice.

05/08/2013 22:23
05/08/2013 22:23
Re: Any success with RT retreatment?

Thanks for the info everyone! I'm going to make an appt with my doctor and see what he recommends.

05/09/2013 00:45
05/09/2013 00:45
Re: Any success with RT retreatment?

Just to add on here. My radiologist also said further treatment was possible. I recall something about the length of time after your last treatment helping to make further treatment even less of a risk.

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