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vegan diagnosed
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06/30/2009 14:01
06/30/2009 14:01
Re: vegan diagnosed

Sorry, but as an electrical engineer trained in statistical analysis and design of experiments, I 'll have to rain on your milk bashing parade.

Because of my symptoms, I've done my (unbiased) homework on this issue and the the fact is there is not a single scientific study that definitively establishes a causal relationship between milk consumption and the litany of health problems cited above. The current "case against milk" as you put it, is based almost exclusively on agenda driven and poorly designed observational studies, not on data from scientifically designed experiments.

Due in large part to the internet (no, Google is not always "your friend"!!!!) and the general public's gullibility, our world is being overrun by ideology fueled junk science and I don't believe that a forum intended to help suffering people is an appropriate place to propagate such nonsense.

The fact is, as things stand today, the "case for milk" is much stronger scientifically than the case against. And no, I am not in any way affiliated with any dairy producers or any other food or nutrition related organizations. I am simply a man of science who recognizes that Googling "the case against milk" is in itself an activity that reeks of confirmation bias.

06/30/2009 20:10
06/30/2009 20:10
Re: vegan diagnosed

Agree, my grandfather was a dairy farmer. To simply say milk is poison without substantial proof is not sensible. This may be your opinion of milk, but without facts this can be a very touchy subject. My grandfather is still alive at 90, and has been one of the healthiest people I have known. Wish, I would have inherited more of his genes.

04/03/2011 15:15
04/03/2011 15:15
Re: vegan diagnosed

Ok its been a while but I figured I would post an update ...

It is now 04/01/2011, original post was on 05/08/09 so it has been about two years ... Obviously I still consume a vegan diet and am happy to report "progress."

While I cannot confirm the reason for my dupuytrens in my right hand being now virtually non-existent or the dupuytrens in my left hand getting substantially better and on its way to follow the right hand, I can state my diet has remained one of plant origin.

As it stands now I try to consume as much variety as I can from the plant kingdom with a large focus on leafy greens.

I do still climb now and then, with summer coming I should be climbing a lot more. I would say however I "type" more than anything, I don't know if this helps but I am just summarizing my current exercise / diet / etc...

I don't know if I was avoiding soy 2 years ago but currently I don't consume any soy which has not been fermented first after reading several studies showing soy acting as an anti-nutrient if it has not been fermented, and about studies where fermented soy has show why soy is considered a super food.

I do consume a bit of tea, mostly green and Oolong, while I am trying to switch to strictly green tea as it is less processed than Oolong is.

I still drink a ton of water especially when I find myself climbing, I find if I don't then my body takes longer to heal after hard exercise.

I also consume a lot more ginger / garlic / spices now as well since I own my own place and I can more easily dictate what I eat and when I prepare it.

Outside that, I would say I am eating healthier than I was when I was first diagnosed, mainly because of my continuing effort to study sports nutrition in vegan athletes ...

Anyway thought I would share, questions are welcome, seems my vegan diet hasn't contributed to the increase of my dupuytrens at least :)

Oh and having not read the last two comments till now I would like to reply with a suggestion to search google for the "milk" wiki page and sources 61-71 all have studies linking milk to negative effects, like prostate cancer for example.

http://www.vegsource.com/news/2010/12/ne...rian-and-p.html Has a HUGE list of studies linking milk consumption to adverse effects

Or simply look up "Harvard study milk osteoporosis" ... or "Yale osteoporosis 34 country most protein intake"

And you are right google is not really your friend, I tend to physically read many of the studies I find now and have been for the last year ... Its been a new drive of mine to read original source documents versus a filtered opinion based source.

For example now when a friend of mine says "microwave use is bad for you" and they start quoting X study I can always point out the fact X study nuked the veggies in water for 5 minutes and cooking any veggies in water as proven from Y study shows a decline in nutrition. And of course its always fun to tell them Z study suggest the best way for your body to absorb the nutrients in broccoli is by microwaving it for 30 sections without use of water. (broccoli was used in the X study btw :) ) [note I used X Y Z because I tend to copy paste the studies from my bookmarks versus memorizing the names]

Anyway I digress ...

04/03/2011 15:54
04/03/2011 15:54
Re: vegan diagnosed

Out of curiosity I was wondering if you consume wheat or gluten. I guess my question has no relevence to your post i was just curious. My sister has celiac disease and she thinks i do as well, but i was tested and came back negative. I am glad you have kept up on your diet, even with a little criticism, i quess we all need to be open minded about this disease and finding a cure.

05/29/2013 13:24
05/29/2013 13:24
Re: vegan diagnosed

Hi wasabipixels,
I found the information you posted very interesting.
I only wanted to say that the trigger for he disease was most likely the impact with the steering wheel, so don't worry about other risk factors. Similar paper attached.
I don't believe much in diet as a treatment but I don't exclude the possibility that it can work, it is true about the free radicals and about the cancer, in the sense that all growing cells activate the same signalling pathways to do so.

DD and trauma.pdf DD and trauma.pdf (5x)

Mime-Type: application/pdf, 38 kB

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dupuytrens   products   diagnosed   information   scientifically   several   observational   organizations   consumption   osteoporosis   substantially   nutrition   alkaline   Disease   studies   anti-nutrient   nahanniriverherbs   wasabipixels   against   currently