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Jeff's unique story
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04/08/2013 21:43
04/08/2013 21:43
Re: Jeff's unique story

Hi Jeff. Thanks for the clarification on the hip. I totally misread your post.

It took me two years to get a diagnosis because my only symptoms initially were large, painful knuckle pads. I went to a hand surgeon to have the tissue biopsied and she took one look and said "You have Dupuytrens". Did your knuckle pads come back after they were removed?


04/08/2013 22:12
04/08/2013 22:12
Re: Jeff's unique story

I had the Knuckle Pad/Garrod's Pad performed at the same time as one of my release surgeries and the only fingers that have any recurrence are my index fingers on both hands. Mine were also painful and I still have some difficulty making a fist.

Edited 04/09/13 01:14

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clarification   measurements   misdiagnosed   experienced   performed   experience   recurrence   demographic   challenging   surgery   aponeurotomy   contraction   contracture   disease   surgeries   Benheim   Nationality   excellent   fingers   occupational