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Pain and Dupuytren's
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08/02/2008 17:03
08/02/2008 17:03
Pain and Dupuytren's

I developed this "problem" about 7 years ago, recently the pain associated with the nodules and cords is significant. Yesterday I met with a hand surgeon for his exam. He stated there is no pain associated with Dup's. So I must be having something else going on. Are there others out there with PAIN? An additional comment regarding NA...."It's a flash in the pan" alternative to the standard slice and dice surgery...comments?

08/03/2008 02:43

not registered

08/03/2008 02:43

not registered

Re: Pain and Dupuytren's

My Dupuytren's is not very painful but others reported itching and pain. My guess is that the nodule/cord themselve is not painful but when it happens to press on a nerve it causes pain. Maybe it's a little like a spinal disk that doesn't hurt but if it presses on a nerve ...

I have slight Ledderhose on both feet where the smaller nodule on the one foot hurts much more than the bigger one on the other. It seems to depend where the nodule is located.


08/03/2008 06:30
08/03/2008 06:30

Re: Pain and Dupuytren's

Hi Australia Calling-welcome to the forum.
There have been many on the forum ,who have reported suffering pain and tenderness of their hands from dups and their medical practitioner have told them the same ,that there is no pain associated with this disease. I would suggest having a look at an article written by Luck in l959 ,but which is relevant still today. It gives a good insight into Morbus Dupuytren/Ledderhose. There is a copy on the Dupuytren's Society web.
http://www.dupuytren-online.info Go to- Dupuytren Disease -Literature.( 5th para .) Click- pdf full text." LUCK".
On the opening page( 635) "Clinical Picture" Luck reports on pain and mentions some suffers reported "pain became a disabling sympton,it took the form of a steady ache or a drawing sensation." I have experienced just that. So you are not alone. Regards.

08/04/2008 19:21
08/04/2008 19:21
Re: Pain and Dupuytren's

A minority of patients complain of painful nodules.
Cortisone shots (Kenalog) can give dramatic improvement.
See if you hand surgeon will do this.
Otherwise a dermatologist may do it.

08/05/2008 18:23
08/05/2008 18:23

Cortisone Shots: Do It

The Cortisone shots that Dr. Kline (Oregon) did for me not only reduced pain but also the size and hardness of my nodules. Some CHS actually try and regularly use these shots to keep the disease at bay. This is not generally done as there may be side effects from to too much Cortisone. At present mine are not aggressive so I'm planning on having it done every year or two.

The injections are painful but only momentarily.

08/05/2008 20:55
08/05/2008 20:55

Re: Pain and Dupuytren's

You'd only get those in the UK if you could afford BUPA or something. By the time you saw someone in the NHS theY'd suggest ripping your hand open with all of the problems that will bring

Cambidgeshire, UK.

Edited at 08/05/08 23:58

08/07/2008 11:35

not registered

08/07/2008 11:35

not registered

Re: Pain and Dupuytren's

I developed my 1st nodule about 1-1/2 years ago and now both palms are fully involved, but no contricture. I have developed a trigger finger. I have had discomfort off and on, and actual pain when I bump my palm on something or grip something too tightly. It's easy for a doctor who has never had dup's to say it is not painful. My hands are very stiff in the mornings and that is when my trigger finger acts up. It is a little painful but not enough to have anything done to it.

08/08/2008 21:35
08/08/2008 21:35
Re: Pain and Dupuytren's

I have only one nodule and cord, and have had an injections, which has reduced the size....no pain but I do have tenderness sometimes...it seems to come and go. I imagine it has to do with where it is on my hand. I wear padded gloves when sweeping, driving the car, etc., just to keep pressure off of it. I'm curious to see whether radiation reduces the occasional tenderness. I think that doctor doesn't know enough about it!


Edited at 08/09/08 00:38

08/10/2008 19:20
08/10/2008 19:20
Re: Pain and Dupuytren's

The radiation got rid of all the tenderness for me. Nothing hurt at rest but did with pressure. I'm really pleased.

08/11/2008 08:18
08/11/2008 08:18

Re: Pain and Dupuytren's


A minority of patients complain of painful nodules.
Cortisone shots (Kenalog) can give dramatic improvement.
See if you hand surgeon will do this.
Otherwise a dermatologist may do it.

Hi Australia Calling. I would be interested in the dose rate of the use of Cortisone(Kenalog). How often between injections? I've had a nodule treated with Radiotherapy ( 30 Gy) which has stopped growing. I would like to discuss the option with my medical practitioner.

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