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massage is working
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02/23/2013 17:35
02/23/2013 17:35
massage is working

After unsuccessful RT last year, I have been having massage therapy for DD with Stephen Jeffrey. After only three very relaxing and holistic treatments I am already feeling the benefits. The nodules on both hands have softened and flattened and there is no sign of progression and no new nodules. The aching and stiffness which I think were side effects from RT is also getting better.

I am feeling really encouraged and for the first time in months I have stopped obsessing so much about my hands! I only wish I had opted for massage therapy as my first line of treatment when I was initially diagnosed.

Wouldn't it be wonderful if massage therapy, the most non-invasive and benign of treatments, could stop the progress of DD and minimise nodules?

I will report my progress.


Hi Everyone

just an update on my massage therapy. Nodules are still flattening and softening and my hands are beginning to feel more like they used to before DD. Stephen uses very specific massage techniques and the treatment seems to be working for me. I'd love to hear of anyone else's experience with massage.

I'm feeling slightly apprehensive at the moment as I have spent half a day throwing pots on the wheel and kneading large lumps of clay. I hope I haven't over done it. But how long can you go on treating your hands like precious bits of porcelain?!


02/23/2013 20:10
02/23/2013 20:10
Re: massage is working

You just never know. I had nodules 13 years ago that were really a problem. Then they went dormant on their own and almost disappeared. They are still totally dormant. I would be surprised if the messaging does anything more than temporary relief.

02/24/2013 05:42
02/24/2013 05:42
Re: massage is working

I hope massage continues to work for you, Aryan. I don't think it would have helped mine.

02/25/2013 13:06
02/25/2013 13:06
Re: massage is working

Good for you, keep it up. I am constantly rubbing and stretching my fingers and lumps. Tho i am in the middle of having RT done, I have noticed a slight improvement.

02/27/2013 09:48
02/27/2013 09:48
Re: massage is working

Good luck with your RT Dottyhand. RT was only minimally successful for me as nodules popped up both during and after treatment. But I think that is probably because I had RT too early.

Massage seems to be saving my hands from further progression and is making the nodules much softer and flatter. Maybe they will disappear - I don't know yet. I certainly don't feel that it is only a temporary improvement.

This massage treatment is quite deep and intense - my therapist doesn't just 'waft around' and I hope the nodules are getting the message that they are 'inappropriate' - they seem to be thinking about it anyway!


02/27/2013 14:52


02/27/2013 14:52


Re: massage is working


This massage treatment is quite deep and intense - my therapist doesn't just 'waft around' and I hope the nodules are getting the message that they are 'inappropriate' - they seem to be thinking about it anyway!

Doesn't it hurt?

The nodules on both my hands, one treated with RT, one not treated, are both tender and I avoid most forceful contact on them whenever possible.

02/28/2013 16:23
02/28/2013 16:23
Re: massage is working

Hi spanishbuddha

My nodules were initially quite painful when I first noticed them last year but both the RT treated ones and those that appeared after RT have become much less painful over time - they now just feel irritated sometimes.

There is quite a lot of pressure involved during my massage treatment but for it to have any effect on the nodules this feels completely right and it never reaches a painful level.


03/08/2013 22:07
03/08/2013 22:07
Re: massage is working

Hello Aryan,

Good to hear that massage is working for you. I have recently noticed a small lump in my left hand between the lower part of the ring and little finger. I went to see a hand surgeon and he said very calmy that it looked as Dupuytrem Disease, but he didn't recommended anything at all. Just said, come back in a year!! It's that normal? It's that Ok?

Where are you located? I would like to find a doctor where I can try the massage treatment.

Many thanks.

03/09/2013 03:54
03/09/2013 03:54
Re: massage is working


Does this "lump" bother you? The advice you were given wasn't bad advice. You can keep an eye on the "lump" and if there is much change, you might start to consider RT. Massaging it may make it worse/more active.

03/10/2013 10:40
03/10/2013 10:40
Re: massage is working

Hello Aryan,

Good to hear that massage is working for you. I have recently noticed a small lump in my left hand between the lower part of the ring and little finger. I went to see a hand surgeon and he said very calmy that it looked as Dupuytrem Disease, but he didn't recommended anything at all. Just said, come back in a year!! It's that normal? It's that Ok?

Where are you located? I would like to find a doctor where I can try the massage treatment.

Many thanks.

I would watch the lump very carefully and I don't think massage would aggrevate the condition. It is certainly helping for me. But I don't think stretching helped. In fact I think I made things worse! Such a weird disease though and everyone's different!

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recommended   quote=aryan]   treatments   improvement   Dupuytrem   working   non-invasive   Disease   progression   unsuccessful   nodules   apprehensive   spanishbuddha   inappropriate   treatment   anything   certainly   massage   noticed   stretching