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Dupuytrens and all the baggage
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02/29/2008 11:25
02/29/2008 11:25
Re: Dupuytrens and all the baggage

How would you go about to try to find anyone who does radiotherapy? Not to mention where? Would it make sense to try radiotherapy on nodules after having NA done?


03/01/2008 07:38


03/01/2008 07:38


finding clinics for radiotherapy

Joe, not long ago Colleen (posting as Issleib) succeeded and found a clinic close to where she lives. She looked for clinics that had radiotherapy or oncology departments and that were research oriented. University clinics are good candidates. They ought to be research oriented because its still not a standard treatment.

Radiating (growing) nodules after NA? Might make sense. Radiating cords after NA? Don't know, maybe not.


Edited at 01.03.08 09:41

03/04/2008 15:29
03/04/2008 15:29
Re: Dupuytrens and all the baggage


Thanks so much, I did some researching and found 4 oncology Dr's in my remote area. However, I have no idea if they would be willing to try radiotherapy with Dup's nodules. Within the next few weeks I'm going to try to contact them and see what they have to say. Wolfgang, I really appreciate your responses as I feel that I'm not taken serious about my conditions versus my age. I'm going to be 40 in Oct. I have three afflicted fingers on my right hand and two on my left. Not to mention, three lumps on my right foot and one on my left. I had two Aux AA4500 injections that I would consider to be a failure, especially on my pinky PIP. There is a lot more that I can go on about but I think I'll leave it at that for now.



03/05/2008 15:48

not registered

03/05/2008 15:48

not registered

Re: Dupuytrens and all the baggage

Joe, good luck to you! Keep going. Maybe some triamcinolon injections in your feet might help if you have pain there?

PS: I started with Dupy when I with 30 - 35 and now I am 60 (time is fleeting ...) but still type and walk along.



Thanks so much, I did some researching and found 4 oncology Dr's in my remote area. However, I have no idea if they would be willing to try radiotherapy with Dup's nodules. Within the next few weeks I'm going to try to contact them and see what they have to say. Wolfgang, I really appreciate your responses as I feel that I'm not taken serious about my conditions versus my age. I'm going to be 40 in Oct. I have three afflicted fingers on my right hand and two on my left. Not to mention, three lumps on my right foot and one on my left. I had two Aux AA4500 injections that I would consider to be a failure, especially on my pinky PIP. There is a lot more that I can go on about but I think I'll leave it at that for now.



03/05/2008 18:24
03/05/2008 18:24
Re: Dupuytrens and all the baggage

I tried oncology doctors but in the USA they are very much concerned about practicing new treatments (not established norm, etc.) due to the risk of the loss of their malpractice insurance. With a university medical center this liability is not a concern for the doctor and so they are much more likely to give serious consideration to providing this treatment.

Important to note that these individuals will not have much if any experience with patients with Dupuytren's in the USA and many other parts of the world and so it will be more difficult for them to determine the extent of the area to be treated.

Dr. Penny Snead at the University of California San Francisco Medical Center agreed to provide treatment but made use of the diagrams I had obtained from Dr. Seegenschmiedt in Essen. Dr. Seegenschmiedt in palpating my hands found the affected areas to be more extensive than was perceived by the surgeon who had provided a NA to both hands only one month prior.

X-ray treatment may provide the best chance to minimize progression of the disease but it will not correct contractures or cords which require some form of surgical intervention.

03/05/2008 23:18
03/05/2008 23:18
Re: Dupuytrens and all the baggage

Hi  I was a guest on this   forum a while back.. since then, I have nodules on both palms, and cords on both..My right hand is bending and my fingers, not just the joints hurt.  I can't lift anything and have a hard time doing most anythin that involves right hand...All this started during treatment for a lung desease, maybe 10 months ago.  I have been to 3 drs and not one of them even care.  the only treatment is 3 times a week physical Therapy, which I can't afford.. I can do the same thing at home..  Where do people find a Dr that even cares?  My eye Dr told me more then my rhumotologist did.  I say my HANDS HURT to him and he says thats impossible, Dups doesn't hurt.  Any suggestions would be appreciated Thanks athln

03/11/2008 21:28
03/11/2008 21:28
Re: Dupuytrens and all the baggage

Are you generally happy with the X-ray treatment or is it too soon to tell. I've had one NA sucessful but it returned in 2.5 years; one Collagenase-- semi-successful as the cord snapped but skin tethering wasn't corrected.

It took 15 years for DC to develop in my right hand and less than 15 months for almost all the fingers and the palm of my left hand to develop DC which seems to be moving so fast now that I can see daily changes. It's gotten more aggressive in my right hand also since the drug trial.-- I don't know if that's a result of the collagenase treatment or just the natural progression


Important to note that these individuals will not have much if any experience with patients with Dupuytren's in the USA and many other parts of the world and so it will be more difficult for them to determine the extent of the area to be treated.

Dr. Penny Snead at the University of California San Francisco Medical Center agreed to provide treatment but made use of the diagrams I had obtained from Dr. Seegenschmiedt in Essen. Dr. Seegenschmiedt in palpating my hands found the affected areas to be more extensive than was perceived by the surgeon who had provided a NA to both hands only one month prior.

X-ray treatment may provide the best chance to minimize progression of the disease but it will not correct contractures or cords which require some form of surgical intervention.

03/14/2008 03:07
03/14/2008 03:07
Re: Dupuytrens and all the baggage

Cathln, Very sorry to hear about your condition worsening at such a fast pace. From what I understand, stress or injury can cause the disease to progress at a more rapid rate.

The most important information I can give you is to have it treated as soon as possible. The longer you wait, the worse it gets and the less likely to get a 100% recovery. By 100 % I don't mean that it will be completely gone, but it does mean that you will have more mobility in the fingers.

My husband and I found Dr. David Kline. His clinic is the Dupuytrens Center in Boise. After checking out his web site, what convinced us to have him do the procedure is the fact that he himself has Dupuytren's. He had his NA done in Paris and was so happy with the result, that he went back to be trained to do the procedure himself. Here is his web site. http://www.dupuytrenscenter.com

He has been so understanding and helpful. When you meet with him, he makes you feel as if you are his only patient. I had to drag my husband to see him (my hubby has a thing about doctors) but after the procedure my husband has been so happy, that he says that he will gladly go back if or when he needs the procedure again.

You are very blessed that you found this forum. My husband's primary care doctor, referred him to a hand surgeon. The surgeon said that my husband should have the surgery immediately. He never even mentioned NA or the study that is being done.

Please try to connect with a NA doctor as soon as possible. Dr. Kline had me e-mail pictures of my husband's hand to determine if NA would be successful. That alone saved us traveling 1000 miles. We booked the procedure, flew in the evening before, had the procedure done at 10:00 am and flew back to Denver to be home the same evening.

Please don't hesitate to ask any question you have. No one here has a personal agenda, only personal experiences.

I pray that you find the right answer for you soon. Sandie

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Seegenschmiedt   fingers   dupuytrenscenter   progression   nodules   rhumotologist   disease   procedure   Radiotherapy   intervention   baggage   semi-successful   developed   contractures   strategically   dupuytren-online   practitioners   Wolfgang   treatment   Dupuytrens