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What is the DD chord?
07/28/2013 20:30
07/28/2013 20:30
What is the DD chord?

I thought I was told 7 years ago that DD was scar tissue that grew on tendons. I have NA coming up in Sept and I read that the DD chord will be cut. What is the chord? When I signed up for the NA I thought the tendon was getting cut but I have also seen references to the DD chord.

07/28/2013 20:49
07/28/2013 20:49
Re: What is the DD chord?

The cord is not a tendon.

Stages of Dupuytren disease Dupuytren disease occurs in the following 3 stages:

Proliferative phase - During this phase, myofibroblasts proliferate and a nodule develops. In early disease, some patients may report tenderness and discomfort associated with the nodules. The associated pain is thought to be due to nerve fibers embedded in the fibrous tissue or compression of local nerves.[8] Upon physical examination palmar skin blanching is seen with finger extension.

Involutional phase - In this phase the disease, spreads along the fascia and into the fingers resulting in the development of a cord. Myofibroblasts are the predominant cell type during this phase and align themselves along tension lines within the nodule.

Residual phase – During the residual phase, the disease continues to spread into the fingers and the cord tightens creating a contracture. The nodular tissue disappears as do the myofibroblasts and acellular tissue with thick bands of collagen remain.


07/29/2013 22:19
07/29/2013 22:19
Re: What is the DD chord?

Thanks Callie

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