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Recent Fasciectomy
02/12/2014 08:49
02/12/2014 08:49

Recent Fasciectomy

Hi All , I am 58 and have had Dupuytren,contracture progressingly getting worse in both hands . It started about 16 years ago in the left hand . Recently ( 13th Jan 14 ) I had an operation on my left hand to remove nodules/cords from the base of my thumb up to and including the index finger , also up the middle and ring finger . The base of the index finger was swollen and a bit numb ( still the condition ) . However after 3 weeks I was able to make a fist , after physio , E45 cream massage etc . However I now have swollen fingers and very stiff joints especially in the morning when the hand splint is removed . I have been back to the physio , and have compression sleeves on my fingers to reduce the swelling .

On reading some of the reports on this site unfortunatly I am not alone in the potential long recovery time . I have another physio appointment next week , still waiting to see the consultant again .

I am now very reluctant to have surgery on my right hand ( potential skin graft ) at a later date , if this is the outcome !

02/12/2014 09:20


02/12/2014 09:20


Re: Recent Fasciectomy

A swollen hand one month after surgery is not typical but not unusual either. My swelling after fasciectomy took several months to go away but at the end it did. For the first 2 months I was not able to make a fist. My hand took about 5-6 months to fully recover. A stiff hand in the morning after night splinting is completely normal. Try to exercise your fingers to the extent possible, then the stiffness should go away after 5 - 15 minutes.


02/12/2014 09:30
02/12/2014 09:30

Re: Recent Fasciectomy

Hi Australia Calling. I agree with Wolfgang I too took 6 months to get back to so call normal and in some of my surgeries where I had a graft it took 12 months to obtain full strength. Keep your hand elevated (shoulder high) and keep your fingers moving as though playing a piano as this movement helps the circulation often during the day. Keep working on it .

02/13/2014 14:04
02/13/2014 14:04

Re: Recent Fasciectomy

Thanks for the replies . I also found that using E45 on my scarring caused a sensation like being stung by nettles , I tried bio-oil today with the same effect . What ,if any oils/creams do anyone else use ? Has anyone tried cold ice packs to try and reduce the swelling ?

I wish that I had researched the operation and recovery more than I did ( shutting the stable door after the horse has bolted ) .

My younger brother also has dupuytren ( not too bad at the moment ) , it has put him off any future surgical intervention.

02/13/2014 20:37
02/13/2014 20:37
Re: Recent Fasciectomy

I agree with Wolfgang and Newman. My swelling came down at about two months and I was golfing at three months.

I used Aveeno Hand lotion the entire time 24/7. I never let my hand dry out. I did not go for therapy, but did my own flexing throughout each day. I never pushed my flexing to the point of pain.

My hand/finger is still perfect more than 12 years since surgery.

02/15/2014 01:37
02/15/2014 01:37
Re: Recent Fasciectomy

I had a fasciectomy on my right hand on September 25. It involved my palm, middle finger and pinky. It is still swollen. My surgeon told me last week that swelling six months after surgery is not unusual and it can take a year before all is back to normal.

At this point, ice will make it stiffer and more swollen. My OT told me to not use ice at all. But using heat would be helpful. I used an electric heating pad on my hand for months after surgery. The heat really does help.

You are just one month post surgery and that is not long at all. I've splinted both of my hands for a long time prior to surgery. It has always created stiff and swollen fingers in the morning and it will be more pronounced after surgery.

Hang in there. Healing takes time. This particular surgery will require some degree of healing for several months. Give it time and patience.

~ dawn

02/18/2014 11:07
02/18/2014 11:07

Re: Recent Fasciectomy

Hi, Just had another physio session , I now have a stretch plaster , cut to resemble thin fingers over the back of my hand and told to very gently stroke the palm of my hand to generate slight movement to shift this post operation fluid . She also advised me to use some form of heat , sparingly on my hand . Even she admitted that it was a bit remiss of the surgeon not to mention the potential time scale for recovery ! I am not too sure whether to have the other hand done in the future , it would be with a skin graft !

Edited 02/18/14 13:11

circulation   Wolfgang   swollen   unfortunatly   recovery   intervention   appointment   Fasciectomy   fingers   swelling   potential   especially   compression   throughout   consultant   surgery   completely   contracture   operation   progressingly