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Just Diagnosed...
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05/27/2010 02:48
05/27/2010 02:48
Re: Just Diagnosed...

I had many nodules/lumps in my right palm with stage I contracture of pinky and thumb caused by cords. I had NA that released the cords then radiation therapy. RT stopped the progression so far, stopped the itchy/crawly feeling in my palm.
You sound like a possible candidate for both NA and RT.
Research everything in the menu options on the left. Look for lists of providers of NA and RT. Take pictures of your hand and email them to the providers of NA. That's what I did and got immediate response. For RT, you will probably have to go in for them to see your hands. NA is usually done first, then RT.
Come back to this Forum and ask more questions. You'll get support and can learn from others' experiences. It won't make your disease go away, but it will probably help you decide what treatment to pursue. You will also know that you are not alone with this disease.

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progressing   treatment   Dupuytren   surgeries   orthopedists   successfully   conventional   progression   everything   contracture   successful   rhetorical--   straightened   pre-contracture---   experiences   stopped   contractures   Diagnosed   complications   radiation