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Is it common for a lump and cord to hurt?
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07/16/2007 13:28
07/16/2007 13:28
Is it common for a lump and cord to hurt?

I'm in the early stages of DD and have no measurable contraction, but do have a respectable lump and cord developing. This lump bump hurts when hit or if my hand is stretched, such as just opening it wide to grab something. I can feel it pulling when I open my hand up all the way. Also, I slipped on a trail yesterday and landed on my hnad and the lump bump hurt for about 5 minutes. Sometimes, when sitting or just getting to sleep, it will just start with a bit of pain. Like something is growing. Weird feeling.

I'm in the process of arranging radiation but probably will not start for a month or two. Over the last year, the lump bump has increased in size and the feeling of pulling when my hand is opened fully is increasing. I am monitoring it carefully and hope it does not get any worse.

07/17/2007 17:51
07/17/2007 17:51
Re: Is it common for a lump and cord to hurt?

Hi Jo,
Yes, the lump and cord can hurt. It appears to be the contraction of the cord which irritates the nerves. It makes me really cross when the so called experts, hand surgeons, say that there is no pain. A quick massage with some oil works wonders.
Hope all goes well with you.

07/17/2007 18:29
07/17/2007 18:29
Re: Is it common for a lump and cord to hurt?

My lump hurts when I grip things, like the bannister rail.

07/17/2007 19:44
07/17/2007 19:44

Re: Is it common for a lump and cord to hurt?

I was doing some gardening the other day. I was gripping a tool to clear some weeds and when it hit solid ground and my nodules at the same time I sure felt it

I keep stretching my hand as much as possible while I can in the hope of that helping. It was feeing tight but that has helped.

Edited at 07/17/07 22:49

07/17/2007 20:05
07/17/2007 20:05

Re: Is it common for a lump and cord to hurt?

Well, if you've ever had Physical Therapy after an *extensive* OS where your entire palm is ripped open, *that* is pain. Diseased Dups tissue does often hurt yes, but by comparison not even in the same league as post op. Maybe that's what the surgeons are thinking of when they use the word "pain" :-)

07/17/2007 20:53
07/17/2007 20:53

Re: Is it common for a lump and cord to hurt?


Well, if you've ever had Physical Therapy after an *extensive* OS where your entire palm is ripped open, *that* is pain. Diseased Dups tissue does often hurt yes, but by comparison not even in the same league as post op. Maybe that's what the surgeons are thinking of when they use the word "pain" :-)

Which is why I'm surpised Conan took that route first

07/18/2007 04:42


07/18/2007 04:42


Re: Is it common for a lump and cord to hurt?

My guess is that Conan's doctor let him believe that surgery would cure the disease. At least that would be typical and that's why I myself had decided for surgery several years ago. And that's one of the reasons why sites likes this are important.


07/19/2007 13:03
07/19/2007 13:03
Re: Is it common for a lump and cord to hurt?

OK, I see people discussing my case in another thread. That's fine with me.

Let me clarify.
My doctor is not a liar, we both knew it cannot be cured. I just wanted to get that thing out of my hand. My mistake could have been dealing with a surgeon instead of a DC specialist. The problem with Lithuania is that we have good surgeons but they only know how to use a scalpel and what not. They are seldom familiar with alternative measures and that's not their job. It's a common national conception here - DC should be cut out. My left hand is still posessed so I will do a research trying to find other ways but I'm almost certain it will lead me outside my country and require big cash.

One more thing.
Instead of making me this forum's fool, you could recommend a good rehab scenario since there's no way back for me...

07/19/2007 13:22


07/19/2007 13:22


Re: Is it common for a lump and cord to hurt?

Nobody called your doctor a liar. It's just the general optimism of surgeons. With regard to port-surgery physio it is best to discuss and arange that with your surgeon. He has experience, he knows you and he can help best in case of problems. I myself went elsewhere and was not satisfied.


07/20/2007 09:40
07/20/2007 09:40

Re: Is it common for a lump and cord to hurt?

Australia Calling . Conan Dont take too much to heart. Language barrier . Trev doesn't tell us how old he is , but I know that the younger you get this disease the worse it is . I was shocked to read in reseach "Alcohol and DD " that children as young as 8 Yr in US. have DD and also Ledderhose which alarms the parents that their child may have a hell of a life ahead. You stated you have had this disease since you were 15 yr. It is your call and you know your enviroment . Your are going through now what I went through at 50.yr. The main focus you should have is getting your mobility in your hand back . Work on it mate. I must say here I have never had a plaster on for DD and I 've had plenty of surgery. But-" When in Rome you do as the Romans do." Maybe that's why some in the west were surpriseed but that's water under the bridge. A first for you getting your hand flashed all around the world .Cheers.

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surpriseed   surgeons   problematic   measurable   comparison   through   disease   increasing   port-surgery   getting   surgery   misunderstanding   enviroment   respectable   contraction   discussing   alternative   conception   monitoring   Ledderhose