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Auxilium may be recruiting again for Phase III
09/14/2007 17:25
09/14/2007 17:25

Auxilium may be recruiting again for Phase III

I just found a message on my office voicemail from Auxilium regarding Phase III clinical trials of Collegenase. The message said to go to:

clinicaltrials.gov and search on "Dupuytren's contracture".

Unfortunately there are a total of 8 entries for that search. I believe, however, that I found the right one even though it says "Not yet recruiting". Of the 10-15 listed, I called the California site listed and was told that they *were* indeed looking for candidates. Unfortunately I can't get back to the web page of locations for some reason. Hopefully I'll get a call back to the gal at Auxilium who can straighten all this out. In any case it sounds like the live bodies I'm talking with say Phase III is recruiting regardless what the government site says to the contrary.

09/14/2007 17:47
09/14/2007 17:47
Re: Auxilium may be recruiting again for Phase III

Randy, what are your feelings regarding the Phase III. Is it a good thing or bad? Would you recommend participation? The hand surgeon that my husband was referred to didn't mention NA, but he did mention the testing. He said that they had to stop, but he thought they might start up again within the year. He said that my husband would be a good candidate if he was given the actual treatment, but felt that my husband's hand was too close to the cut off point. He felt that if my husband was given a placebo, that his hand wouldn't be eligible for the treatment after the testing.

Any thoughts you have would be appreciated. Sandie

09/14/2007 17:51
09/14/2007 17:51
Re: Auxilium may be recruiting again for Phase III

I just found this forum today, and was excited to hear about the new Phase III trials.

I went to


and got the list of locations. There are a locations in Palo Alto (Stanford) and LA (UCLA). Which did you call? I emailed the contact at Stanford, but haven't heard back yet.


09/14/2007 18:55
09/14/2007 18:55

Go for It!


I would definitely join the trial. Go wherever is closest. You will need to go back a lot of times to complete the study. I was going to do so 4 years ago but they ran out money. While *far* more expensive, Collegenase has the potential to offer more than NA. The trial is free.

09/14/2007 19:07
09/14/2007 19:07
Re: Auxilium may be recruiting again for Phase III


I was wondering what treatment your husband wouldn't be eligible for if given a placebo? I know all the treatments work better if done sooner, but didn't know that any were ever precluded. I have been trying to decide whether to do something else or wait for AA4500, but it's getting to the point where I really have to do something soon.


09/14/2007 20:56
09/14/2007 20:56
Re: Auxilium may be recruiting again for Phase III

Hi Marian,

apparently they have a criteria for patients who participate. After the finger moves past a set degree of contracture, then they are no longer a candidate for the study.

I'm sorry, but I don't remember what the degree of contracture was. When my husband saw Dr. Kline, Dr. Kline did his best to get 100% release, but said that because my husband's contracture was so bad, that he might need to perform NA more than once.

I wish a could post a picture to show my husband's before and after pics. Sandie

09/14/2007 21:26
providence clinical

not registered

09/14/2007 21:26
providence clinical

not registered

Re: Auxilium may be recruiting again for Phase III

We are currently enrolling patients that have Dupuytren's contracture
and many more....

please feel free to visit our website @


09/15/2007 05:52

not registered

09/15/2007 05:52

not registered

Including a picture (or several) in a post

Hi Sandie, you can actually post pictures here. You can't upload them on the forum server but if you have stored your picture on another generally available server or PC, you can proceed like this to include a picture in your post:

- when writing a post click on img (on the "Extras:" menu above your input field)
- two img command blocks will be inserted (both in [ ])
- insert the full path to your picture [ ] here [ ], including the leading http://

Not the user friendliest way but it works.

Good luck!
PS: if the forum can't access your picture a simple placeholder will appear. If you have made a mistake, no problem, you can edit your post until it works.


... I wish a could post a picture to show my husband's before and after pics. Sandie

Edited at 15.09.07 08:53

09/17/2007 15:56

not registered

09/17/2007 15:56

not registered

Re: Auxilium may be recruiting again for Phase III

Randy, you had originally contacted our site in Burbank, CA my employee was the one who had told you Auxillium is recruiting for a Dupytrens trial, however we are conducting this trial in our office, if you want more information you can contact us 818-558-7555.

09/17/2007 16:17
09/17/2007 16:17
Re: Auxilium may be recruiting again for Phase III

Sandie1141, you are too cool to continue to pass on your husband's good experience with Dr. Kline in Ontario, Oregon and the NA procedure. I just wanted to use this answer as an opportunity to remind forum participants of the www.youtube.com video of Dr. Kline performing the procedure on my hand. Thanks for offering the pictures of your husband's hand. I am at the Member Relations point (final internal appeal) with Kaiser and have included in my appeal an appendix of all the letters of support I have received from the video; yours too! Dave


Randy, what are your feelings regarding the Phase III. Is it a good thing or bad? Would you recommend participation? The hand surgeon that my husband was referred to didn't mention NA, but he did mention the testing. He said that they had to stop, but he thought they might start up again within the year. He said that my husband would be a good candidate if he was given the actual treatment, but felt that my husband's hand was too close to the cut off point. He felt that if my husband was given a placebo, that his hand wouldn't be eligible for the treatment after the testing.

Any thoughts you have would be appreciated. Sandie

NCT00528606   providenceclinical   participation   treatment   placeholder   Auxilium   regarding   818-558-7555   information   Unfortunately   appreciated   clinicaltrials   Collegenase   recruiting   husband   participate   contracture   friendliest   participants   picture