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Alcohol and Dupuytrens
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07/05/2005 23:44

not registered

07/05/2005 23:44

not registered

Alcohol and Dupuytrens

I have been told by doctors and have also read somewhere that alcohol consumption can increase the rate of development of this disease. Can anyone share their experience with this aspect of the disease if they have any?


07/06/2005 23:26
Don Stevens

not registered

07/06/2005 23:26
Don Stevens

not registered


I am an alcoholic. A total drunk. I have been for years. I develpoed DD about 8 years ago. Cause and effect? I don't know. Perhaps.

07/16/2005 23:07

not registered

07/16/2005 23:07

not registered


See a Rheumatologist. You may not have Dupuytren's.

07/16/2005 23:55

not registered

07/16/2005 23:55

not registered


I used to drink a lot. I've cut back to a glass of wine, or two 3-4 nights per week. Must admit that when I get ahold of a particularly good bottle, I drink more than I should.

I'm 37 and discovered a nodule in my palm last night. I'm curious if the alcohol connection is reversible. In other-words, if I stop now, will the progress of disease slow?

Has anyone tried this?

07/16/2005 23:32
Randy H.

not registered

07/16/2005 23:32
Randy H.

not registered



The answer to you problem is to buy *really* lousy wine :-) One glass and you're done.

Enjoying good California Reds, I have inquired about this issue myself. I have not seen any consultive evidence, and the CHSs I have talked to have *never* advised me to switch to Diet Coke. The well known positive effects of moderate red wine is to strong to be negated by inconclusive data for a Dups connection.

Dups is not reversible. If there is a connection to alcohol, it didn't *cause* your Dups. It can't be said with assurance that if you quit your wine things will improve. I did so for a few months with *no* effect. Things got worse! We are all different though, so it is possible that alcohol can effect one person negatively and not another.

Confused? So am I.

07/21/2005 23:49
Alf Jones

not registered

07/21/2005 23:49
Alf Jones

not registered

Alcohol and Dupuyttrens

Yes there is a link between BOOZE and DUPS. I experimented with whiskey. Two hefty slugs a day for a week and I felt the itching, I carried on for another week, the lumps appeared. I stopped the drinking and two days later the itching stopped and the lumps subsided.
Two months later I had another go, same thing happened. .Coincidence, I think not. I am now TEETOTAL. I know down the line somewhere I will, most probibly, have to have both hands done again by Dr Badois. So be it. But right now I'm as happy as a pig in shit to have my hands back and be able to swill my face with water and no poke my eye.


07/21/2005 23:50
Alf Jones

not registered

07/21/2005 23:50
Alf Jones

not registered

Alcohol and Dupuyttrens

Yes there is a link between BOOZE and DUPS. I experimented with whiskey. Two hefty slugs a day for a week and I felt the itching, I carried on for another week, the lumps appeared. I stopped the drinking and two days later the itching stopped and the lumps subsided.
Two months later I had another go, same thing happened. .Coincidence, I think not. I am now TEETOTAL. I know down the line somewhere I will, most probibly, have to have both hands done again by Dr Badois. So be it. But right now I'm as happy as a pig in shit to have my hands back and be able to swill my face with water and no poke my eye.


07/21/2005 23:35

not registered

07/21/2005 23:35

not registered


Come on Randy, admit it. You were the guy in the movie Sideways who was planning to get married after a wild week of Pinot tasting on the Central Coast, right?

07/22/2005 23:51
Randy H.

not registered

07/22/2005 23:51
Randy H.

not registered

Roxanne and alcohol

Yes, from what I've learned, only *Merlot* has been shown to cause rapid growth of Dups tissue even on the dogs and cats of their owners who occasionally consume it. Check your Cabs for trace amounts.

07/24/2005 23:18

not registered

07/24/2005 23:18

not registered

Roxanne and alcohol


I have decided to abstain from alcohol altogether since a year to see what the effect would be. What I can say is that it has stabilised and not progressed since then.

20 years ago, I contracted hepatitus A while travelling through Central America and did a radical diet for about a year...abstaining from many foods, coffee, alcohol and all that would and could be toxic to the liver. At that time, I had DC but only a knucle pad on the small finger of the left hand. After several months of this radical diet, the nodule was no longer there...Since then it has grown back and i also have lederhose's disease.

I am convinced that there is a link with alcohol consumption and for that reason, I decided to do a test and abstain from alcohol. It has now been a year and all that I notice is that the disease seems to have stabilised...I was hoping for a remission but I did not do the radical died that I did 20 years ago..


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moderate   experimented   inconclusive   stabilised   self-hypnosis   Rheumatologist   supplement   radical   cardiologist   preventative   occasionally   drinking   consumption   connection   Dupuytrens   Coincidence   liver-cleansing   disease   particularly   Alcohol