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Side Effects of NA
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03/31/2013 17:24
03/31/2013 17:24
Re: Side Effects of NA

That is the frustrating issue... no two people are alike... it helps to read everyone's experiences, but you never know if it will apply to you !

I am not even sure what to do with my left pinkie. I had NA twice on my right pinkie, PIP joint, and both times it came back to the same degree of contraction as before NA within 6 months... Now the left pinkie is starting to bend at the PIP joint... should I assume NA will not last more than 6 months like the right pinkie, or hope that results will be different? what to do?

Edited 03/31/13 20:26

03/31/2013 17:31


03/31/2013 17:31


Re: Side Effects of NA

A night splint after NA might help keeping our finger straight. It is helping with my PIPJ of my right pinkie. I had Xiaflex injected 1.5 years ago. It didn't get the joint fully straight and the contracture came back quickly. I am keeping it stable with wearing a night splint. I wore it for nearly 12 months and afterwards occasionally for a week when I feel it is getting worse.

Splinting and massaging might even help avoiding surgery. Interesting paper: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/21965179

Good luck to you!


03/31/2013 18:29
03/31/2013 18:29
Re: Side Effects of NA

I also believe trauma is part of the dups...with genetic component. Now 72 was diagnosed ten Years ago one hand....left hand and right handed. I bought a condo ten years ago and a lot of work I did myself. Also rose garden...thorns!
Hand surgeon claimed os only choice. Glad I found this forum! Slow growing but now large nodule under ring finger and thumb. Contraction at 20 . To stall this treatment that I haven't decided...use Scar Away tape on nodules...especially when active irritated or inflamed. A nurse had reccomended this and it is tedious but effective. I also feel the nodules cause the contracture...so must treat nodules quickly.I fear any kind of treatment and dread the day of decision!

03/31/2013 19:44
03/31/2013 19:44
Re: Side Effects of NA

The only treatment for active nodules is RT.

03/31/2013 22:04
03/31/2013 22:04
Re: Side Effects of NA


Re: your comment "use Scar Away tape on nodules...especially when active irritated or inflamed". What do you mean?

I agree with Callie, it seems that the only thing that helps nodules is RT.

Edited 04/01/13 01:27

03/31/2013 22:08
03/31/2013 22:08
Re: Side Effects of NA


Thank you for your comments and link. I had physical therapy for months both times after NA, the second time I tried to use a night splint for much longer, but the custom made splint was made of a rigid material, and very shortly after NA the finger starting bending and the PIP was in the way and very painful when I had the splint on, even though the therapist tried to adjust it to compensate, we couldn't keep up with the progression, and within six months the contraction returned to the same place.

If I decide to do NA on the left pinkie, I am hoping it will not follow the same progression as my right hand.

Edited 04/01/13 01:25

03/31/2013 23:22
03/31/2013 23:22
Re: Side Effects of NA

dnafan, I have also used adhesive silicone gel sheet products (similar to the product you used). I have used them off and on over the last 1 1/2 years. The only affect I can attest to is a calming affect on the nodules. It isn't supposed to help reduce contractures but, theoretically, might help soften/flatten nodules before contracture begins. This is the product I used http://www.amazon.com/Pedifix-Dexterity-...t/dp/B004G8L3D0

I got the idea from Dr. Eaton's blog here, see #2 http://dupuytrenfoundation.blogspot.com/...les-but-no.html

There is a lot of evidence out there with silicone working to prevent or lessen scarring. Silicone sheets are pretty common after certain types of surgery. So I suppose the angle with DD is the scarring type process going on with the disease. Anyway it can't hurt, it's cheap and fairly easy to use. I just have't used them for more than a month or two at a time.

Also Eaton talks about night time splinting in conjunction with silicone treatment.

04/01/2013 16:03
04/01/2013 16:03
Re: Side Effects of NA

Dnafan and Tusk,

Do the silicone pads decrease nodule tenderness and soften them? I have rather hard, sore nodules all around the PIP joints where I had NA. I don't expect there areas to be treated with RT when I go to Germany so would love to find some way to make them more comfortable and perhaps allow greater flexion. My next step was to try steroid injections but maybe I can add silicone to the night splinting and get some relief. Has it helped you in this way?

I haven't had any PT to try to regain range of motion in these fingers, either. I'm looking for a good CHT in the Philadelphia are but am having a hard time finding a practice that specializes in DD.

04/01/2013 22:35
04/01/2013 22:35
Re: Side Effects of NA

Unfortunately, I haven't stuck with it long enough to say it has done anything. I would wear the sheets at night, mostly in the palms. I wore a lightweight, half glove over them to keep them in place while sleeping. After removing them in the morning, the nodules did feel better. Calmer is a good way to describe it. The longest I've worn them might be a month. Then on and off for a while. Then not used them for a couple months, and so forth. Not a good system to get clear results. I did get the feeling the nodules were less tender but other than that I couldn't really say.

I didn't wear the silicone sheets on the fingers. So not much help for you or anyone with this topic but I did want to point out that there was some medical legitimacy to dnafan's scar sheets.

04/07/2013 18:22
04/07/2013 18:22

Re: Side Effects of NA- silicon gel : found this info

I thought that was interesting after reading on the forum about silicon gel for scars. Maybe worth a try on DD before surgery ?

Edited 04/07/13 21:23

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