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Tomorrow's my surgery
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07/15/2007 06:54
07/15/2007 06:54

Re: Tomorrow's my surgery

Hi Conan Aust. calling. I like Randy was surprised to see your hand with the fingers still straigtht. I was advised not to have any operation until the contracture was 5-6 c,m . measured palm up on a flat surface distance being fron the finger nail to the flat surface. I saw that you are only 27. I am 65 having being diagnosed at 35 yr.bu not operated on until I was 50 yr. In some cases when one has surgery it triggers the D.D. to become more aggressive as in my case and I was back on the table in 12 months. P.S Dont forget to keep your hand elevated for the first few days to reduce any swelling. Regards. Barry.

07/15/2007 07:44
07/15/2007 07:44
Re: Tomorrow's my surgery

Sure, I could have waited like I did for over 10 years but it wasn't really straight as I could hardly apply my weight on the right palm. Doing push-ups and breakdancing was beginning to be a problem so I went for it.
I also have this bastard in my left hand but I can still bend all my fingers outside so that will wait.

In short - I did it because it was getting in the way of living my life to the fullest, not just sitting in the office 0800 till 1700

Edited at 07/15/07 10:45

07/15/2007 20:01
07/15/2007 20:01

Re: Tomorrow's my surgery

Hopefully your recovery will be speedy and you'll be good to go soon.

Just curious Conan, what part of the Country/World are you from and was the surgery performed by a Certificate Hand Surgeon?

Break Dancing Hmmmmm. How much pressure/trauma to your hands does that create?

07/16/2007 04:42
07/16/2007 04:42
Re: Tomorrow's my surgery

I've already said it, I'm in Lithuania so DC is quite common here. And yes, my surgeon specializes in hands and he's done a fair amount of DCs in his career.

I'm not a hardcore b-boy, but I like to do some tricks now and then. Breakdancing has not caused this desease if that's your point

07/16/2007 10:36
07/16/2007 10:36

Re: Tomorrow's my surgery


Congrats on uploading your pictures! The only question is why would you operate on hands with straight fingers? When were these taken?

That was my thought. Most people on here seem to be looking for an alternative to OS, especially as first line treatment. To my untrained eye, that's looks like an NA case, especially at such a young age. Perhaps the surgeon and patient agreed that OS was best and that proves to be the correct choice? Hopefully that proves to be the case

07/17/2007 12:35


07/17/2007 12:35


showing images / pictures in a post

Randy, you can show pictures in your post with the BB-Code img . Those picture will actually not be uploaded onto the forum server but will reside on the original host. If that server is not accessible the images won't show. Still, congratulations to Conan who was the first one to try this! At least the first one who succeeded.




Congrats on uploading your pictures! The only question is why would you operate on hands with straight fingers? When were these taken?

Edited at 07/17/07 15:35

07/19/2007 12:43
07/19/2007 12:43
Re: Tomorrow's my surgery

I've got Master in Computer Science so I know a thing or two :)

Back to the topic.
The cast is starting to piss me off and I can't do nothing but wait until Monday when it's removed. The doctor had a look at my hand last Monday and said it was pretty good but for me it hurts to look at it. Well, time will tell.

07/26/2007 09:08
07/26/2007 09:08
Re: Tomorrow's my surgery

Two weeks after the surgery...

Needless to say, I look like Frankenstein's monster

07/27/2007 16:58
07/27/2007 16:58
Re: Tomorrow's my surgery

Now come on. Your hand is a bit messy at present but it is only 2 weeks and every day will show an improvement.. I am sure you do not look like a monster.
Keep smiling,

07/27/2007 20:21
07/27/2007 20:21
Re: Tomorrow's my surgery


Just chiming in here... your hand looks like it is healing well and will recover nicely. Hopefully in a few months
you will just see a nice healthy, functioning hand. Best of luck to you!


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