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Help with yoga?!
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06/04/2013 03:19
06/04/2013 03:19
Help with yoga?!

I have aggressive DD in both of my hands. Multiple cords, lots of nodules and both palms are cupped inward. My left hand has minimal contractures in my ring and index fingers. My right hand has nodules on all of the PIP joints and my pinky and ring fingers are contracted. I had Xiaflex last year in my right hand but won't be doing that again. I also have quite a bit of pain in both hands and am wearing night splints on both hands which seems to help.

Anyway, my hands are a mess. I am also loving yoga. I just started several months ago. What I'm wondering is if anyone else here does yoga and has DD. We are trying to work out some adaptations for my hands so that I can continue to do various yoga poses. There is no way to bear weight on my hands or lay them flat, but surely someone out there has a solution to this.

Any ideas?

~ dawn

06/04/2013 06:36


06/04/2013 06:36


Re: Help with yoga?!

Are 'push up grips' of any use? See an example http://www.amazon.com/NIKE-Push-Up-Grips...ef=sr_1_1

Edited 06/04/13 11:37

06/04/2013 10:35
06/04/2013 10:35
Re: Help with yoga?!

I've been trying to use a dolphin pose approach (instead of putting weight on hands I use my elbows and forearms). This really increase the stretch but atleast I'm still doing yoga!

06/04/2013 13:48
06/04/2013 13:48
Bicycle Gloves

I am using bicycle gloves at the gym. They reduce the pressure on my hands when I use the elliptical and other machines that have handles to push or pull. My hands don't ache near as much at the end of my gym session as they used to.

06/10/2013 01:58
06/10/2013 01:58
Re: Help with yoga?!

Are 'push up grips' of any use? See an example http://www.amazon.com/NIKE-Push-Up-Grips...ef=sr_1_1

Someone else suggested those and I did check them out. I just cannot put any pressure on my palms without causing a lot of pain. So these actually put more pressure on my hands. Thanks for the suggestion, though.

~ dawn

06/10/2013 02:02
06/10/2013 02:02
Re: Help with yoga?!

I've been trying to use a dolphin pose approach (instead of putting weight on hands I use my elbows and forearms). This really increase the stretch but atleast I'm still doing yoga!

We actually did this the other night. One of the instructors suggested I lay my forearms on the mat as opposed to placing my hands down flat. I can even do downward facing dog this way. This week I am going to try to adapt as many poses as possible by using my forearms instead of hands! Great idea.

~ dawn

06/10/2013 02:06
06/10/2013 02:06
Re: Help with yoga?!

I am using bicycle gloves at the gym. They reduce the pressure on my hands when I use the elliptical and other machines that have handles to push or pull. My hands don't ache near as much at the end of my gym session as they used to.

Can you tell me if there is a difference in bicycle gloves and weight lifting gloves. My doctor suggested bicycle gloves. But I was only able to find weight lifting gloves. They work okay. They have the half fingers and the palm has a bit of a gel padding. It definitely helps and I wear those to yoga. I was just wondering if bicycle gloves are any different. I like what I have, they are just kind of bulky.

Thanks, everyone, for the suggestions. I just love yoga and hate the limitations my hands place on certain aspects of my life. But it is what it is. I adjust when I'm able and deal with it when I can't.

~ dawn

06/10/2013 15:34
06/10/2013 15:34
Re: Help with yoga?!

Bicycle gloves are lightweight. I had to go to a bicycle shop, one that sold bikes plus bikers' gear, to buy them. They really reduce the palm pain when I use gym equipment, such as the rowing machine, where I have to hang on tight.

06/10/2013 15:45
06/10/2013 15:45
Re: Help with yoga?!

half finger cycling gloves and weightlifting gloves are similar, both padded in the palms
you can check them out online as well
as far as the push up bars go, I use those as well but add extra foam cushioning on the bar to lessen the impact to the palm, works good for me but your situation could be different

06/10/2013 16:31
06/10/2013 16:31
Re: Help with yoga?!

My hands still ache after exercise when I use bicycle gloves, but not near as much and not as long as they do when I don't wear the gloves.

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pressure   cushioning   NIKE-Push-Up-Grips   limitations   adaptations   forearms   instructors   lightweight   aggressive   suggestions   spanishbuddha   Bicycle   suggested   contractures   different   elliptical   wondering   weightlifting   PatJohnston6384   difference