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Saw Dr. Eaton July 2nd
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07/11/2004 23:00

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07/11/2004 23:00

not registered

Saw Dr. Eaton July 2nd

I had the procedure a week and a half ago and so far so good. I had a contracture in my pinky, ring and middle finger of my right hand, as much as 45 degrees. I was advised against having NA by 4 Boston doctors but 3 of them conceded that It wouldn't hurt trying but to beware of the risk of a blind treatment. I went to Florida despite their warning.

Dr. Eaton sat down and discussed things with me ahead of the procedure which I appreciated. He seems very well versed on the subject and I was very comfortable with him as a result. The actual procedure was 15 minutes to puncture a cord in my palm in three spots - this one cord was pulling all three fingers down. Afterwards I could lay my hand completely flat on the table and the nodule was softer without the tension on it.

Today I have no pain in the hand unless I extend the hand fully so the point where the entire palm rests on the table. The Dr.'s office told me to not do that and this will improve with time which I hope is correct. I guess with the anesthetic I was not feeling the pain of this full extension immediately after the procedure. Either way, the hand opens up to a normal resting position just fine now. I am still taking it easy and not doing anything strenuous yet with the hand for another week.

Since my hand had agressive contractures which went from 0 to 45 degreees in ONE MONTH, I don't know how long it will be that this lasts. Hopefully at least a year. I am also feeling cords in the left hand now too. To help combat all this, I am personally taking Celebrex, and a variety of antioxidants (E, Selenium, Alpha Lipoic Acid, Blueberry Juice) that have some theoretical benefit possibly.

But so far I'm a happy camper and would return to Florida if I had too. I just hope that I will be soon able to fully use my right hand without any pain at all. It is only 10 days post surgery so I'm realistic that I might need more time.


07/11/2004 23:06
07/11/2004 23:06
I agree!

Glad to hear it was a good choice for you, and that everything worked out. I had my procedure on my left hand on 6/16, and I'm going back on 9/24 for the right hand. I was stunned at my positive outcome, and actually kinda angry that my hand surgeon here at home was going to put me thru a grueling procedure unnecessarily. My left-hand 70 degree PIP contracture is at 5 degrees now - no pain, no evidence that I had any procedure at all!

Ain't life grand?

07/12/2004 23:07
Randy H.

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07/12/2004 23:07
Randy H.

not registered

Moral Obligation

The staggering ignorance of hand surgeons becomes increasingly apparent weekly as the "first hand" accounts of the overwhelming success of Dr. Eaton's NA continue to mount. We have all been blessing to find this site, as opposed to those who continue to go blindly under the knife like sheep (Thanks Walt and others!).

Anger at ignorance is understandable......however, Unproductive. Anyone who has had NA is in a distinct though powerful minority. Use the gratitude of your blessing to be motivated to **Speak Truth to Authority**. Make sure the surgeon(s) who knew of your case learn of Dr. Eaton's success. For those who think this is all about the Almighty Buck, be sure to add that Eaton's averages $1,000 per hour for a simple in-office procedure (I personally don't subscribe to the greed theory.....but just in case).

We can wait until Eaton is overwhelmed and has a 12 month waiting list, or we can help fertilizer the soil of change within the fraternity of elite hand docs. Hold your nose at what seems like mild "I'm in charge here" professional arrogance. Their mild professional arrogance pails in comparison to Kobie getting Phil fired and The Most Dominant traded to Miami (sorry, I'm from L.A........Miami, we now fear you.)

07/12/2004 23:22

not registered

07/12/2004 23:22

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When i hear how the twins N/A works i will be convinced and maybe even fertilize my garden!!

07/12/2004 23:36
George Barbarow

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07/12/2004 23:36
George Barbarow

not registered

Obligation or opportunity

Those of us that have experienced the miracle of needle aponeurotomy have both an opportunity and an obligation to spread the word.

I printed out photos and my description of the procedure
and presented it to the physical therapist that the local hand surgeon had me talk with after two visits. I asked her to pass this information on to the surgeon.

Also,I have sent Emails to Oprah, Health magazines and the American Society of Hand Surgeons with a link to my story.

Those in other areas and other countries can enlighten the
hand surgeons in their area.

Do whatever you can to get the word out to others.


07/12/2004 23:58
07/12/2004 23:58

Good for you ,GEORGE..and Thanks..I feel the more people we can help the better for all of us.....I am also spreading word......

07/16/2004 23:26

not registered

07/16/2004 23:26

not registered


How do get in touch with Dr. Eaton Thnk you . Bob

07/16/2004 23:34

not registered

07/16/2004 23:34

not registered


Dr. Eaton has a web site... You can call the office...Phone number and address is on web site..www.handcenter.org,I will forward more imfor to you.
Good Luck

07/19/2004 23:15

not registered

07/19/2004 23:15

not registered

2 1/2 weeks later...question for others who~sq~ve had NA

The apparent immediate success of my procedure appears to be derailed slightly as I was not completely able to open the hand after the procedure - at first I thought I would when the pain went away, but now I still have a 10-15 degree contracture in the MP joint despite no pain now. Is this what others experienced? Dr Eaton's office says this isn't the dupuytren but the muscles and skin etc that need to be trained to go back to flat by wearing the splint. Has anyone had this happen...where it gradually gets better with time? thanks

07/20/2004 23:20
07/20/2004 23:20
another successfull

Yes...... my little finger was at 80%..after procedure 30%
Dr. Eaton was very carefull about not wanting to stretch it out any further as the skin had not been stretched in about 5 years...He did not want to cause a skin split......KEEP YOUR BRACE ON..VERY IMPORTANT..Finger will automatically want to go back with pulling of skin...I am going back in Feb., as maybe this can be increased...and to have new cords snipped....What was the degree of your constrictions compared to others?

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completely   degrees   contractures   acetyl-l-carnitine   aggressive   aggressiveness   bio-mechanically   problem   because   colchicine   surgeon   recurrance   traditional   contracture   disease   understandable   another   surgery   procedure   dupuytren