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Getting Started With This Website
01/13/2007 00:42
01/13/2007 00:42
Getting Started With This Website

Hi Ya'll:

I've dutifully followed Randy H. & Wolfgang (two of my personal heroes) to this Website.

I was grumpy when I decided to move.

Why? Because I’m deficient in computer literacy & I’m lazy. I just didn't want to learn how to navigate a new Website.

But, I'm going to do it.

I’m switching from the BioSpecifics site to this Website for two reasons: (1) the continued opportunity to stay in touch with my fellow Dupuytren's Disease sufferers; & (ii) my loss of patience with those miserable spammers who ruined our old Website

To help with the transition, Wolfgang sent me instructions on how to get started on this Website.

Those instructions were helpful, so I decided to create this new Topic – “Getting Started With This Website”.

I'll copy Wolfgang’s instructions in a separate post under this Topic.

By the way, I learned from Wolfgang that this new Website uses the term "Topic". But "Topic" means the same thing as what we called a “Thread” on the old Website.

Even that little tidbit from Wolfgang helped me to start getting my hands around how this new Website is laid out.

Here’s the best part: Wolfgang & Randy H. are going to do all they can to protect us from those miserable spammers who ruined our old BioSpecifics Website.

Let’s support Wolfgang & Randy, two of our Dupuytren’s Disease Heroes!

We can support them by collectively making this new Website the place to go for info. about Dupuytren’s Disease.


01/13/2007 00:51
01/13/2007 00:51
Re: Getting Started With This Website

Hi Y'all:

I just discovered another word usage issue that created problems for me in switching from our old BioSpecifics Website to this site.

I’ve gotten used to adding my two cents to a Topic (“Thread” on the old Website) via making a “Post.”

Well, it appears that on this Website we create a post by making an “Answer”.

So, I’m now training my mind to think about placing an “Answer” in a “Topic” -- instead of placing a “Post” in a “Thread.”


01/13/2007 00:56
01/13/2007 00:56
Getting Started With This Website

Hi Y'all:

As promised in a prior post under this Topic, I've coped below some helpful hints that Wolfgang sent to me about using this Website.


Here goes.....

"Title: Getting started
Hi Mark, I am sorry about the learning curve of the new layout! I will do my very best to explain it, let me stand in for Randy:

Additionally to the BioS forum this foum is split into boards. I think this is an advantage and you will probably agree that the
BioS forum was a little messy. Here is a short intro:

How to see all threads:
Pick a board, e.g. Dupuytren. Wen you click on the board you will get a list of all threads of this board. The thread with the
latest post is on top (as in the BioS forum). Different to the BioS forum the list is split into pages. You can see the number of
pages on the top right or bottom right of each page.

How to create a new topic:
To create a new topic click on "new topic" on the upper left of that page. Enter your post and, as in the BioS forum, th title of
your post will become the title of the new topic (= new thread, in this forum threads are called topic)

Sort sequence:
Within each topic currently the first post is on top, the latest at the end. I agree with you, I would prefer it the other way
round. But actually most forums are organized with the first one on top. But with a little programming this can be changed and I am
in the process of learning what to do. Just bear with me, it won't take long.

I hope that helps to get around better and I am sure that eventually we all will be able to handle this forum easily. At least it is
spam free!


01/19/2007 01:36
01/19/2007 01:36
Re: Getting Started With This Website


Hi Ya'll:

I've dutifully followed Randy H. & Wolfgang (two of my personal heroes) to this Website.

I was grumpy when I decided to move.

Why? Because I’m deficient in computer literacy & I’m lazy. I just didn't want to learn how to navigate a new Website.

But, I'm going to do it.

I’m switching from the BioSpecifics site to this Website for two reasons: (1) the continued opportunity to stay in touch with my fellow Dupuytren's Disease sufferers; & (ii) my loss of patience with those miserable spammers who ruined our old Website

To help with the transition, Wolfgang sent me instructions on how to get started on this Website.

Those instructions were helpful, so I decided to create this new Topic – “Getting Started With This Website”.

I'll copy Wolfgang’s instructions in a separate post under this Topic.

By the way, I learned from Wolfgang that this new Website uses the term "Topic". But "Topic" means the same thing as what we called a “Thread” on the old Website.

Even that little tidbit from Wolfgang helped me to start getting my hands around how this new Website is laid out.

Here’s the best part: Wolfgang & Randy H. are going to do all they can to protect us from those miserable spammers who ruined our old BioSpecifics Website.

Let’s support Wolfgang & Randy, two of our Dupuytren’s Disease Heroes!

We can support them by collectively making this new Website the place to go for info. about Dupuytren’s Disease.


"Topics" and "Subjects"

Randy & Wolfgang:

Here's a stumbling block I've had in getting used to our new website.

On the old BioSpecifics website, we had "Topics" listed. Then, when we wanted to make a new post we were given the option to fill in a "Subject" under that "Topic".

In contrast, don't think this new Website allows us to enter a "Subject" when we make a post to a given Topic.

I suggest that it would help us to be able to scan quickly through a lot of posts under a general "Topic" if we were able to see a specific "Subject" as a kind of sub-category under the Topic.

What do you think?


transition   “Answer”   opportunity   Wolfgang   Website   Dupuytren’s   “Getting   Disease   Website”   sub-category   spammers   Started   collectively   instructions   Additionally   “Thread”   BioSpecifics   Getting   miserable   Wolfgang’s