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Dr. Denkler 5/28/13 NA Procedure
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06/11/2013 01:25
06/11/2013 01:25
Re: Dr. Denkler 5/28/13 NA Procedure

2 weeks.

Pinkie PIP and DIP on left still tender unable to make fist but pain isn't too bad just stiff and swollen. Swelling is going down slowly. Started stretching more aggressively on DIP and PIP when pain allows. Looks like I'm still going to have stage 1 at DIP even though I am vigorously stretching like DIP joint forgot it was once straight. Stretching boutonniere.

Pinkie DIP on right tender but with improved motion and can make fist with limited discomfort. DIP still swollen but finger is fully extended to almost normal. Tear is healed. Started aggressive stretching on this hand as pain is minimal.

Able to use hands under average circumstances...not pushing it.

06/11/2013 04:41
06/11/2013 04:41
Re: Dr. Denkler 5/28/13 NA Procedure

2 weeks.

Pinkie PIP and DIP on left still tender unable to make fist but pain isn't too bad just stiff and swollen. Swelling is going down slowly. Started stretching more aggressively on DIP and PIP when pain allows. Looks like I'm still going to have stage 1 at DIP even though I am vigorously stretching like DIP joint forgot it was once straight. Stretching boutonniere.
Pinkie DIP on right tender but with improved motion and can make fist with limited discomfort. DIP still swollen but finger is fully extended to almost normal. Tear is healed. Started aggressive stretching on this hand as pain is minimal.
Able to use hands under average circumstances...not pushing it.
Thanks for the update. My NA with Dr. D was a week before yours, so it helps to compare notes. Tomorrow is 3 weeks for me and its improving very slowly, but going in the right direction. PIP is still very swollen and DIP is very stiff and the rest of the finger is swollen as well, especially between the PIP and MCP joints, also this weird cord-shaped swelling has appeared on the outside edge of the bottom half of the pinkie. Not sure if its a new cord due to the trauma of the NA procedure (trauma being a cause for Dupuytren's to develop) or if it is new scar tissue (which the OT thinks it is). In any case it is a very painful area and makes it hard to massage finger.

The finger is much straighter than before, but for now, it is hard to make a fist and painful to do some of the exercises. I wrap the finger with a coban elastic bandage to bring down the swelling. It also helps to apply heat before exercises and ice it after you are done.

Edited 06/11/13 07:43

06/18/2013 19:02
06/18/2013 19:02
Re: Dr. Denkler 5/28/13 NA Procedure

3 weeks.

Pain and swelling on both pinkies significantly reduced. Unable to make tight fists but getting closer. Have been using hands for moderate strength use. Continuous stretching throughout the day. Tenderness on palm area where cords received treatment is almost all gone. Wounds almost all healed just dry skin.

Doing PIP boutonniere exercises on left (left MCP & DIP was stage 4) and seeing some straightening but nothing miraculous. Left DIP remains stage 1-2. However, able to bend MCP back within alignment of adjacent fingers so still happy with what I have. Again, I left this hand go far too long.

Right pinkie is straight with slight bend at DIP (right DIP was stage 2.) I'm thinking this is more swelling than anything.

Both DIP's feel like they cannot travel any further back than they have been able to over the last 3 weeks. Almost like they were fused at that Dup's angle and have forgotten where straight is (especially left stage 4.) Whether this is due to swelling I do not know. However, at present I'm not expecting to wake up one day with swelling gone and suddenly DIP's are straight. Current mindset is that I will retain what I have for now.

I am interested to hear whether open surgery or X'flex has returned Stage 4 DIP's to normal?

Still very happy I went through with the procedure. It's amazing what a subconscious dark cloud this Dup's has been. Being able to shake hands without performing a sleight of hand is a small miracle.

- M

06/18/2013 22:56
06/18/2013 22:56
Re: Dr. Denkler 5/28/13 NA Procedure

Hi Mark,
Thanks for the update. Since I had my NA with Dr. D one week before you, I am interested to compare notes. Remind me again...did you have DIP's in a "boutonierre position"? ... I mean did the tip of the finger bend upwards? That is what I have in both pinkies, PIP contracture, plus boutonierre for the DIP joint.

My left pinkie NA I had done on 5/21 is showing some improvement, but I'm not there yet ! Like you, the swelling on the palm is mostly gone, and the finger is a bit less swollen, so I can make a fist and bend the PIP of the pinkie, but the DIP seems to be "locked" and is hard to bend, unless I push down the tip of the finger into the palm with the other hand. I am hoping that with continued exercise it will get better...

The only problem I have, two weeks after the NA, I developed a "cord-like" swelling on the outer edge of the pinkie that is swollen and painful, so I am trying to resolve that by keeping the finger wrapped with "coban elastic bandage" and by massaging often to try to reduce the swelling, also continuing to do the exercises and going to therapy twice a week. Dr. D said that this "cord-like" swelling is very unusual, could be scar tissue ?, and it would help to injected it with cortisone, but I am not ready for that (ouch!).

I guess it will take time, the improvement is very slow but (except for the cord-like swelling) it is going in the right direction.

Did you ever get a night brace?


06/19/2013 12:41
06/19/2013 12:41
Re: Dr. Denkler 5/28/13 NA Procedure

Hi Mark,
Thanks for the update. Since I had my NA with Dr. D one week before you, I am interested to compare notes. Remind me again...did you have DIP's in a "boutonierre position"? ... I mean did the tip of the finger bend upwards? That is what I have in both pinkies, PIP contracture, plus boutonierre for the DIP joint.

My left pinkie NA I had done on 5/21 is showing some improvement, but I'm not there yet ! Like you, the swelling on the palm is mostly gone, and the finger is a bit less swollen, so I can make a fist and bend the PIP of the pinkie, but the DIP seems to be "locked" and is hard to bend, unless I push down the tip of the finger into the palm with the other hand. I am hoping that with continued exercise it will get better...

The only problem I have, two weeks after the NA, I developed a "cord-like" swelling on the outer edge of the pinkie that is swollen and painful, so I am trying to resolve that by keeping the finger wrapped with "coban elastic bandage" and by massaging often to try to reduce the swelling, also continuing to do the exercises and going to therapy twice a week. Dr. D said that this "cord-like" swelling is very unusual, could be scar tissue ?, and it would help to injected it with cortisone, but I am not ready for that (ouch!).

I guess it will take time, the improvement is very slow but (except for the cord-like swelling) it is going in the right direction.

Did you ever get a night brace?


Hi Luba,

Yes, boutonniere on the left pinkie not on right. Sorry to hear of your cord development. No night brace yet. Like you I have swelling and DIP seems like it's locked. It will be interesting to see how we fare over the coming weeks. I'm hoping to see some improvement in mobility once the swelling goes down.


06/19/2013 15:50
06/19/2013 15:50
Re: Dr. Denkler 5/28/13 NA Procedure

Hi Luba,
Yes, boutonniere on the left pinkie not on right. Sorry to hear of your cord development. No night brace yet. Like you I have swelling and DIP seems like it's locked. It will be interesting to see how we fare over the coming weeks. I'm hoping to see some improvement in mobility once the swelling goes down.

Thanks Mark,
I am hoping that that cord is more like scar tissue that will go away eventually, because when I wrap it with coban it flattens, at least that is what the therapist thinks. We'll continue to compare notes. Please feel free to private message me if you like, or we can email directly if you have more questions.

06/23/2013 03:35
06/23/2013 03:35
Re: Dr. Denkler 5/28/13 NA Procedure

Hi Luba,
I've been of the site for a while. I saw you had NA again recently with Dr. Denkler.

I suggest getting the night splint as soon as you can. It does it's work at night while you sleep. It made difference for me.

You're right, having severe contracture makes it harder and more recovery. My contracture was about 20 degrees and I was on top of it. I didn't have a splint the first NA, but I did get one after the 2nd NA. It straightened my hand and gave more span across my palm. My contracture was in my palm and the fingers affected were in the MCP joint coming out of the palm. If there is anything good about this weird disease, for me I think it was that PIP and DIP finger joints were not involved.

I had RT right after my first NA because my DD was mostly in the nodule stage with nodules forming noticibly. Over a 6 week period, nodule count went from three small areas targeted for RT to the need to radiate my whole palm. I was lucky that I was set up for RT because it was progressing rapidly.
I did have some cords in my palm that RT did not stop progressing, although I think they might have contracted more without RT but we can't prove a negative. Cords continued to tighten, so 2 years later, I had NA again wit Dr Denkler. The 2nd time is when I got a night splint. That was 2 years ago and I still wear it, but I don't feel there is a problem if I miss wearing it for a few days. However, I intend to wear it probably forever. I went back to the splint maker 3 times to get it adjusted. He is very available to adjust it whenever I need to.

06/23/2013 07:26
06/23/2013 07:26
Re: Dr. Denkler 5/28/13 NA Procedure

Hi Luba,
I've been of the site for a while. I saw you had NA again recently with Dr. Denkler.
Hi Flora,
Nice seeing you here again. You are right in your advice to Mark for a night splint, but treating a contracture of the MCP joint is definitely easier than PIP or DIP joints. My latest NA was for my LH pinkie PIP and boutonierre in DIP, and five weeks after the NA, the finger is straighter, but I am still struggling with swelling of the finger and PIP joint, which makes it hard to exercise, plus I developed a painful cord-shaped swelling on the outer side of the finger which I am trying to deal with. I am going to therapy with a hand therapist, am using a night splint, and hope all these problems will resolve soon. My previous two NA's on the RH pinkie PIP were not successful. I am keeping positive thoughts for this latest NA...

Edited 06/23/13 10:27

07/04/2013 14:40
07/04/2013 14:40
Re: Dr. Denkler 5/28/13 NA Procedure

4 weeks.

Wounds healed with slight tenderness in some spots, extension progress remains the same straight on right, stage 1 on left (left was stage 4+.)

Being an active musician all my life it has been a joy to get back to octave bass on the piano and conventional tuning on the guitar. Although the revised guitar tuning to accommodate dups' was an interesting journey.

Very happy I got NA done. I'm guessing I'll need additional work on the left.

- Mark

07/04/2013 15:23
07/04/2013 15:23
Re: Dr. Denkler 5/28/13 NA Procedure

4 weeks.
Wounds healed with slight tenderness in some spots, extension progress remains the same straight on right, stage 1 on left (left was stage 4+.)
Being an active musician all my life it has been a joy to get back to octave bass on the piano and conventional tuning on the guitar. Although the revised guitar tuning to accommodate dups' was an interesting journey.
Very happy I got NA done. I'm guessing I'll need additional work on the left.
- Mark
Hi Mark,
Thanks for update. Glad you're happy with NA and hope everything continues to improve for you. Are you still dealing with issues of swelling in left hand? are you able to exercise and make a fist? last time you posted you had problems with swelling.

For me, it has been six weeks since my NA. There is much less swelling in the finger,but the DIP joint is still very stiff and hard to bend. I can bend the pinkie at the MCP and PIP joints but cannot make a total fist. Hopefully it will continue to improve. I bought "silicone strips" at CVS Pharmacy, and I use them (almost 24/7) on the cord-shaped swelling that had developed on the outer edge of the finger. The silicone strips have helped a lot, and the swelling is much better, especially when I first remove the strip. I am continuing with twice a week hand therapy and use a night brace every day.

Edited 07/04/13 18:24

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