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Report on Treatment at Dr. Seegenschmiedt's Clinic
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07/13/2013 20:57
07/13/2013 20:57
Re: Report on Treatment at Dr. Seegenschmiedt's Clinic

A follow up to this thread from Apr 12--
Shortly after the last post, I began to get rapid contracture on my right hand ring finger. I went from 10 degrees to almost 45 degrees in a matter of 2 or 3 months. I contacted Dr Frank Staub in Heidelberg to have NA. That was done in Sep 12. By sept, the contracture had stopped as quickly as it had begun, but I wanted the NA anyway. The procedure was done in one visit and the finger was straight when I left the office. While it wasn't completely painless, it wasn't bad at all. There were no after effects and not much bruising. It was a piece of cake and the cost was 255 euros. A year later, almost, I've had no relapse. In fact the nodules in both the hand and finger have shrunk to about half their previous size. I have had no problems with my left hand which was not so heavily involved. In hindsight, I'm not so sure I wouldn't skip the RT and go straight to NA. It is quicker, easier and less expensive.

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