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triggers(what have you heard?)
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12/29/2008 12:58
12/29/2008 12:58
Re: triggers(what have you heard?)

got my cream.it's a clear gel.
I put it on each night,then cover it with band-aids so it
doesn't get wiped off.
so,I'll keep y'all posted...

Someone talked,elsewhere,about radiation at U of M-Ann Arbor.
'waiting to hear a Dr.s name,so I can contact them...
it would be so much easier,less costly/complicated than Calif.

04/15/2009 15:39
04/15/2009 15:39
Re: triggers(what have you heard?)

Please, spend minutes to complete this small survey for Dupoytren, Ledderhose
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05/29/2013 13:28
05/29/2013 13:28
Re: triggers(what have you heard?)

Exercise has proved to be very good for a healthy long life, it diminishes your cardiovascular risk and makes you happier :)
In the particular case of climbing, it might trigger the disease in predisposed individuals (paper attached), same as manual work might.

hi all,

I'm new to this site,but soooo glad I found it.
As I read through all the posts from forever,
I can but want to organize.(I think I'm part border collie...)

I've read that surgery to remove nodules might 'activate'
the hand,spurring more/new nodules.


Can N.A. also be a trigger? radiation?

Rock climbing...does that mean exercise is bad?
I always thought good circulation is always preferred...

Chondroiten/glucosamine makes sense.I've stopped taking that.
any other foods rumoured to be bad?

the Lone Rangers horse? his name was trigger.does he count?

Dr. A.Logan et al.pdf Dr. A.Logan et al.pdf (5x)

Mime-Type: application/pdf, 86 kB

05/30/2013 02:53
05/30/2013 02:53
Re: triggers(what have you heard?)

I checked with a friend of mine,at the Department of Redundency Department.He confirms that Trigger is a Trigger.

07/16/2013 00:02
07/16/2013 00:02
Re: triggers(what have you heard?)

Dr. Stanley Jacobs headed up the Oregon Health Sciences University for decades and most of the research on DMSO has been done by him. DMSO is an interesting substance (by product of the wood pulp industry) and it is an unusual ability to pass through cell walls and can carry substances inside (part of the risk if you are not hygenic) and also promotes removal of cell damage by-products. I first became aware of it when my wife had severe problems with arthytis at age 28 and was on crutches. Zero help and many dollars spent witht the "experts" at Stanford Medical Center.

For less than the cost of one visit to Stanford she received a week of treatment from Dr. Jacobs with injections of DMSO. At the end of the week she no longer was in pain and had no need of crutches. She continued to use the DMSO whenever there was a flare up. The problem with arthrytis is that the swelling reduces blood flow and produces scar tissue in the joints and over time these side effects are crippling.

When I learned that Dr. Jacobs was selling a DMSO gel hand lotion I decided it was worth a try. It is easy to apply, not all that expensive, and I put it in the might help and can't hurt category. I like when something is applied topically as opposed to ingested and used systemically as often one aspect of health is improved but others are worsened with the side effects of the drug or agent affecting other parts of the body in ways no one could have predicted.

One can purchase the DMSO hand lotion from www.jacobslab.com. It is also being sold as "Dusasal"

More general info on medical uses of DMSO at


I do not think that there are any magic cures but only treatments of varying costs, risks, and efficacy. DMSO is very much at the low cost and low risk end of the spectrum and has relevant research that would indicate that it might be helpful with Dupuytren's.

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interesting   treatment   OrderDMSODusaSAL   Chondroiten   disease   encuestafacil   trigger   especially   predisposition   glucosamine   arthritis   experience   triggers   Dupuytren   climbing   cardiovascular   research   surgery   unbelievably   Ledderhose