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7 Months, Many Doctors, Still no results. Can I just get the shot already?
01/15/2013 23:12
01/15/2013 23:12
7 Months, Many Doctors, Still no results. Can I just get the shot already?

I'm mostly posting out of frustration but with the slight hopes that someone can give me a little bit of hope. The bottom line is I believe that I need the Xiaflex (sp?) injections to cure the contractures that I have in the palm of both hands, and I have yet to find a Doctor who has been able to help me. Because of where I work I will leave out specific names and locations, but I'd like to share my story.

What you need to know: I am an Officer in the Military.
What I have: I've had slight contractions in both palms for almost 2 years, they aren't painful but do prevent me from completely opening my hands. Even something like placing my hands flat on the ground to do pushups is becoming increasingly difficult.

My story: Back in July of 2012 I decided to do something about this, and here is a synopsis of what followed.

July 2012: Met with my primary care Doctor, told him what I thought I had. I distinctly remember him saying: "Oh, doing a little self diagnosis huh?" Insert sarcasm. He really had no idea what to do about it, so he referred me to Hospital A to be seen.

August 2012: I found out that I could not go to hospital A, they were not taking patients. As such, I was referred to Hospital B and had an appointment in Sept of 2012.

Sept 2012: I go to Hospital B and meet with an Orthopedic DR. Same thing, I tell him what I have and he thinks I am self diagnosing. He cannot do anything for me but thinks he knows someone who can: he writes down a DR's name and referral....for Hospital A. Apparently this DR is well versed in the hand injection process (sorry for using layman's terms).

Oct 2012: Once the referral is processed I attempt to schedule my appointment BACK at Hospital A with the DR, only to find out he will be gone through November. *sigh*

Oct 2012: Since the DR at Hospital A is gone, I get permission to go to an outside (civilian provider) and make an appointment for November.

Nov 2012: I have my appointment with the civilian Orthopedic DR. He sees me for about 30 seconds and says that he needs to refer me to a hand surgeon and another clinic.

Dec 2012: I finally get that referral approved and make an appointment for Jan of 2013.

Jan 2013: I met with the hand surgeon. He examined me and confirmed just about everything I already knew. My contractures were nowhere close to being advanced enough to need surgery, as a matter of fact the injections were the best choice for my condition but: "I don't do that and don't know anyone that does."

This leaves me back at square one, working with my initial provider and beyond frustrated. Does anyone know if there is a way to pay for this thing out of pocket? Obviously another consult would be needed but I feel like someone who is trying to get some kind of super secret surgery. All I want is for a trained person to stick some needles into my hand, inject whatever it is that is made from unicorn tears, and let me go on my way.

Sorry for the rant and thanks in advance for any advice.

01/16/2013 00:19
01/16/2013 00:19
Re: 7 Months, Many Doctors, Still no results. Can I just get the shot already?

I suggest that you get Needle Aponeurotomy (NA) to release the cords. It sounds to me like it would work at your stage of the disease, and it is a piece of cake to have it. It takes about 20 minutes for the procedure. Then it is bandaged and you are on your way. I kept mine elevated for 48 hours then kept Bacetracin on the needle punctures and had showers but avoided tub baths, washing dishes, swimming for 2 weeks. Done!

I have had NA twice and would have it again rather than Xiaplex. This is from my experience. Your disease seems early enough that NA would be all you need at this point.

01/16/2013 00:59
01/16/2013 00:59
Re: 7 Months, Many Doctors, Still no results. Can I just get the shot already?

I am surprised that there was that much difficulty for anyone in the military. Our nearest VA has three doctors who do the Xiaflex injections.

appointment   injections   everything   increasingly   experience   Orthopedic   contractures   diagnosing   distinctly   contractions   completely   Hospital   Doctors   Bacetracin   Aponeurotomy   frustration   something   permission   Apparently   referral