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What Next??? Help!!
08/25/2007 02:24

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08/25/2007 02:24

not registered

What Next??? Help!!

I'm a 59 yr old male with dupuytrens on both hands and ledderhose on both feet.
I have had surgery on one foot , NA on two fingers, radiation on both hands and both feet.
The foot surgery worked for a while (maybe 3 yrs). NA didn't really do much good. I also tryed NAC for about a year to no avail.
Radiation DID positively shrink the nodules on both palms and feet.
I still have two enlarged and very painful PIP joints on the pinky and middle finger. And now nodules are coming up between the thumb and forefinger.
I'm at a loss as to what to do. Should I try for more radiation in this area? (this is what I'm tempted to do) Should I wait for another treatment to be approved?
Any suggestions?

08/25/2007 03:10
08/25/2007 03:10

Re: What Next??? Help!!

Hi Australia Calling .Could you tell me how long ago you had R.T. and where abouts. I am contemplating the treatment to control nodules . I am 65 had many operations including four grafts. The graft on the left hand is in the area between the thumb and forefinger . No problem done about 10 yrs ago , however on the right having lots of problems with the forefinger 3 ops in past l8 months . Regards down under.

contemplating   however   problems   including   problem   enlarged   radiation   approved   operations   surgery   treatment   suggestions   forefinger   between   ledderhose   Australia   nodules   positively   Regards   dupuytrens