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Painful foot - possibly Dupuytrens
09/02/2003 23:03

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09/02/2003 23:03

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Painful foot - possibly Dupuytrens

Hi... I'm new to this forum...

I discovered a small peanut sized lump on ly left foot instep almost 3 years ago. Was initially told by GP that it was not anything untowards and to come back if it got worse. Went back to GP about a year ago now and was referred to a local hospital. I was told it was a Ganglion though in a strange place and was treated for this by them passing a thread through the lump and injecting Hyaluronidase (or something like that!!) into it. The lump reduced in size a bit but did not drain. I was then referred to a different consultant who told me its Dupuytrens!! I'd never heard of it before but went home and spoke to my parents. It turns out about 2weeks before I found out my Mum's GP told her the lump on the palm of her hand near the base of her left hand was dupuytrens too.

Am now waiting (for the last 5 months) to have a biopsy carried out and have it confirmed as Dupuytrens. Meanwhile it has now doubled in size and causes me to be in agony whenever I walk especially 1st thing in the morning.

I am 28 years old and female which I believe is unusual for this disease. Has anyone else had similar experiences? Does anyone else know what treatments will be available to me in the UK?


09/02/2003 23:29
Stage one

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09/02/2003 23:29
Stage one

not registered

DC, Ledderhose, Fibromatosis

Hi, Tas; saddened to hear about your difficulty. There are several references to Ledderhose Disease (Dupuytrens of
feet) on this web site. I suggest that you plow through them to learn of other individuals experiences. I believe that I have early LD with no "lumps"(yet.) I do have nocturnal cramping and occasional aching when descending stairs barefoot. One spot on my left arch is sore all day
and feels much like a bone bruise on the anterior of the
heel bone where tendons insert. I also have the sensation
of my socks being "bunched up" under my feet when I wear socks & shoes.I run a few miles four or five days a week and
wear gel inserts to minimize the possibility of injury. I
have hand symptoms also with nodules and a contracting finger. I interpret others' experiences to say that feet are best left alone. Aggressive recurrence is reported by
posters on this site. Who knows about non-posters who may have had better outcomes? Can you wear a larger size shoe and devise a cut-out in an insert to accomodate the "lump?"
Good luck. Read the threads. Plantar Fibromatosis is another name used for Ledderhose. I think Plantar Fasciaitis is a different condition. The two may be confused, I suspect. I am not well informed on this topic, though.

09/11/2003 23:40

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09/11/2003 23:40

not registered

Feet - Plantar Fibroma

I started out in the early 90's with a Plantar Fibroma on one foot (instep area)

I did a lot of walking and the growth became very painfull (constant stretching/burning feeling) Some days almost it was all but crippling. Surgery resulted in relieving the pain.

About a year later, a growth appeared on the other foot - again very painful and in the instep region. This time it took two surgeries to clean up the growths.

A couple of years later, my hands stated showing signs of D/D.

My left palm became a problem - very painfull, and I had surgery done on that.

With the exception of having to have two surgeries on one foot, everything turned out fine.

I still have variou small lumps on both hands and on both feet that (except for soreness every so often - especially when my hands get cold) don't present much of a problem.

The Dupuytrens did not manifest until I started a job next to a major international airport, and since leaving that job the D/D has remained inactive. Coincidental???

03/06/2004 23:24

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03/06/2004 23:24

not registered


Hi there Taz, did you get your Consultant sorted?
I have just been told i have a Plantar Dupuytrens nodule and i have to have surgery. This is in my arch of my foot.Let me know how you got on??


07/22/2004 23:47
Pat Cochrane

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07/22/2004 23:47
Pat Cochrane

not registered

Dupuytren~sq~s Foot Disease

I also have the disease and have had lumps removed from both feet.I have had no problems (yet) with my hands.I run 25 miles per week and run a Martial Arts Studio.Post surgery is a lot more painful that the cysts.I also work full time at an Internation Airport, strange indeed!!
Regards Pat

08/30/2006 23:43
08/30/2006 23:43
Plantar Fibroma Surgery

Quick question - My son just had surgery last Friday to remove a 8mm Plantar Fibroma on the arch of his right foot (by the way never had any pain with it). Having said that what is the likelihood of another one developing? Does Plantar Fibromatosis necessarily mean Dupuytren's Disease or is it possible that a person can just have one and that can be the end of it? My son is 22 years old with no indications of an issues on his feet or on his hands?

Can tell you tough Post-OP! Would hate to see him go though this again - the doctor did remove the fascia as well.

Look forward to your replies.

08/31/2006 23:01

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08/31/2006 23:01

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Ledderhose surgery

Maddy, if the fascia is removed there is a fair chance that Ledderhose does not reccur but, unfortunately, there is no guarantee. Some people report new nodules at the edge of the surgery. People react very differently, thus the basic message is there is hope and cross your fingers.

You mention that your son had no pain. That being the case I myself would not have undergone surgery but waited until the situation becomes so uncomfortable that something has to be done.

There is a certain probability that your son will also eventually develop Dupuytren, i.e. nodules and cords in the hand. Again, it is not necessarily so, and there are other cures for that, e.g. NA.


11/25/2006 23:45

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11/25/2006 23:45

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lumps on feet

I am 56 yo and have had ledderhose on both feet for a few years. I work for a Plastic Surgeon and he said "If it doesn't bother you, don't mess with it". I agreed. Now, in the past few weeks it has become unbearable at times. I don't know anyone who has had this so I can't get a good referral from someone experienced with this problem. I live in Jupiter, Fl and need an experienced doctor. Any ideas?

11/25/2006 23:18

not registered

11/25/2006 23:18

not registered

NA performed in Norway, Sweden or Denmark?

I have LD on both feet and they are getting bigger. A nodule on the arch of each foot. Luckily, I have very high arches. I'm in no pain, but I'm also not doing the 15 mile hikes I used to do. I will be getting a new, 2nd pair of custom orthodics which will help.

I have heard if you have surgery, make sure and have the doctor take out the fascia or theres a good chance it will come back. Surgery will be the last resort if at all.

I also had surgery on my right hand 5 years ago for Dups and had a total recovery. Its now in my left hand and I am going to have NA done this time before OS. Hopefully that won't be real soon.


experiences   Fibromatosis   Dupuytrens   especially   Coincidental   Dupuytren~sq~s   Hyaluronidase   possibility   Plantar   Ledderhose   international   non-posters   disease   Surgery   probability   necessarily   individuals   experienced   unfortunately   uncomfortable