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New to site - many questions
10/07/2008 18:50
10/07/2008 18:50
New to site - many questions

I am currently 44 and was diagnosed with DC at 25. Over the years my DC has progressed somewhat slowy. It started with some thickening in 1st the right plam then the left. Over the past 12 years I have developed nodes on my knuckles (about 1 per finger) and bottom of both feet. Recently I have developed painful "nodes" on the inside/ bottom of both wrists. I haven't seen this listed as a symptom anywhere.

Also 4 years ago I developed a thickening/enlargement of the joint at the top of my left leg at the pelic joint. An MRI showed nothing, yet I have limited range of motion and some pain. Two weeks ago I started having similar pain in my right shoulder with limited range of motion. I am waiting for a doctors appt. to address it. Does anyone else have similar joint issues? I'd like to have a direction to follow when I meet with my primary care doctor next week. HELP!

10/08/2008 15:24

not registered

10/08/2008 15:24

not registered

Re: New to site - many questions

Have you had a look at http://www.dupuytren-online.info/related_diseases.html and http://www.dupuytren-online.info/frozen_shoulder.html? It's all under the "Related diseases" of the menu of this site. There are different treatments for some of those disease while others, like knuckle pads, are normally not treated at all.

An additional help might be a diet emphasizing antioxidants, like in tomatoes, and maybe additional NAC ( http://www.dupuytren-online.info/dupuytren_NAC.html ) but that's all VERY speculative!

Good luck!


different   thickening   additional   shoulder   started   treatments   direction   developed   emphasizing   currently   progressed   dupuytren-online   speculative   diseases   diagnosed   dupuytren   antioxidants   enlargement   questions   related