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Comments on You Tube
09/05/2007 00:13
09/05/2007 00:13
Comments on You Tube

I just found out about the procedure being shown on You Tube. I'm really disappointed that there were no comments.

If you have had NA, PLEASE go to youtube.com, do a search for Dupuytren's and leave a comment about your experience. My husband had the procedure and he was all over watching the video. I already watched my husband have the procedure, so I wasn't so interested in watching it all over again. Either way, someone might be directed to the site who has no clue what to do. My husband is so happy that he finally did something and had the NA procedure. Please use this opportunity to share your experience in order to help others who are not sure what they should do.


09/05/2007 07:35
09/05/2007 07:35

Re: Comments on You Tube

I've not had NA but left a comment anyway.

something   disappointed   opportunity   experience   watched   husband   interested   comment   directed   someone   procedure   already   Dupuytren   Comments   finally   watching   youtube