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New York Times Article!!!!!!!
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07/24/2007 13:51
07/24/2007 13:51
New York Times Article!!!!!!!


woot! woot! woot!!

Forgive me, I am so excited -- but what better way to make my first post here than to inform you all that in today's Health section of the New York Times, there is an article about Dupuytren's and NA!!!!!! see link above!

I work with Dr. David Kline at the Dupuytren's Center, and he had treated a gentleman named Keith Felcyn who turned out to be a retired writer. Mr. Felcyn was so happy with his results and wanted to get the word out about this technique, so he contacted a friend of his still in the business, a writer named Kate Murphy.

soooooooooo, long story short, there is an article today about this technique and the wonderful results it gives, and also a link to this website (the list of trained doctors).


Nice to meet you all, and best of luck with your hands,
--Jill @ Dupuytrens Center in Ontario, Oregon :):):)

07/24/2007 14:14
07/24/2007 14:14
Re: New York Times Article!!!!!!!

Now that's a quality link!

07/24/2007 17:55
07/24/2007 17:55

Re: New York Times Article!!!!!!!

While it has been the patients who successfully used the Internet to get the NA ball rolling in the US, without the active support of the surgeons and people with PR clout we aren't going too far too fast. This article will continue the long march to make NA widely accepted and practiced as a first line procedure before resorting to full Open Surgery.

Thanks so much for the link Jill. It continues to legitimize what we in the NA movement have been saying since the old BioS site came on line back in 2000.

07/25/2007 01:43
07/25/2007 01:43
Re: New York Times Article!!!!!!!

My wife just called me to let me know about the NY Times article. Just great to get this kind of publicity for NA. I would have liked to seen Dr. Eaton highlighted more, as he has been the primary U.S. physician to bring NA here. It was really great to see the statement that there are LESS complications from NA compared to surgery, quite the opposite of what I was told by a hand surgeon in Wisconsin before I elected to go to Florida 2 years ago. And the difference in recurrence rates, if the article is accurate, is quite small: 50% vs 40%.

Finally, Walt and Randy should get a standing ovation for their tireless crusade to gain wider acceptance for NA.

Steve Abrams

07/25/2007 04:04
07/25/2007 04:04
Re: New York Times Article!!!!!!!

Thanks for your comment Steve.

I think the reason Dr. Kline was mentioned is because he treated the patient who happened to be hooked into the New York Times writing community. For the amount of interviewing he received, there is actually very little of it which ended up in the article! It's great Dr. Eaton was contacted and quoted in this article, as well as a regular non-NA hand surgeon's views. I think they did a very accurate, fair and balanced article about Dupuytren's and NA, even going so far as to give the link to homepage here too. They kind of got it all into one short article and with enough info for people to follow-up on if they desire.

I'd say at this point in time, it's real important that all the physicians who venture out into NA-land get support and alot of it -- it's an uphill battle all the way and NA isn't an accepted practice yet by any measure..

All the best,
Jill @ Dupuytrens Center in Ontario, Ore

07/25/2007 05:31
07/25/2007 05:31

Re: New York Times Article!!!!!!!

Yes Jill, support of NA doctors is key, without question. Eaton/Denkler/Press were able to supply the ASSH convention with clinical data from well over 1,000 procedures and the majority of them came from patients who became aware of NA because of the old BioS Forum. They were convinced of it's legitimacy and *ignored* their conservative CHS recommendations against it. This patient-driven Internet empowered movement continues here now that Bios Forum is down. This thanks to Wolfgang. He gave us a place to go.

I would encourage those who continue to have NA to report back here. We have plenty of good independent sources to back up their claims of success. At the same time we have learned of NA's limitations, mostly due to it's higher rate of recurrence. Some patitents have needed to abandon NA and move up to OS. NA has it's limitations. Even so, what is desperately needed is that the medical community come to grips with the fact that NA is a viable entry level treatment option. Eaton believe that for a majority of new patitents NA will be *all* they ever need. What this means is that the majority of the Open Surgery being done today are *unnecessary*. That is a hard pill to swallow for most CHS.

Some posters on the old BioS site complained that we made too much of NA as a topic. However, the continued reports of excellent outcomes make such complaints moot, requiring no apology from it's proponents.

Let's keep doing what got this all started and then moved us thus far. What we need is better visibility for this forum, listing the names of NA practitioners. Win some chocolate! :-)

Edited at 07/26/07 01:56

07/25/2007 05:59
07/25/2007 05:59

Re: New York Times Article!!!!!!!

Superb stuff

07/25/2007 16:32
Mike S

not registered

07/25/2007 16:32
Mike S

not registered

Re: New York Times Article!!!!!!!

Randy, Wolfgang, etc:

The diifference that NA (Dr. Denkler) has made for me and my overall outlook CANNOT be overestimated (90+ degree PIP). Your efforts on the old BioS web site were the tipping point for one of the best decisions that I have ever made in any arena. Thank you again!

09/01/2007 12:38

not registered

09/01/2007 12:38

not registered

Re: New York Times Article!!!!!!!

I am one of the origiionals to Dr. Eaton'soffice in 04..I also used the old forum and am glad to have found this one... Oregon is closer for me than Florida......Could you post Klines web site, please.....


09/02/2007 21:18

not registered

09/02/2007 21:18

not registered

contact Dr. Kline

Hi Linda, you find addresses at



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