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Recovery Time
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03/29/2007 13:37
03/29/2007 13:37
Re: Recovery Time

I'm 59 and had my first surgery for Dupuytren in 1993. A pinky went from 0 to 60 in 8 weeks. The surgeon didn't believe it had only been 8 weeks until the finger moved another 30 degrees in the three weeks between seeing him and the surgery.

I've had about 7 surgeries since, however while I've lumps all over the place nothing has contracted in over 2 years. 8 of my 10 fingers have been involved at this point some more than once.

I'm not anti NA, it is simply not indicated in my case, far too much scar tissue I'm told.

I'm of the opinion that the physical therapy is as important as the surgeon. I touch type, eat with chopsticks, do wood working and have a grip of more than 100 lbs in either hand. On the other hand I will start the exercises as soon as the splint is removed. I mean between the time the technician cuts it off and the Dr. comes into the room.

My surgeon knows me and works with me, last time the splint came off 3 days after the surgery because he knows I will start working at once and I'm a 'good healer'.

07/13/2007 15:35

not registered

07/13/2007 15:35

not registered

Re: Recovery Time

I guess I must be the lucky one.
I am 48 yo & two months ago I was diagnosed with a 65 degree resting contraction of my little finger, left hand -I had never heared of DC before.
Sixteen days ago I had corrective surgery & luckily there appear to be no side effects.
Two days after surgery the dressing was removed and two days ago I had the stiches removed.
Today, 16 days after surgery, I am able to put my hand flat and, although slowly, to make a fist. I begin physio next week. I have had no real pain & only mild discomfort from the healing wound when making the fist.
I realise this is early days, but I thought this might give re-assurance to others thinking about surgery.
The little finger of my right hand is in the early stages of contraction & I will have no hesitation when the time comes to undergo surgery again.

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swollen   everything   surgeon   non-dominant   aponeurosis   ohmygoddidimakeabigbooboo   incisions   afterwards   re-assurance   exercising   unfortunately   constirction   progressing   surgery   stretching   disappointed   Recovery   Wolfgang   differently   contraction