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RT and side effects
02/03/2010 00:55
02/03/2010 00:55
RT and side effects


02/03/2010 01:58
02/03/2010 01:58
Re: RT and side effects

I had essentially no side effects. There was a little peeling that lasted about a week on the web between my thumb and forefinger and on the outside edge on the pinky side of my palm - both areas where there is thinner tissue. My whole palm and the metacarpal joints were zapped with 18gy of electron radiation over a consecutive two week period.
If fingers were involved, my expectation would be a bit more peeling because there would be thinner areas of tissue in the fingers.

It was not even a nuisance. I have very dry skin anyway, so I didn't notice much difference. I slather oil, lanolin, lotions, etc. on my hands and skin anyway. I did use lanolin at that time, but any oils would have done as well, I think.

I wouldn't hesitate to do it again, even with greater side effects like more peeling, because the results of stopping the progression is so-ooo well worth it. It's been over 6 months and so far, no progression of Dupuytren's where it was radiated. I'm watching my other hand like a hawk.

02/03/2010 07:24
02/03/2010 07:24
Re: RT and side effects

I had RT in November with no side effect whatsoever. I was concerned with dryness, so I used a cream that has a high content of Urea (20%), but after a couple of weeks I stopped using it, because there was no dryness or peeling.

So far the RT has slowed the progression of the disease, on the palm of my hand most nodules softened and got smaller (although one large nodule remains hard), and one small cord is gone, there is a larger span between the pinkie and thumb.

02/03/2010 14:56
02/03/2010 14:56
Re: RT and side effects

I only had skin peeling in the treated areas. I didn't need to use any creams or oils. So far the progression has been greatly reduced. None of my nodules on my hand have softened or shrunk but no new nodules or cords since.

I had my feet done as well and on one foot the nodules on my left foot completely disappeared but then grew in an untreated area later. My other foot had no change but no progression.

Hope this helps.

02/03/2010 22:29
02/03/2010 22:29
Re: RT and side effects

Some dryness of palms, right more than left. I will live with the dryness compared to the improvement in treated areas, especially improvements in left hand and left foot.

02/04/2010 21:04
02/04/2010 21:04
Re: RT and side effects

During the RT I did have a little pain on the 3rd day of the 1st week of treatment. The only side effect I have had is a little dry skin on the radiated area. You can literally see where it was treated by the dry skin area. My cord has almost disappeared. If you go back to a thread about "from MRI to now" I have pictures of my hand before and after RT. My hand looks even better since that last picture and appears to have stopped the progression. You can't feel or see the nodule at all and it was about the size of a nickle. You can feel the cord if you press into my palm. I can flex my hand without pain.


02/05/2010 01:01
02/05/2010 01:01
Re: RT and side effects


I'm so glad that you cord is much better. They don't pretend that it will make cords already developed better. I think my cords are better. Even though I had NA before, the cords were released but still there.

You were so good about taking pictures at all stages so you have proof. I encourage everybody to take pictures often. I didn't and I wish I had. How often did you take pics, Lori?


02/05/2010 13:34
02/05/2010 13:34
Re: RT and side effects


It is good to see you answering lots of things. Your imput is great and I usually learn something new from you.

It is partly due to you that I had the RT and I am pleased that my cord has all but disappeared. It is an unexpected blessing. Thank you.

As to how often I took pictures. . . took about 10 before RT at the radiation center, I had the RT technician's take about 5-7 during RT so I could see the RT machine, my hand being treated. etc... Took 2-3 about 3 weeks after the 1st treatment, took another 1-2 after the last RT treatment, then took the ones that are online if I remember correctly in October. I have not taken anymore since then. I will have my husband take pictures of my hand or I will try today to take a picture and post it with the past pictures.

My goal in taking the pictures was to document my improvement, or lack there of, instead of depending on my memory. The DD occured and progressed so fast that I lost track of exactly when it started from being sore till the appearance of the nodule to the cord and then the puckering and drawing.



Edited 02/07/10 16:51

progressed   expectation   technician   improvement   treated   completely   progression   peeling   appearance   dryness   pictures   disappeared   effects   treatment   nodules   whatsoever   consecutive   essentially   improvements   especially