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Numb fingers
04/20/2013 15:12
04/20/2013 15:12
Numb fingers

Well, 4 weeks post faciotomy involving my ring and pinky, they are still completely numb all around and into the top of the palm....it's driving me crazy and interfering with bending and OT. When does it stop so I can deal only with the remaining pain and stiffness? and get a good night's sleep.

04/20/2013 17:16
04/20/2013 17:16
Re: Numb fingers

Seems like a good question to ask your hand surgeon. Did he sever some nerves, or otherwise cause nerve damage? Will those nerves recover? I had a fasciectomy 14 years ago, but never experienced nerve damage. I did experience quite a bit of post op pain, but no numbness. Is it true that a fasciotomy is more invasive, wherein it removes more of the palm tissue, rather than just the diseased fascia? If so, that may explain some things, but again, I did not have a fasciotomy, but rather a fasciectomy.

Sorry if this isn't helpful. Just trying to provide some context, I guess.


04/22/2013 00:52
04/22/2013 00:52
Re: Numb fingers

It seems highly likely that some nerves were severed or damaged during surgery. Recovery is possible but it may take a considerable time (years?) as nerve regrowth is very slow.

04/22/2013 22:39
04/22/2013 22:39

Re: Numb fingers

Unfortunately nerve damage is nearly impossible to avoid when dealing with a Pinky PIP. My nerve damage was certainly a lot worse a few years ago and seems to be improving. The pain you're going through is a common side effect Open Surgery and it to will go away, but much sooner than nerve damage. It's been 10 years and I would say that about 60% of my numbness healed. I'm sorry to say that it sounds like your post surgery issues are not the best. It will get better.

interfering   certainly   experience   improving   fingers   impossible   stiffness   experienced   otherwise   remaining   considerable   fasciectomy   numbness   Unfortunately   surgery   fasciotomy   faciotomy   involving   completely   regrowth