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Great visit with Dr. Denkler/additional NA technique he used
05/26/2013 19:02
05/26/2013 19:02
Great visit with Dr. Denkler/additional NA technique he used

I had a great visit with Dr. Denkler and would like to share a bit of "additional NA technique" that he used.

The immediate results were excellent, now it remains to be seen if it will last. The procedure was uneventful, this being my third NA (twice previously on right hand pinkie, and first time on this one...left hand pinkie) I can easily say it was the least painful. Dr. Denkler is a wonderful, caring, knowledgeable and very experienced doctor who has done NA longer than any doctor on the west coast and is always ready to try new techniques to improve the results of the procedure.

In my case there was lots of puckering on the palm just below the small finger and after cutting the cord and straightening the finger at the PIP and DIP joints, he then inserted the needle in the palm just under the skin and released the puckering with a side to side motion, thus lifting the skin in the palm in the hopes that by relieving the puckering it will help maintain the finger straight after the NA. It is an additional thing he says he's trying out.

Five days after my NA, the finger is straight although there is a bit of swelling in the PIP joint and in the palm where he released the skin. I started PT and exercises and I am hoping that the extra bit of release he did will help prevent recurrence of the PIP contraction. With my RH pinkie it came back "twice" within six months after the NA procedure. Results are so individual, no matter what procedure you do !! If this NA with the release of puckering in the palm gives me longer lasting results, I will definitely go back and try the RH pinkie one more time.

I would highly recommend Dr. Denkler.

05/26/2013 19:17
05/26/2013 19:17
Re: Great visit with Dr. Denkler/additional NA technique he used

I'm so glad it went well. Hope it lasts!

puckering   uneventful   exercises   released   experienced   relieving   results   procedure   technique   contraction   definitely   additional   individual   previously   techniques   knowledgeable   straightening   straight   recurrence   Denkler