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New York Times Article!!!!!!!
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09/03/2007 19:52

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09/03/2007 19:52

not registered

Re: New York Times Article!!!!!!!

Thank you Wolf......
Part of me wants to go to Kline.. The other part says go to Charlie..He is my hero........Where would we all be if he had not done this work in the beginning....?? I also see a doctor in Larkspur, California..Anyone been there???

09/03/2007 19:56

not registered

09/03/2007 19:56

not registered

Re: New York Times Article!!!!!!!

My cousin has been into talk with Dr. Kline.. My cousin lives in Boise.....Cannot give his name on line.. His hands are not as bad as mine..so he has not had procedure yet..He has a twin brother that also has dups....not as bad though.....

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