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Dupuytrens in North Carolina
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12/10/2011 17:54
12/10/2011 17:54
Re: Dupuytrens in North Carolina

Those are great results. My PIP, small finger contracture came back within 6-9 months (two NA's on same finger, 4 years apart). That's why this disease is so "weird"... so different from one person to the next !

12/10/2011 19:25
12/10/2011 19:25
Re: Dupuytrens in North Carolina

At what time do you consider surgery?

12/10/2011 19:39
12/10/2011 19:39
Re: Dupuytrens in North Carolina

Hi Callie,
First off I am no expert, just an old man with Dupretrens. Personally I would let Dr. Eaton in Jupiter,Fl tell me that he could not help me before I would even consider surgery.

12/10/2011 21:41
12/10/2011 21:41
Re: Dupuytrens in North Carolina

Yes, everyone is different. Dr. Eaton still does surgery, doesn't he? Immediately following my surgery I thought I might try NA on my other hand if the Dupuytren's progressed. The Dupuytren's on my other hand has stayed absolutely dormant for the last 12-13 years so I haven't had to make that decision. The longer (it has been 10 years) my hand (that I had surgery on) goes without showing any signs of Dupuytren's the easier it will be for me to decide on surgery again rather than NA or Xiaflex.

12/10/2011 22:38
12/10/2011 22:38
Re: Dupuytrens in North Carolina

I have no idea if Dr. Eaton does hand surgery. There is no doubt he is capable, but I just assumed he only did NA.
You could send email and ask.

12/10/2011 23:12
12/10/2011 23:12
Re: Dupuytrens in North Carolina

Yes, everyone is different. Dr. Eaton still does surgery, doesn't he? Immediately following my surgery I thought I might try NA on my other hand if the Dupuytren's progressed. The Dupuytren's on my other hand has stayed absolutely dormant for the last 12-13 years so I haven't had to make that decision. The longer (it has been 10 years) my hand (that I had surgery on) goes without showing any signs of Dupuytren's the easier it will be for me to decide on surgery again rather than NA or Xiaflex.
Good for you that your surgery has lasted 10 yrs. without a recurrence, that is wonderful results, which would make it easy for you to decide on surgery should you need treatment again. Others who have posted here, have also been lucky with surgery, but many have had a difficult time with it and recurrences as well. You are one of the lucky ones.

I have read all kinds of stories on this Forum and have personally met people who had terrible results and problems after surgery, that has put me "on guard" about surgery. For me, its about trying the less invasive procedures first and leaving surgery as a last resort.

In my case, my only contracted finger is the small finger of right hand (2 NA's on it without long term success)... and the very beginning of a problem with the small finger of my left hand. I am an artist and I paint, and as long as I can use my other four fingers without a problem to hold my brushes, I am leaving it alone... for now.

I personally believe that whatever you do, whether it's surgery, NA or Xiaflex... it all comes down to how prone you are to have a recurrence and how aggressive your disease is. There is no right or wrong decision, its was you are comfortable with and luck.

07/01/2013 19:13
07/01/2013 19:13
Re: Dupuytrens in North Carolina

I need to have needle neuropathy done again on my left little finger and have found that Dr. Francis has retired. I am going to Dr. Alexander Croog with Commonwealth Orthopedics in Fairfax, VA, who was trained in Florida. I am familiar with that practice as Dr. Martinelli, in the same practice, operated on a small benign tumor on my left hand 2 years ago that appears, at times, with Dupuytrens. And, he put my wrist back together 12 years ago when I crushed 1.5 in of my wrist bone in a freak accident (which is probably why the Dupuytrens appeared). I highly recommend that practice if anyone is close.

I had an appointment for needle neuropathy with Dr. Michael Travis in Leonardtown, MD, and went today for pre-op. He was too busy to answer two questions that I had. So, I cancelled the appointment. If a doctor is too busy to spend time answering two questions, then I question whether he will rush through the procedure.

I will post after my appointment with Dr. Croog, as he is closer than Florida for some of you.

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