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brand new case
05/04/2013 08:41
05/04/2013 08:41
brand new case

Three days ago I thought I'd been bitten by an insect on the heel of my left hand. A small painful swelling with a red mark at the top was clearly visible. Then, yesterday, I suddenly had three more nodules on the same hand. A painful one at the base of the ring finger, another painful pea-sized one below the middle of the palm, and a relatively painless smaller one above the middle of the palm. What's going on here? I have no risk factors for Dupuytren's and am generally healthy. I did have two urinary bladder stones removed under general anesthesia 10 days ago and had a very uncomfortable recovery. Also, about a month ago I had severe left sided sub-clavicular pain diagnosed by an orthopod as "nerve problem in the neck." Pain disappeared quickly and uneventfully. I've never had shingles.

The pain has modified how I use my left hand.

Anything I should worry about or should I just follow my usual advice: NEVER go to the doctor except for profuse bleeding or unbearable pain?

P.S. Also an old left sided Achilles tendon injury recurred suddenly at the same time, putting a hitch in my get-along.

Edited 05/04/13 11:45

05/04/2013 13:27
05/04/2013 13:27
Re: brand new case

You might have things to worry about, but I don't think Dupuytren's is one of those things. It would be very unusual if these conditions were Dupuytren's.

05/04/2013 18:24


05/04/2013 18:24


Re: brand new case

Then, yesterday, I suddenly had three more nodules on the same hand. A painful one at the base of the ring finger, another painful pea-sized one below the middle of the palm, and a relatively painless smaller one above the middle of the palm. What's going on here?
"more nodules"? So you already had Dupuytren's?

05/04/2013 21:59
05/04/2013 21:59
Re: brand new case

NO I noticed the first nodule on this past Wednesday evening, then Friday I found three others. Three of the four are so painfully irritating, I can't believe they were there without my noticing for any appreciable length of time. I haven't read how long Dupuytrens usually takes to develop, but this quick onset makes me wonder what's going on.

05/05/2013 01:00
05/05/2013 01:00
Re: brand new case

Dupuytren's is generally not that spontaneous. Often months to develop, but sometimes quicker. Generally there is no pain or little pain with the first development of nodules.

05/05/2013 10:59


05/05/2013 10:59


Re: brand new case

It's difficult to say. Often people may have nodules, cysts, ganglions, skin tags, warts, age spots, and be totally unaware of them as such, until some other factor causes a closer and wider examination of the affected area. So for example with DD nodules I had the first of mine for a couple years or more, usually dismissing it as a callus. I had knuckle pads for 30+ years and also thought they were old warts or calluses.

Not saying this is your case, but as callie says it's unusual for a DD nodule to present so quickly.

Insect bite, suggests allergy, hives, or similar. DD is slow so if the condition has not reduced or cleared after a week, see your GP.

05/06/2013 14:10
05/06/2013 14:10
Re: brand new case

When I first saw anything amiss in my palm it started with a red spot that developed overnight in my palm. i did not pay it much attention, other than the fact that it hurt. Since I was doing gardening I just thought I had hurt it where the shovel handle would dig into your palm. After a couple of weeks it still had not gone away, so I thought ...a callus. 2 more weeks went by and it became a hard knot under the skin. I still was in pain from it and the pain was getting worse. I watched it grow, get bigger, and the pain became so bad I finally went to the doctor. My GP had no idea what it was. She referred me to a hand specialist. I had to wait 6-8 weeks for an appointment. By the time I saw him I had developed a cord that ran from the base of my middle finger to almost my wrist. Mine DD developed rather quickly. I have learned over the years that my DD is atypical.

Take notes of how many nodules/bumps you have and document if changes occur and the time span that it occurs over. If you have DD or something else, at least with the documentation of changes or no changes you will have a great deal of information to provide a doctor.


Edited 05/06/13 17:11

Dupuytren   painful   examination   Dupuytrens   development   relatively   generally   uneventfully   nodules   appreciable   sub-clavicular   appointment   uncomfortable   information   disappeared   dismissing   anesthesia   documentation   spontaneous   developed