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Liniment/Vitamin E/Laser Pointer Treatment
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05/12/2013 03:03
05/12/2013 03:03

Liniment/Vitamin E/Laser Pointer Treatment

Hello all. I am new to this forum and thought I would share a therapy, that another sufferer shared with me. It has helped me quite a bit. I first developed Dupuytrens' about 8 years ago in my early 40's after a fall in which I fractured both wrists. A short while afterwards I began to notice nodules in both hands. These eventually began to become very painful. The disease has progressed over the years with the disease more pronounced in my left but still affecting both hands and quite painful. Removing my socks at night felt like I was shredding my palms.

In December I happened to mention to some other members of the Dart league I play in about why I didn't want to do high fives after good rounds. That is when the one lady told me that she too was a sufferer of DC. She told me that a decade before she had begun to experience contracture in some of her fingers but she did not want to have surgery. So she sought out a naturopath who directed her to get horse liniment, vitamin E and a laser pointer. She was to rub in the liniment first, then the vitamin E and then use the laser pointer. Afterwards she was to stretch her fingers back as far as she could. She was told to do this several times during the day. She was able to get some horse liniment from a vet and she told me that she tried to do the treatment at least twice a day. She did that for about a month or a little longer until she gradually began to forget to do it because her hands had improved significantly. Ten years later her DC has not progressed any further and she said that the nodules she still has in her hands feel smaller and softer. She has not experienced any further contracture.

I decided this was worth a shot because of the pain I had been experiencing and also because I could notice that bands on a couple of my fingers appeared to be beginning to shrink and my fingers no longer would go perfectly straight. In December just before Christmas I bought some liniment, some high quality Vitamin E capsules and a laser pointer. I generously apply the liniment to the affected areas and rub it in good, then I use a needle to prick the Vitamin E capsule and apply the oil to the same areas. I rub this in good too and then afterwards use the laser pointer to go over the nodules and cords. After this I stretch my fingers back as far as they will go and continue to massage/rub my hands vigourously. At first the stretching was quite painful. I did this for a little over a month twice a day and now only do about twice a week. It has made a huge improvement for me. My fingers are back to full range and my pain is SIGNIFICANTLY lessened. Much less tearing sensation in my palms and there is much less puffy swelling in my palms. My nodules still remain and there is no noticeable change in appearance or feel of them. I do not know if I will be as lucky as my Dart league friend with her 10 years of remission but I do know that this has probably bought me a great amount of time before I need any invasive treatment.

I thought I would share this with the members of this forum as an alternative to try. My hope is that it can help some of you battle this disease.

Edited 05/12/13 16:12

07/14/2013 18:38
07/14/2013 18:38
Re: Liniment/Vitamin E/Laser Pointer Treatment

Wondered if anyone else has tried this.

07/21/2013 18:46
07/21/2013 18:46

Re: Liniment/Vitamin E/Laser Pointer Treatment

I found the indredients of the Horse Liniment for which a patent was given:
49% alcohol
20% olive oil
10% arnica
14% CREOSOTE.....
1% iodine
2% camphor
2 % alum

Given the toxicity of creosote and turpentine, maybe there is a high price that may be paid for trying it..

07/22/2013 00:00
07/22/2013 00:00

Re: Liniment/Vitamin E/Laser Pointer Treatment

The lady I referred to had used real horse liniment she got from a vet. Ten years later she has not any progression of her DC and to my knowledge has not suffered any side effects to the liniment.

I personally used a liniment product that was a modification of horse liniment, designed into a product for human use. It is a well known product in Canada where I am from and sold in drug stores. No prescription is necessary for it. I am not sure what the ingredients are that it consists of.

Vikingorigins you had also responded with a warning about being careful of the class of laser being used because it could have an effect on the skin. I agree with you in that one should be careful with any treatment that one tries. I personally was very leery of trying this but I was suffering with a lot of pain and tightening of my fingers. Any of the treatments/surgeries that I had read about online seem like there was potential for side effects or other problems. I had been praying for a solution and it was very shortly after that I was describing my problem to some of my dart playing friends. It was then that she shared with me her treatment. I am thankful that she did and that I tried it.

At this point I have almost completely stopped doing this treatment. My pain is virtually gone and my fingers extend like normal. I feel like my hands are in remission. My nodules still appear to be the same but I have no pain in any of them. It is possible that my DC could start up again at any time but I am very hopeful that this treatment may have halted the progression of the disease. If anyone else tries this I would suggest that you share your results whether they be good or bad. The more we all learn about possible treatments the better. That is my opinion anyway.

07/22/2013 03:49
07/22/2013 03:49
Re: Liniment/Vitamin E/Laser Pointer Treatment

That does look kinda full of stuff might not want on skin.
Creosote might be ok, have found that in the desert and is an amazing plant.
Some of the solvents sound too strong for me though.
maybe can make one with olive oil or other edible oil...


07/22/2013 12:49
07/22/2013 12:49

Re: Liniment/Vitamin E/Laser Pointer Treatment

Schrick, I am really happy for you that your DD is in control. That is what we are all looking for
What is the name of the Liniment for humans sold in Pharmacy ? I am from Canada too and curious also.
For the Laser, I tried the home laser machine on my knuckle pads, I have the feeling it accelerated it as I felt increased activity very soon afterwards. There has been some discussion on this forum about lasers and their usefulness or not for DD. You might be interested to look into them.
Lea, there seem to be different kinds of creosote, but I beleive all are toxic. It is used for wood conservation and pesticide. It is toxic when applied on skin and seems to be a major issue for the environment as well. You probably think of the creosote bush, which is different ?

07/22/2013 16:28
07/22/2013 16:28
Re: Liniment/Vitamin E/Laser Pointer Treatment

Yes would be interested in knowing more about the linement used.
Also the laser, found one last year after reading about lasers for body pain and
dental health. There are a large number of as go by wave length and by strength.
(I got one at the 99c store and forgot to check on what need , if needed for
safety eye wear.
Thanks for info.


07/22/2013 23:39
07/22/2013 23:39

Re: Liniment/Vitamin E/Laser Pointer Treatment


I had posted the name of the liniment in my original post but it was removed from the post. I assume that it is against the forum's policy which is understandable. As far as how safe is the liniment, I just went to their website to see if it had the ingredients listed. I did not see that posted but found that the product has been on the market for more than a 100 years. If you do a search for pain relief liquid with the year 1892, you should find it. I think maybe that any similar type of product would likely work too.

While I was concerned about prolonged use of the liniment, I was more concerned about the laser pointer. I looked it up and it appears that what I bought was a 5mW, class 3, 532nM wavelength. Some of the time I wore my sunglasses but not all the time. You definitely can get some light bouncing back especially off the sheen of the vitamin E oil, so I would recommend you use sunglasses. You can control the beam but if you are moving it around I found that the light would sometimes bounce back and I would get brief bright flashes until I adjusted. Since I had no idea what was considered the proper amount of time I kept the laser moving over the nodules on my palms and the cords on my fingers, never lingering anywhere too long. I would sometimes go over the worst of my nodules for 5 - 10 seconds but even then kept moving it around. I never used the laser for too long. I just made sure to go over all the areas a couple of times. I spent a much longer time rubbing the vitamin E in and stretching my fingers back as far as I could. At first I was worried that I might make things worse because it was very painful for me with the stretching. I had a lot of tearing sensations. Luckily over the month the pain decreased and my fingers could be stretched back further and further until I had full extension.

If you decide to try this, I hope that it will work as well for you as it did for Corrine and myself. Please keep the forum posted on how it goes for you.

12/21/2013 17:51
12/21/2013 17:51
Re: Liniment/Vitamin E/Laser Pointer Treatment

Thanks for the information I'm going to have my husband and son try this. My father had it and his baby finger was pulled right down to his palm. My father-in-law the same thing, but with his you could barely get a piece of paper between the finger and palm. I don't want the rest of my family to let it go until it gets to that point. Anything is worth a try to prevent surgery.

12/23/2013 14:19
12/23/2013 14:19
Re: Liniment/Vitamin E/Laser Pointer Treatment

I had a similar situation and know I'm looking for liniment which could be helpful for my after- laser thearapy skin problems. Laser therapy is not a miracle, unfortunately...

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magnesium   because   dupuytren-online   Liniment   contracture   Dupuytren   Pointer   significantly   fingers   Vitamin   recommended   Photobiomodulation   experience   supplements   dupuytrenfoundation   disease   nodules   Treatment   self-respecting   CREOSOTE