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My mom is newly diagnosed - need advice please
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04/10/2013 21:34
04/10/2013 21:34
Re: My mom is newly diagnosed - need advice please

It seems that one person's experience does not transfer to other people very often.
Boy, do you have that right. It's become clear that as I explore this forum and other Dupuytrens Contracture resources, the nuances among individuals, and their problems, is enormous.

For instance, I'm now wondering if my shoulder pain (same arm) is somehow connected to the DC...

For now, I'm still in the research stage, though I filled out a questionnaire and sent some images to a the Hand and Wrist Center in Long Beach (California) to see if I'm an NA candidate.

04/11/2013 01:48
04/11/2013 01:48
Re: My mom is newly diagnosed - need advice please

My father had surgery when he was about 75 and the disease recurred within about 12 months and the contraction was back to where it was previously. He just decided to live with it as it did not interfere with this golf.

04/11/2013 02:49
04/11/2013 02:49
Re: My mom is newly diagnosed - need advice please

He just decided to live with it as it did not interfere with this golf.

Sorry to hear that it reverted back. Me, I'm going to try the NA and hope for the best.

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