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Nodule on wrist
02/16/2014 22:59
02/16/2014 22:59
Nodule on wrist

I had RT. Last round was Dec 20th 2013. New nodule has appeared on the wrist. The buring sensation has come back. I can feel a cord deep under the skin near the thumb. Also the web area. I thought the DD was active when I had the 1st round of RT. I had the burning crawling tingle sensation. My thumb was so sore I could barely move it and my shoulder began to ache.
First round of RT was in Sept. 2013 about 4 weeks after RT, ALL symptoms went away. Its been 2 months since last round and all my symptoms are coming back.

Has anyone out there ever have a nodule on there wrist?

My hands feel tight and sore.

Who out there experiences pain with this?

Edited 02/17/14 01:01

02/17/2014 07:33


02/17/2014 07:33


Re: Nodule on wrist

Are you sure it's a nodule and not a ganglion? Is it outside the radiated field? Two months after last round of RT then the hands are still recovering and healing.

02/17/2014 18:22
02/17/2014 18:22
Re: Nodule on wrist

It is outside the radiated field.

I was at the reumatologist Dr. Butler today who has seen a few people with Dup. She is also friends the the hand specialist Dr. Kay Kirkpatrick here in Atlanta. When I showed it to Dr. Butler she thought it was a new nodule.

Has anyone had a nodule form on their wrist?

crawling   sensation   experiences   symptoms   Kirkpatrick   recovering   ganglion   thought   specialist   shoulder   burning   outside   reumatologist   radiated   healing   friends   Atlanta   appeared