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Hands are extremely painful, need help please...
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03/25/2013 23:10
03/25/2013 23:10

Hands are extremely painful, need help please...

I went to the docter about 9 months ago about a strange 'lump' on palm of left hand. Got told straight away its Dupuytrens and was given a print out explaining a tiny bit about it. Since then the contracture is worse, and this year its grew even more to extent I have extreme pain and difficulty using this hand. In November I was told by doctor I shouldn't feel pain, and he noticed I have a contracture on my right hand too.
Saw a hand specialist 2 weeks ago who said they cannot do anything yet until my hand is worse.

Does anyone else feel this pain and tightness? Its so bd I cry and its affecting everything I do. I have other health problems, my main one being Fibromyalgia Syndrome so I take pain meds for this but it isn't helping the pain in hands. I soak my hands in warm water, wear gloves to keep them warm (cold increases pain)

Attached a picture of my hand. Taken just now x

03/26/2013 00:45
03/26/2013 00:45
Re: Hands are extremely painful, need help please...

Hi, I have found increased stiffness in my hand when its colder also. Pain, mainly when I worked hard to straighten my 5th and 4th fingers trying to prove that a diagnosis given to me maybe wrong but not all the time like you, but I believe anythings possible with this and effects are felt long before Doctors seem to think you should have a problem I would try some other Doctors in your country maybe some are listed here. Also I could not see a photo attached.


03/26/2013 02:08
03/26/2013 02:08
Re: Hands are extremely painful, need help please...

Julie, most report no or little pain but there are still many who have various degrees of pain, tenderness, tightness, itchiness, etc. This is usually related to nodules rather than cords. Your other condition could have something to do with the more extreme pain you are experiencing. A lot of doctors will tell you there is no pain associated with DD. I guess that is old school textbook but it is not correct.

Edited 03/26/13 04:09

03/26/2013 03:05
03/26/2013 03:05
Re: Hands are extremely painful, need help please...

The problem about pain with Dupuytren's is that often there are other things going on besides Dupuytren's. Julie, do you have a distinct cord associated with the contraction. The cord would look like a tendon might look if exposed to the surface. Is there any arthritis involved?

03/26/2013 20:30
03/26/2013 20:30

Re: Hands are extremely painful, need help please...

I have much pain also. I use my hands but sometimes they just hurt (nodules). I have had RT twice (25 years ago then 7 months ago) and the progression has stopped.
I guess the pain reminder of the Dupuytren's!

03/26/2013 21:32
03/26/2013 21:32
Re: Hands are extremely painful, need help please...

My hands ache, particularly after a lot of use. Before RT in my left hand, I got a shooting pain up into a finger when stretching or reaching for something. This stopped after RT. Pain is always a bit subjective, the pain in my hands never kept me awake at night.

The variability in pain experienced by different people possibly depends on the spatial relationship between cords and nodules, and nerves. Where a cord or nodule is developing in close proximity to a nerve, there will be some impact.

03/26/2013 21:38
03/26/2013 21:38
Re: Hands are extremely painful, need help please...

Dear Bowler

"I have had RT twice (25 years ago then 7 months ago) "

Was the RT repeated on the same hand?

The reason I ask is that I had RT on my left hand about 18 months ago. Progression stopped and the nodules regressed but are still palpable. However this hand has recently started aching a lot more. I do not think there has been any further nodule or chord development.

03/27/2013 01:05
03/27/2013 01:05
Re: Hands are extremely painful, need help please...

This was posted by Diane a couple months ago. Explains why some may have pain where most don't.

03/27/2013 02:46
03/27/2013 02:46
Re: Hands are extremely painful, need help please...

Its been 3 years since i had RT and everything is good except about a month ago my hands started to ache once and in awhile. Never thought much about it but then the aching turned to pain. And now where the aching and pain was its now cramping. No nodules or contracture and no weird feelings. Can't figure it out really but want my hands to quit aching and cramping. Anyone else have this problem.

03/27/2013 19:50
03/27/2013 19:50
Re: Hands are extremely painful, need help please...

Radiation-induced nerve damage is one of the risks of radiotherapy.

It's hard to find much info about the risk of cancer, and even harder to find info about the risk of nerve damage, for radiotherapy of Dupuytren's. But for cancer treatment I think there's some info out there. The nerve damage appears months or years after the treatment. I've read that in general, neuropathic pain is usually sharp or burning in character, although I don't know if that's so for the radiation-induced kind.

Other treatments like surgery and those that involve sticking needles in your hand can also damage nerves, but they do so more immediately.

Cindy, I'm not saying that the discomfort you are experiencing is definitely due to the radiation-induced nerve damage, but there is a small possibility of it. My radiologist told me that this risk is comparable to that of cancer -- tenths of a percent, for the typical 30 Gy treatment of a man in his 50's.

Edited 03/27/13 22:00

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tightness   unsuccessful   painful   radiologist   contracture   Radiation-induced   Dupuytren   nodules   Fibromyalgia   extremely   treatment   neuropathic   possibility   everything   radiotherapy   relationship   %28radiation   immediately   osteoarthritis   experiencing