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Progress Report: One year after RT
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08/30/2012 17:34
08/30/2012 17:34
Progress Report: One year after RT

It has been almost a year since my first radiation treatment from Prof. Seegenschmiedt in Hamburg. I am very happy to report that I have had no new activity in my treated hand. All of the nodules except one are smaller and softer. I am attaching before and after pics. Other than dry skin on my palm, I have had no side effects. I would highly encourage anyone seeking RT for this disease to contact Prof. S. Hamburg is a beautiful city, very safe and very clean. If any of you have specific questions feel free to send me a private message.


08/31/2012 02:08
08/31/2012 02:08
Re: Progress Report: One year after RT

I am in a very similar position at 12 months post treatment at a radiology clinic in Brisbane Australia with no further progression, smaller flatter nodules, less tightness, no pain on stretching my hand and reduced numbness in one finger. Similarly there remains a small patch of drier skin in the treated area. I would recommend RT be seriously considered for anyone with active disease and no contractions.

08/31/2012 21:32
08/31/2012 21:32
Re: Progress Report: One year after RT

It has been 18 months since I had RT on one hand and one foot at the University of Minnesota. The itching and tightness ended almost immediately and the nodules in both my hand and foot have diminished substantially. I'm not aware of any dryness from the RT.

My DC in the other hand is too far gone for RT to benefit, but I'm going to get NA soon and am thinking that RT afterward may be useful. Does anyone have experience with RT after NA?


09/01/2012 03:44
09/01/2012 03:44
Re: Progress Report: One year after RT

I had NA first, then 5 months later had RT. NA helped my hand to lie flat for the RT. It stopped the progression with no new nodules in the treated area. Cords still tightened gradually, to needed NA again 2 1/2 years after RT. Got a night splint that I wear almost every night. Splint makes a lot of difference.

Going to have RT on my other/left hand in 2 weeks. Not enough contracture to need NA. Plan to get prescription for night splint from the start this time.

09/01/2012 04:29
09/01/2012 04:29
Re: Progress Report: One year after RT

It has been almost 3 years since I had RT for multiple nodules on my left hand, and two hard nodules on my left foot. There are a few new nodules on my hand, but they are "outside" the area treated with RT. In my foot the nodules are 90% gone. RT stopped the progression of the disease, I wouldn't hesitate to have RT again if needed, and I consider the treatment very successful so far.

09/01/2012 04:31
09/01/2012 04:31
Re: Progress Report: One year after RT

I had NA first, then 5 months later had RT. NA helped my hand to lie flat for the RT. It stopped the progression with no new nodules in the treated area. Cords still tightened gradually, to needed NA again 2 1/2 years after RT. Got a night splint that I wear almost every night. Splint makes a lot of difference.

Going to have RT on my other/left hand in 2 weeks. Not enough contracture to need NA. Plan to get prescription for night splint from the start this time.
Good luck Flora with your RT treatment in two weeks. Are they going to use the same protocol as they did last time? Please keep us posted...

09/02/2012 20:54
09/02/2012 20:54
Re: Progress Report: One year after RT

I had RT 5 months ago and I really can't be sure there has been improvement or not. There is lessening tightness in my left hand but a new cord has grown on my right hand middle finger. No more crawly feelings. However, the new cord is bothersome...I had the one time treatment at Oklahoma...wondering if I should get another treatment or just see what happens. Definitely no decrease in cords or nodules.
It's a strange disease...

10/03/2012 16:04
10/03/2012 16:04
Re: Progress Report: One year after RT

It has been 18 months since I had RT on one hand and one foot at the University of Minnesota. The itching and tightness ended almost immediately and the nodules in both my hand and foot have diminished substantially. I'm not aware of any dryness from the RT.

My DC in the other hand is too far gone for RT to benefit, but I'm going to get NA soon and am thinking that RT afterward may be useful. Does anyone have experience with RT after NA?


I don't have any experience, but when I saw Dr. Kline, he showed me his hands. After NA, he recommends RT.

10/07/2012 16:15
10/07/2012 16:15
Re: Progress Report: One year after RT

This is a question for anyone. How does the RT discern Dupuytren's tissue from healthy tissue? The Dr. I hope to do RT said she would radiate the entire palm. Even though it is a low dose and probably does no harm, I still don't understand how the radiation could affect the diseased tissue and not affect the normal tissue.

What am I missing in the logic?

Edited 10/07/12 20:51

10/07/2012 16:21
10/07/2012 16:21
Re: Progress Report: One year after RT

That is an excellent question.I was thinking about that too.

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substantially   RetiredTeacher   immediately   acknowledgment   inappropriate   proliferation   treatment   tightness   side-effects   thinking   Progress   myofibroblast   nodules   Seegenschmiedt   prescription   contracture   treated   experience   achievements   progression