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vegan diagnosed
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05/08/2009 16:35
05/08/2009 16:35
vegan diagnosed

I was diagnosed last week with Dupuytren's Disease, and as everyone here has probably done in the past I am actively searching for a way to slow the process.

Personal Stats:

  • Age: 27 (as of april)
  • Diet: Vegan for last 8 years (prepackaged foods and raw / fresh) currently starting to drop all prepackaged foods for raw / fresh. Have taken Glucosomine and condriotan when I use to rock climb regularly. I since have stopped after I stopped climbing and continued to take Centrum (which I am debating dropping to avoid many vitamin overdoses [dependent on my blood tests I plan on taking])
  • Activity: currently low, use to rock climb 5 times a week up to 8 hours at a time on weekends about 4 years ago for 4 years. Other than running around campus class to class I really had no hard exercise. Currently I am looking into non-impact exercise options, like swimming.
  • Stage: N0 to N1 (possibly)
  • Cause: Brought on by impact with a steering wheel against my palms. Unknown if diabetic assuming not.
  • Left hand: 4 nodes, 2 center palm on middle finger, 1 on ring finger one on pink to right of the other 2. Some minor tension on middle finger.
  • Right hand: considerably smaller than left, one on middle finger same location, one on index finger that is not visible to right of the other node. You can feel it though, also small.
  • Heredity: unknown this is the first time anyone in our family has had these symptoms and I have seen great great grandfathers in my time. I am white, and a basic mutt, russian, german, english, navajo, irish, and some other odds and ends.
  • Body type: 135lbs, nearly 6ft, cant gain weight no matter what I eat [the most I have ever weighed was 145 when climbing with 20lbs on my back twice a week on top of my other days of climbing, all muscle very little fat], even before my vegan diet change. Muscle tends to be medium flexor with considerable strength for the mass.

I have already seen a surgeon who confirmed the dupuytrens 2 months after I got it. There is still minor pain here and there in both hands. I have been using work gloves with gel palms to minimize any further damage while I get back into a more physical routine.

I plan on getting my blood tested for deficiencies (if I can), diabetes, liver problems, hiv (apparently sometimes related though doubt I have it), etc.

Have done about a weeks worth of research into therapy options. Radiation seems scary, physical therapy seems to very on individuals, nothing looks 100% effective. Might modify my diet to include / exclude certain foods after I get my blood tests back. I have been known to easily come close to blacking out when getting blood drawn after fasting, I have no fear of blood or the pain.

Will keep this updated as I find out more information and start, if any, therapies to help reduce or stop the progression.

05/08/2009 16:43
05/08/2009 16:43
Re: vegan diagnosed

I saw a PT for it and there was not anything basically he could advise that would help. Minor flex things to do, and that was about it.

Gloves. I wear bicycling gloves and found them wonderful. The padding helps the palms and having my fingers free is great. I tried work gloves but found them awkward for driving, tennis, mowing lawn, etc..


05/08/2009 17:17
05/08/2009 17:17
Re: vegan diagnosed

Yeah I read about your experience in the forum. However my hopes were slightly elevated to see the details about the steel / wood balls used to massage the nodes into non-existence in one case. No details on to how this was done though.

Were the balls small like the stress-balls out there and used in that fashion?
Were they small and instead used with palm pressing down on a table?
How long were they used, what amount of force?

Many variables to consider. Heat tends to help alive pain and decrease tension.

05/08/2009 18:09
05/08/2009 18:09
Re: vegan diagnosed

My husband keeps asking the same thing about the balls. My PT had nerer heard of it, I am trying to find research . At the moment my husband has me doing bio-feedback to increase the blood flow and warmth to my hand. He believes it will help. Anything to keep peace in the house and who knows??

I know about the warmth. A heated rice pad in the microwave helps.


05/08/2009 20:31
05/08/2009 20:31
Re: vegan diagnosed

Interesting you mention the weight gain. I too have a thin build and can eat anything without gaining weight. Im 33 with no chronic health problems except for generalized anxiety. Some very good information on the forum for treatment options. Unfortunately nobody has found a cause(or cure) for the disease. Let us know how things go with the testing, dr's, etc...

05/08/2009 20:58

not registered

05/08/2009 20:58

not registered

Re: vegan diagnosed

For what it's worth I have not eaten meat of poultry for 25 plus years got dup 5 years ago....cut my finger badlly 11 years ago. That I feel got it going.
I also feel an exercise machine that I used that had a pulling motion made dup worse.
Had n.a. 2 months ago...very good results.

05/08/2009 23:40
05/08/2009 23:40
Re: vegan diagnosed

Meat isn't too bad for you if you eat very little of it however milk, and milk products are almost like poison.

I gave up meat first, then fish and seafood, then dairy (which is ironic bc i was born lactose intolerant :) ) now I am looking to give up most processed foods and oils.

Thankfully I love to cook and have many vegan recipes, mostly oriental (Japanese to be specific), to pull from.

05/19/2009 02:23
05/19/2009 02:23
Re: vegan diagnosed

Wasabi - This is the first time I have heard someone say that milk products are 'poison'. Can I ask how long ago you found this out and how did the milk products effect you? I consume lots of milk and milk products and am getting much worse so this is of great interest to me. All info you can give me re effects of milk products will be greatly appreciated. Thanks!

05/19/2009 04:12
05/19/2009 04:12
Re: vegan diagnosed

I google'd "the case against milk" and found this for ya http://www.nahanniriverherbs.com/302

There are many things going against animal products.

Culprit 1 is the high protein content. High amounts of protein in a diet strips calcium from your body, as well as magnesium and other bone making minerals.
Check this site out "Protein and calcium myths"

Culprit 2 our bodies are not made to digest foreign proteins well, and raw plant based foods (if not cooked) have enzymes that aid in digestion.
More on the human bodies similarities to carnivores, omnivores, and herbivores found here.

Culprit 3 (in relation to culprit 2) milk and dairy are believed to be a leading cause of allergies. (info found in previous linked pages)

Culprit 4 "Supplements" given to cows to make them produce more milk, and or protect them against their own environment (its really dirty and disease ridden) are transferred to the milk via hormones not meant for human consumption. (again info found in previous links)

Culprit 5 (related to 1) Even though milk has a lot of calcium the phosphorus content (as well as the high protein content) make it hard for the body to absorb.

Culprit 6 (against all animal products) milk creates an acidic environment in the blood, and while temporary the body tries to correct the imbalance by leaching calcium from your body.

I have studied nutrition in school, but you will find a TON of information online about milk, and animal products in general.

If you decide a switch of diet is in order please read / purchase "becoming vegan" even if you are just cutting out meat and milk. It has a wealth of knowledge necessary to live a healthy life without animal products in your diet.

I have know several "college vegans," i call them, who were vegan 2 or 4 years then gave it up. Mainly because they didn't research what they should be eating rather they ate candy, and other processed foods that were "vegan."

If you have other questions feel free to ask however Google is your friend.

05/19/2009 04:25
05/19/2009 04:25
Re: vegan diagnosed

Also feel its appropriate for an update:

I have started to include alkaline inducing vegan foods into my diet in large quantities. 95% of my diet is now alkaline. You might be wondering why so I will explain.

For some unknown reason the body seems to function properly when the blood is in an alkaline state. Actually i should say more effective.

There have been many studies to prove this.

One I ran into many years ago while researching Apple cider vinegar for use in my hair illustrated this perfectly.
I came across a sight with "uses for apple cider vinegar" and listed somewhere in the huge list was "cure for hiv aids." So curious I clicked on the link and continued to read a 10 page document outlining a patient of a doctor, the author, who consumed ACV in water several times a day in an attempt to make his body more alkaline.

In 1 years time of following this patient who took the same drugs every other HIV infected person takes was found to have no trace of HIV. All his blood levels were normal as if he didn't have the disease. While I don't recommend drinking ACV on a regular bases (even though it is good) it illustrates a point.

There are several studies you should be able to find out about online where doctors repeatedly illustrate the blood in our body works best when slighly alkaline, and drugs do as well.

Again google is your friend.

On another note I spent 3 days to aquire the taste for natto as part of my trifecta of fermented foods I now eat. Those being natto, miso, and kimchi (gimchi). My reasoning is B12, as its made by fermenting I hope to gain some natural B12 from eating fermented foods as it has been found naturally in these foods.

I am currently debating dropping my multivitamin in favor of eating more nutrient enriched foods. Carefully chosen as well to ensure all needs are met.

Since the diet shift (1 week in) the pain in my hands is rare. I read about a guy who fasted on juiced alkaline inducing vegies who reversed this DD twice. So trying to go more alkaline and see if it helps. This is the guys website for anyone interested in alternatives.

BTW since I have given up animal products I have gone from being allergic to about 90 things outside, to being allergic only to my cats. Food for thought.

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Disease   observational   several   currently   studies   osteoporosis   consumption   dupuytrens   nahanniriverherbs   against   anti-nutrient   diagnosed   scientifically   organizations   nutrition   wasabipixels   substantially   alkaline   products   information