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Recovery Time
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03/05/2007 14:57
03/05/2007 14:57
Recovery Time


I'm 53 and had surgery for Dup's on the little finger of my right hand.
It's 5 weeks since my op. and although the affected finger has healed well, the others are still swollen and I can't make a fist. I have physio once a week and the therapist tells me I am in the 'bracket of normality'. (Sadly this only applies to my hand!)

I would like to hear how others were progressing at this stage after surgery and am I doing the right thing by working my hand as much as possible?

Thanks for any feedback.

03/06/2007 04:47
03/06/2007 04:47
Re: Recovery Time


Can't tell you if you are doing the right things but I can tell you that at 5 weeks, its pretty normal to have the "ohmygoddidimakeabigbooboo?" reaction and that stuff will get a lot better over the next couple of months.

03/06/2007 10:36

not registered

03/06/2007 10:36

not registered

Re: Recovery Time

Dave, it took me 2-3 months until I could make a fist again and about 5 months until the operated hand wasn't anymore swollen. I don't think this is typical but it happens and the reason is probably some constirction in the arm's vein that some people have and some don't. Initially I also was disappointed that I went to surgery with a bent finger and afterwards it was straight but I couldn't bend it anymore. But today everything is OK and I can fully use my hand.

Don't worry, just keep exercising. And in the future don't trust doctors telling you that surgery is a piece of cake. Only for them.


03/06/2007 10:43
03/06/2007 10:43
Re: Recovery Time



Can't tell you if you are doing the right things but I can tell you that at 5 weeks, its pretty normal to have the "ohmygoddidimakeabigbooboo?" reaction and that stuff will get a lot better over the next couple of months.


Thanks for that. I suppose I'm just feeling sorry for myself, since I was pretty active before the op. and now all I can do is sit around and do crosswords with my left hand. Even worse, my brother compiles them and I haven't managed to finish one yet.


03/06/2007 11:21
03/06/2007 11:21
Re: Recovery Time


Dave, it took me 2-3 months until I could make a fist again and about 5 months until the operated hand wasn't anymore swollen. I don't think this is typical but it happens and the reason is probably some constirction in the arm's vein that some people have and some don't. Initially I also was disappointed that I went to surgery with a bent finger and afterwards it was straight but I couldn't bend it anymore. But today everything is OK and I can fully use my hand.

Don't worry, just keep exercising. And in the future don't trust doctors telling you that surgery is a piece of cake. Only for them.


Thanks Wolfgang. I know now that recovery will take much longer than I thought. This forum has been a great help. Perhaps doctors don't tell you the full story because they know many would look for a reason to avoid surgery and might be put off treatment.


03/06/2007 16:06
03/06/2007 16:06
Re: Recovery Time

Dave, I'm same age & had same hand/finger done 4 weeks ago. Sounds like were at about the same point of healing, too.

This is indeed a great source of info. I've learned a lot of info here I doubt my Doc knows.

Think positive and keep working at it! Unk

03/08/2007 18:22
03/08/2007 18:22
Re: Recovery Time

Dave -

I had the surgery on my (non-dominant) left hand 10 years ago.

I recall that I re-visited my surgeon about 4 weeks after the operation, and at that time she forced my fist open and closed 3 or 4 times. This was a little painful, but was necessary for the healing tissue to remain flexible.

Best of luck -

03/09/2007 11:42
03/09/2007 11:42
Re: Recovery Time

Hi Dave

I had surgery on little finger (lefthand) mid january. I was using the gym after 2 weeks. and playing guitar also. I was climbing (indoors) after 5 weeks. I guess I just heal quickly! I am, by the way, very pleased with the surgery. I had previously visited Paris for NA on the same finger (a PIP thingy - bent at 110 degrees, and unmovable) but the treatment didn't work out too well.

Hope it works out for you soon!

03/25/2007 01:27
03/25/2007 01:27
Re: Recovery Time

I had surgery mid January (major repair to ring & little finger). I am going for Physio once a week but my palm still is quite swollen. Fingers bend almost all the way with a little help. The most annoying thing is the stretching pain down the incisions. Does everyone suffer from this?

03/25/2007 07:52

not registered

03/25/2007 07:52

not registered

Re: Recovery Time

I guess there is not something like a standard because everyone reacts differently but a "quite swollen hand" two months after a major surgery is, unfortunately, still within normal. While some people are OK after 6 weeks, others take 6 months or more to recover.

I don't know about the streching pain along the incisions. I just can't remember how I felt in that respect. After more than 3 years I still can feel where the aponeurosis was removed and I can feel the scar when I move my finger but it is not painful, just a sort of dumb feeling and blocking.

Overall I would guess that you don't need to worry and you will probably show your hand to your surgeon anyway. But don't expect too much: I myself was quite concerned after 6 weeks when I still couldn't make a fist, I showed my hand to the surgeon and thought it was great ...



I had surgery mid January (major repair to ring & little finger). I am going for Physio once a week but my palm still is quite swollen. Fingers bend almost all the way with a little help. The most annoying thing is the stretching pain down the incisions. Does everyone suffer from this?

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incisions   re-assurance   disappointed   stretching   surgery   aponeurosis   ohmygoddidimakeabigbooboo   surgeon   unfortunately   contraction   afterwards   Wolfgang   everything   progressing   Recovery   exercising   differently   constirction   non-dominant   swollen