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Dr. Denkler 5/28/13 NA Procedure
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07/04/2013 19:53
07/04/2013 19:53
Re: Dr. Denkler 5/28/13 NA Procedure

4 weeks.
Wounds healed with slight tenderness in some spots, extension progress remains the same straight on right, stage 1 on left (left was stage 4+.)
Being an active musician all my life it has been a joy to get back to octave bass on the piano and conventional tuning on the guitar. Although the revised guitar tuning to accommodate dups' was an interesting journey.
Very happy I got NA done. I'm guessing I'll need additional work on the left.
- Mark
Hi Mark,
Thanks for update. Glad you're happy with NA and hope everything continues to improve for you. Are you still dealing with issues of swelling in left hand? are you able to exercise and make a fist? last time you posted you had problems with swelling.

For me, it has been six weeks since my NA. There is much less swelling in the finger,but the DIP joint is still very stiff and hard to bend. I can bend the pinkie at the MCP and PIP joints but cannot make a total fist. Hopefully it will continue to improve. I bought "silicone strips" at CVS Pharmacy, and I use them (almost 24/7) on the cord-shaped swelling that had developed on the outer edge of the finger. The silicone strips have helped a lot, and the swelling is much better, especially when I first remove the strip. I am continuing with twice a week hand therapy and use a night brace every day.

Hi Luba,

Swelling gone down but stiff. Can make fist all but for last few degrees as stiffness is not allowing full motion.

- Mark

07/04/2013 21:49
07/04/2013 21:49
Re: Dr. Denkler 5/28/13 NA Procedure

Hi LubaM,
Would you recommend silicon strips & night splints even without any procedures? I.e as methods to contain the disease?

07/05/2013 00:16
07/05/2013 00:16
Re: Dr. Denkler 5/28/13 NA Procedure

Hi LubaM,
Would you recommend silicon strips & night splints even without any procedures? I.e as methods to contain the disease?
Hi JulieB,
As far as night splints without any procedures to contain or prevent progression, I can't say since I've only used night splints each time after the 3 NA's I've had... but there have been other threads on this Forum that talked about preventive splinting...you can maybe do a "search" and see what other comments come up.

As far as silicon strips I do recommend them because of personal experience. After NA 6 weeks ago to correct a PIP contracture on my small finger I had a lot of swelling of the finger, plus I developed a cord-shaped swelling on the outside/outer edge of the finger that was very painful. I started using silicon strips to wrap the finger and it has brought down the swelling especially where that cord developed. I use the silicon strips almost 24/7 and also use a small compression sleeve bandage over the silicone, plus a night splint.

I am not sure how silicon strips would work or what they would do on a finger that has not had any procedures.

Edited 07/05/13 03:21

07/07/2013 03:11
07/07/2013 03:11
Re: Dr. Denkler 5/28/13 NA Procedure

Hi LubaM,
Would you recommend silicon strips & night splints even without any procedures? I.e as methods to contain the disease?
Hi JulieB,
As far as night splints without any procedures to contain or prevent progression, I can't say since I've only used night splints each time after the 3 NA's I've had... but there have been other threads on this Forum that talked about preventive splinting...you can maybe do a "search" and see what other comments come up.

As far as silicon strips I do recommend them because of personal experience. After NA 6 weeks ago to correct a PIP contracture on my small finger I had a lot of swelling of the finger, plus I developed a cord-shaped swelling on the outside/outer edge of the finger that was very painful. I started using silicon strips to wrap the finger and it has brought down the swelling especially where that cord developed. I use the silicon strips almost 24/7 and also use a small compression sleeve bandage over the silicone, plus a night splint.

I am not sure how silicon strips would work or what they would do on a finger that has not had any procedures.

If you search my posts from the last year, you'll see my very enthusiastic accounts of success with a custom night splint for my little finger PIP contracture. I hadn't had any procedures on that finger other than RT, and the splint REDUCED the contracture considerably. One factor I think is important is that the splint has a putty-like substance against the cord area that my CHT said was similiar to silicon, so it may help soften the cord.

Good luck!


07/07/2013 04:15
07/07/2013 04:15
Re: Dr. Denkler 5/28/13 NA Procedure

If you search my posts from the last year, you'll see my very enthusiastic accounts of success with a custom night splint for my little finger PIP contracture. I hadn't had any procedures on that finger other than RT, and the splint REDUCED the contracture considerably. One factor I think is important is that the splint has a putty-like substance against the cord area that my CHT said was similiar to silicon, so it may help soften the cord.
Good luck!

Hi Maddie, thanks... Interesting concept of having a putty-like substance similar to silicon inside the splint... it is great that it reduced your contracture.

My situation seems to be "unusual". I have DD in both hands but only in pinkie fingers, the rest of both hands are good. I have nodules and dimples but no "visible" cords, yet both pinkies are contracted. Have had two NA's on right pinkie.... RT three years ago, and recently NA on left pinkie. Both my pinkies have very "stubborn" PIP contractures, they seem to have a mind of their own and refuse to hold the good results I attain after NA.

Use of silicon strips is a new thing for me, I am hoping it will help.

I am not sure how I can find your old posts

Edited 07/07/13 07:16

07/07/2013 14:43
07/07/2013 14:43
Re: Dr. Denkler 5/28/13 NA Procedure

To find my (or anyone's) old posts, go to "search forum". There is an option to "search on user", so just enter "Maddie". Hope it's helpful.

07/08/2013 01:45
07/08/2013 01:45
Re: Dr. Denkler 5/28/13 NA Procedure

Thanks, Maddie

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